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Tooma (to bring) conjugation

113 examples
Pass. Neg.
Present tense
ei too
ei tooda
Past tense
ei toonud
ei toodud
Conditional mood
tooksin, tooks
tooksid, tooks
tooksime, tooks
tooksite, tooks
tooksid, tooks
ei tooks
ei toodaks
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
ära too
ärgu toogu
ärgem toogem, ärme toome
ärge tooge
ärgu toogu
ärgu toodagu
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen toonud
oled toonud
on toonud
oleme toonud
olete toonud
on toonud
ei ole toonud, pole toonud
on toodud
ei ole toodud, pole toodud
Pluperfect past tense
olin toonud
olid toonud
oli toonud
olime toonud
olite toonud
oli toonud
ei olnud toonud, polnud toonud
oli toodud
ei olnud toodud, polnud toodud
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin toonud; oleks toonud; toonuksin; toonuks
oleksid toonud; oleks toonud; toonuksid; toonuks
oleks toonud; toonuks
oleksime toonud; oleks toonud; toonuksime; toonuks
oleksite toonud; oleks toonud; toonuksite; toonuks
oleksid toonud; oleks toonud; toonuksid; toonuks
ei oleks toonud; poleks toonud; ei toonuks
oleks toodud
ei oleks toodud; poleks toodud
Quotative tense
ei toovat
ei toodavat
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat toonud; toonuvat
ei olevat toonud; polevat toonud; ei toonuvat
olevat toodud
ei olevat toodud; polevat toodud
Jussive mood
ärgu toogu
ärgu toodagu
Jussive perfect mood
olgu toonud
ärgu olgu toonud
olgu toodud
ärgu olgu toodud
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms

Examples of tooma

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
"Dawn, kas ma toon sulle rõõmu nagu sina tõid mulle päikese?"Dawn, can I bring you joy "like you brung me sunshine?
"Ennis Del Mar", nagu ta ikka rääkis, "ma toon ta ühel päeval siia ja me teeme selle kuramuse talu korda.""Ennis Del Mar," he used to say, "I’m gonna bring him up here one of these days, and we’il lick this damn ranch into shape."
! Nüüd sa tood siia usu?Now you're bringing religion into this?
"Kes see inimene on, kelle sa majja tood?"'Who's this human you're bringing into the house? '
"Kui sa haamri tood, too parem ka naelad."He said if you're gonna bring a hammer, you better bring nails.
"Sa ei tea kunagi, keda sa oma koju tood.""You never know who you're bringing into your home,"
" Ja meri annab igale mehele uue lootuse, nagu uni toob unenäod kodust.""And the sea will grant each man new hope as sleep brings dreams of home".
"64 000 dollari küsimus" toob sisse üle 80 000 ja maksab kolmandiku teie tegemistest."64,000 Dollar Question" brings in over 80,000 in sponsors... ...and it costs one-third of what you do.
"Aprill 18,välja kannatamatu kära Itaalia kutti geist toakaaslane toob koju keemilse puhastuse. ""April 18th, excessive noise Italian guy's gay roommate brings home dry cleaning."
"Lugemine on nagu hispaania võõrastemajad, me leiame sealt, mida me ise toome" Maurois"Reading is like spanish inns, we find what we bring in it." Maurois
"Meie toome ellu häid asju"We bring good things to life.
- Hoolitsen ta eest. Me toome Lyla tagasi. Kus iganes ta ka ei asuks.John... we're gonna bring Lyla back... wherever she is.
- A-ah. Te toote ta siis siia?You're gonna, you're gonna bring her here?
- Ja te toote nad mulle.- And you'll bring them to me.
- Kas teie toote selle mulle?-Will you bring it to me?
- Teie þesti hinnatakse, aga... nad lootsid, et toote kepprelvi.- Your gesture is appreciated but... they had hoped you would bring staff weapons.
"Ema hallid läikivad juuksed toovad pisara mu silmele"."Her shining gray hair brings tears to my eyes."
