Tu vari lietot sienas plānu, ja ir nepieciešama palīdzība. un neaizmirsti atnest karti, labi? | You can use the wall chart if you need help... and don't forget to bring a map, okay? |
Pamanīju, ka tev glāze gandrīz tukša, tāpēc atnesu vēl vienu ābolu martini. | I noticed your glass was getting low... so I took the liberty of bringing you another apple martini. |
Tikai atnesu viņam līdzņemamo ēdienu, ser. | Just bringing him some take-out, sir. |
Un mani par to, ka atnesu. | And me for bringing it home. |
Tagad atnes man Nurhači! | Now, you bring me Nurhachi. |
-Labāk atnes ožamo sāli. | - You better bring smelling salts. |
Tatsuo, atnes vīnu! | Tatsuo, bring us some wine! |
Tiklīdz būsi tikusi galā, atnesīšu kaut ko garšīgu: ogu kūku. | As soon as you're done, I will bring you your favorite. Berry cobbler, remember? |
Geils atnesīs spēli. | Gale will bring you game. |