"Las nad toovad mind sinu püha mäe juurde, kus sa elad,""Let them bring me to your Holy Mountain where you dwell,
"Molassed toovad homme konjaki välja. ""Molasses tomorrow will bring forth cognac. "
- Kas Cooper ei too teda tagasi?- Cooper's not bringing her back?
- Ma ei too sulle eetrit, Duke.I'm not bringing you the aether, Duke.
- See ei too Lanat tagasi.- It's not bringing Lana back.
Järgmine eetritund tuuakse teieni Mitchelli Matuse Büroost, kus kirstud on nii ilusad, et sooviksite olla surnud.The next hour of programming is brought to you by Mitchell's Funeral Home, where the caskets are so nice, you'll wish you were dead.
Kui ta tuuakse teatrist välja siis rahvas juba ootab ja karjub tema peale.When he is brought from the theater a crowd is waiting to scream at him.
Kui ta tuuakse teatrist välja... ...siis rahvas juba ootab ja karjub tema peale.When he is brought from the theater... ...a crowd is waiting to scream at him.
Oswald tuuakse välja nagu ohvrilammas ja koristatakse kenasti ära kui rahvavaenlane.Oswald is brought out like a sacrificial lamb and nicely disposed of as an enemy of the people.
"Anna andeks, et ma su siia pärapõrgusse tõin." - "Sa oled hea isa.""I'm sorry I brought you out to the sticks." "You're a great dad."
"Eilne öö oli kõige imelisem öö mu elus. "Ma ei saanudki teada nende tüüpide nimesid, aga ma tõin nad siia...I never did find out any of the guys' names, but I brought them here. . . . . .and all five banged me like a Salvation Army drum. "
"Ma ei saanudki teada nende tüüpide nimesid, aga ma tõin nad siia... "ja kõik viis võtsid mind nagu viimast "Viru" linnukest"."I never did find out any of the guys' names, but I brought them back here... and all five of them banged me like a Salvation Army drum."
"Ma tean nüüd, et tõin ta enda maailma. ""I know now that I brought him into my world.
"Mary, sa tõid kaasa sõbra koolist", ehkki nad tegelikult teavad, kes sa oled."Mary, look, you brought a friend from school", even though they totally already know who you are.
"Meeldiv teiega kohtuda." Võtsid mu asjad ja tõid mind siia.Very glad to meet you. They took my stuff and brought it here.
"Mr Tuli ja mr Jää ei ole kunagi omavahel võidelnud kuid kohustused tõid nad LAPD-sse tagasi."Mr. Fire and Mr. Ice never fought each other "but duty brought them to the Los Angeles Police Department.
" Ja siis oli see Mees, kes tõi oma mops kotti koos temaga kõikjal ta läheb. ""And then there was this guy who brought his pug in a bag with him everywhere he went."
"Ema tõi piima, tõi.""Mom brought milk as smooth as silk."
"Ema, sa oled see kes tõi mind Maale""Mom, you are the one who brought me to planet Earth
"Ja Proteus tõi püstiseisva eluka aeda ja aheldas ta puu külge, ja lapsed said temaga nalja. ""And Proteus brought the upright beast into the garden and chained him to a tree, - and the children did make sport of him."
"Et seda metsameest tsiviliseerida, tõime ta tagasi linna.""In an effort to civilize this beast man, "we brought him back to the city.
"See tähendab, et me saame auto tagasi "sama katkisena kui me ta siia tõime,So this means that we get the car back just as broken as when we brought it in.
"Tead kutt terve päev on päris hästi läinud ja me oleme saanud väikse tõuke ja tõime ta sisse, kruvikaitsme vahetus ääre peal ja ta jooksis nagu märk...."Boy, I tell you, we run pretty good all day long and developed a bit of a push and brought her in, booger-jacked some wedge in her and she run like a spotted....
"Meil on elevant elutoas?" Loodetavasti tõite pähkleid kaasa."We have an elephant in the living room?" Hope you fellows brought some peanuts.
# Te tõite mulle küüne ja nüüd te surete ## You brought me the pick and now you shall both die #
#Oh, te tõite lilli! #Oh, you brought flowers!
- Seega ei toonud me tagasi SG-11?- So we did not bring back SG-11?
- sa ei toonud ometi seda!- You did not bring that!
- Mind toodi siia, et ma seletaks asju, mis paistsid seletamatud aga ma pole veel midagi teinud.I was brought here to explain a phenomenon in this house, and whatever everyone else may believe, I have yet to do that.
- Patsient toodi 5 min tagasi kiirabiga.The patient was brought in by EMS five minutes ago.
Ma tooksin seepi ja peseksin sinu suu puhtaks!I would bring a soap and wash your mouth! What do you think?
Ma tooksin selle kohe, aga ma pean enda poja tooma ära... vanglast.I would bring it in now, but I have to pick up my son... from prison.
Oleksid sa praegu turvaliselt meie dojos oleksid vannis, kuhu ma tooksin sulle seepi ja hästi lõhnavaid õlisid mida sa saaksid oma kehale hõõruda.Today, you would be basking in the safety of our dojo, after a bath where I would bring you soap and sweet-smeIIing oils that you could rub all over your body.
tooksin ma oma tehnika ja kontrolliksin peidetud tehnoloogiaid enne kui..I don't know, but under different circumstances... ..l would bring in equipment and check for concealed technology before l...
Kui paljud poisid tooksid tüdruku endise poisi majja?How many guys would bring a girl to their ex-boyfriend's house?
Mõelge lihtsalt sellele, mida tema korraldused tooksid teie riigile.Just think about that, what his rule would bring for the country.
Palun sind, lssand, et mu kannatused poleks asjatud, et need tooksid vaimset kasu mulle ja läbi minu teistele - neile, kes veel sind ei tunne.I pray Lord so my sufferings Are not meaningless but would bring spiritual help to me and through me to others those who don't know you yet. I pray God. I pray.
Goa'uld ei tooks Taurilasi uude maailma ilma, et laseks neil monumente ehitada.A Goa'uld would not bring Tauri to a world and not force them to build monuments.
" Manny, ma unustasin võtmed maha, too ära!"(Imitating Bernard) "Manny, bring my keys over, will you?"
"...too mis on kaotatud,too tagasi see mis oli kunagi minu,mis oli kunagi minu."¶¶... bring what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine. ¶¶
"Armas Tom, palun too lauahõbedat.""Dearest Tom, please bring silverware."
Daamid ja härrad, toogem pikema venitamiseta kuulsus teie ette.Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, let's bring on the man of the hour.
"Leidke selline naine nii ruttu kui saate, tooge ta Hunsford'i ja ma külastan teda!""Find such a woman as soon as you can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her!"
"Miss Crock, tooge raha kell 22 Three Rivers staadionile."Miss Crock, bring the cash to Three Rivers Stadium at 10:00 PM.
"Teretulemast, Jõulud, tooge oma rõõmu"Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer
"Tooge uskujad sisse, tooge uskujad sisse."* Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves *
Eric, ära too seda asja tagasi siia baari.Eric, do not bring that thing back inside this bar.
Ja Kacey ei vaja mind oma ellu, nii et tee meile teene ja ära too teda enam siia, eks.And Kacey sure as hell does not need me in her life, so do us both a favor and do not bring her around here again, okay ?
Palun ära too seda uuesti päevalgele.Please do not bring it up again.
"Pead tooma õiged püssid, et lasta püsti karu sussid.""Gotta bring enough gun to get the job done."
"Pidid ta ikka siia tooma!""But you had to bring her out here !"
"Püha Mihkli kiriku taaspühitsemine..." ...avab kampaania, mis peaks katoliikluse taas inimesteni tooma."The rededication of St. Michael's Church..." ...is the kick off of a new campaign which seeks to bring... Catholicism into the mainstream.
"ja tooma ta tagasi teadvusele.""and bring him back to consciousness."
"Birkenau Kirurg, "ning tuua ta lisraeli kohtu ette."I was part of a mission to kidnap Dieter Vogel, "the Surgeon of Birkenau, "and bring him to Israel to stand trial.
"Jah, härrad. Nad on teel, ja mitte keegi saa neid tagasi tuua.""Yes, gentlemen, they are on their way in and no one can bring them back.
"Jester," ütles kuninganna, "printsess on unustanud naermise ja ma annan sinule ülesandeks tema naer siia õukonda tagasi tuua. ""Jester, 'said the queen, 'the princess has forgotten how to laugh," "'and I am giving you thejob of bringing back her smiles to this court."
"Ema, sa oled see, kes mu planeedile Maa on toonud"Mom, you are the one who brought me to planet Earth
"Ma tõin sisse --" Ma ei toonud midagi siis majja."I brought in--" I didn't bring anything into this house.
"Me ei toonud siia maailma midagi..."We brought nothing into this world...
"Samuti on kõik baasi kasarmud, isiklikest asjadest puhastatud." "Tuvastamata jäänud laibad on kohalikust surnukuurist kohale toodud, et mängida meie nn. "ohvrite", osi."- Mm-hm. /- Now, the barracks at the base... /... have been cleared out of all personnel. /Bodies from the morgue /have been brought in. /They'll be our so-called casualties. /Now, Garland will send out a message /from Sadiki hinting that a strike is prepared.
"Tuvastamata jäänud laibad on kohalikust surnukuurist kohale toodud, et mängida meie nn. "ohvrite", osi."Bodies from the morgue have been brought in. They'll be our so-called casualties.
- Kas su pagas on sisse toodud?-Has your luggage been brought in? -Right there.
Läbi oma isekuse, olen toonud suuri kannatusi oma mõlemale abikaasale.Through my selfishness I have brought great suffering to both my husbands.
Ma loen komiteele enda poolt ette valmistatud avalduse mille olen toonud kaasa ja keeldun vastamast küsimustele. Palun teid, hr. Johnson!I shall read to the committee a prepared statement which I have brought with me, and then refuse to answer questions.
Ma loen komiteele enda poolt ette valmistatud avalduse... ...mille olen toonud kaasa ja keeldun vastamast küsimustele. Palun teid, hr. Johnson!I shall read to the committee a prepared statement... ...which I have brought with me, and then refuse to answer questions.
Ma olen toonud rahu, vabaduse, õigluse ning turvalisuse oma uude Impeeriumi.I have brought peace... freedom, justice and security to my new empire.
Loodan, et tänane päev toob sulle lohutust, nagu sina oled toonud kõigile, keda oled puudutanud.I pray the conclusion of this day brings you comfort. As you have brought to all touched by your divine presence.
Sa oled toonud Kalampore ja USA inimesed kokkuYou have brought the people of Kalampore and United States together
Sa oled toonud Vortexisse vihkamise ja raevu, nakatamaks meid kõiki.You have brought hate and anger into the Vortex... to infect us all.
- Ma tean, et varandus... on toonud teie kuningriigile häda ja viletsust ja ma vabandan selle pärast.- I know that the treasure... has brought you and your kingdom great misfortune and blood-shed, and for that I truly apologize. - Many wars are fought for gold... and treasures.
- Vali on toonud ainult halba õnne.Vali has brought us nothing but bad luck.
Aga mõistuse rada, rada millel meie oleme, on rada mis on toonud meid selliste inimesteni naguBut the path of the mind, the path we're on, ours is the path that has brought us these people:
Me ei kõhkle, me ei puhka, kuni oleme toonud Jumala püha valguse iga verdimeva jälkuseni!We will not falter. We will not rest. Until we have brought God's holy light down on each and every bloodsucking abomination!
Tänaseks, on valminud veealune tunnel mis ühendab Hong Kongi saart mandriga ja uute aladega, Me loodame, et oleme toonud, Selle prospekti... reaalsusele lähemale.Today, by providing an underwater tunnel to connect Hong Kong Island with the mainland and the New Territories, we hope that we have brought that prophecy one step closer to reality.
kuni oleme toonud Jumala püha valguse iga verdimeva jälkuseni!We will not rest until we have brought Goïs holy light down on each and every bloodsucking abomination.
Ball on toodud edasi homseks õhtuks.The ball has been brought forward to tomorrow night. Tomorrow?
Ta roomab jäsemest jäsemeni... ja organist organi... kuni selle Vabariigi suur keha... on toodud tema jalge ette.And he crawls from limb to limb... and organ to organ... until the great body of this Republic... has been brought to its knees. Now then...
Olulisim nimi tiitrites on minu jaoks mees nimega Nando Scarfiotti, kes oli mu väga hea söber ja kelle olin toonud Itaaliast tegema filmi "American Gigolo".The most important name on the credits, for me, is a man named Nando Scarfiotti who was a very dear friend, who I had brought over from Italy to do American Gigolo.
Evolet oli toonud toetust meie maale.Evolet had brought the promise of life to our people.
Keegi oli toonud kõik minu asjad: raamatud, kirjutusmasina, riided.Somebody had brought in all my belongings. My books, my typewriter, my clothes.
Läbi eluaseme omandiõiguse ja omakapitali kaitse seaduse... Föderaalreservi juhatus oli toonud volituse... et reguleerida hüpoteegi tööstust. Aga Föderaalreservi juhataja Alan Greenspan keeldus selle kasutamist.Through the home ownership and equality protection act... the Federal Reserve Board had brought authority... to regulate mortgage industry... but Federal Chairman Alan Greenspan refuse to use it.
Läbi eluaseme omandiõiguse ja omakapitali kaitse seaduse... Föderaalreservi juhatus oli toonud volituse... et reguleerida hüpoteegi tööstust. Aga Föderaalreservi juhataja Alan Greenspan keeldus selle kasutamist.Through the home ownership and equality protection act... the Federal Reserve Board had brought authority... to regulate mortgage industry... but Federal Chairman Alan Greenspan refuse to use it.
Kui ma poleks tahtnud teda NTAC-i viia, oleksin toonud ta siia ja mõelnud siis järgmisele käigule.If I didn't wanna bring him into NTAC, I would have brought him here until I figured out a next step.
Apollo toovat soojust ja küllust neile, kes tema poole palvetavad.They say Apollo brings warmth and prosperity, to those who would pray to him.
Teeme kõik, et ohutuse tagamiseks oma õde samas tuues Agent Walker rahumeelselt.We will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of your sister while bringing in Agent Walker peacefully.
- Et takistada inimesi nakkust toomast.- To stop people bringing the infection.
Mis takistab sind toomast oma ristlejat ning tegemast kogu planeeti maatasa?What's to stop you from bringing your command Carrier back to the plan and toasting the all place?
See ei takista mind kõike taas päevakorda toomast.It won't keep me from bringing this out.
KüII suudad intervjueerida Supermani, iIma teda oma eIIu tagasi toomata.Well, honey, I'm sure you can find a way to interview Superman without bringing him back into your life.
Küll suudad intervjueerida Supermani, ilma teda oma ellu tagasi toomata.Well, honey, I'm sure you can find a way to interview Superman... ...without bringing him back into your life.
Me ei saa kunagi armastada inimesi ilma neile kannatusi toomata.We can never love humans without bringing suffering upon them.
Hästi, maale tehtud pakkumine oleks toonud kogukonnale 30 miljonit eurot.Okay, the offer made on the land would have brought 30 million euros to this community.
" Ma tooks mu suure entusiasmiga"I would bring my great enthusiasm
Tead, Lassie oleks toonud mulle võtme.You know Lassie would have brought me a key.
Abielu Cleves`i Annega tooks endaga kaasa Protestantide Liiga sõjalise toetuse.Marriage to Anne of Cleves would bring with it the military support of the Protestant League.
Abielu Clevesi Annega tooks endaga kaasa sõjalise ja rahalise toetuse Protestantide liiga poolt.Marriage to Anne of Cleves would bring with it the military and financial support of the Protestant League.

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