Eta bera bale baten bizkarrean etorri zen... gizaki berriak zuzentzeko gizon bat. | And he came on the back of a whale... a man to lead a new people. |
Beraz, badakizu denok bale batean etorri ginela? | So anyway, you know how we all came on a whale? |
Hona etorri aurretik bizi ginen lekua, gure arbasoak dauden lekua. | It's where we lived before we came here, where the ancestors are. |
- Nahi baduzu, etorri ahal zara busean. | [ Engine Starts ] - You can come on the bus if you want. |
Deitu nien eta etorri dira... baina ez dago ondo. | [ Pai Narrating ] I called them and they came... but it wasn't right. |
Ez zait ongi etortzen noblea izatea. | I'm no good at being noble. |
Guk gogor egiten dugu lan bizi ahal izateko, ikastetxeak eraikitzeko, zergak ordaintzeko, eta zuek bezalako jendeak, etortzen dira eta dena erretzen dute. | A lot of us work hard to build those schools and pay taxes. And build these universities for our kids to go to. And you people just come along and burn them right down. |
Egizko igarleak ez dira piloka etortzen. | Fully-fledged messiahs don't come in bunches. |
Ongi etortzen da agertokian. | It comes in handy on stage. |
Joan ondoren ere... Anna hitzegiteko etortzen zen hona, agurtzera. | Even after she'd left, she'd come by for a chat. |
Ez du egingo, ez delako etorriko. | No, he won't, 'cause he's not coming. |
- Baina ez da etorriko. | - But he's not coming. |
- Agian ez da etorriko. | - He might be held up, bub. |
Ez, etorriko da. | No, he's coming. |
Ez nintzen etorriko hemen zinela jakin banu. | I wouldn't have come if I'd known that you were here. |
Busez etor daiteke. | She could have come on the bus. |
Barry, etor zaitezke autoarekin? | Barry, will you come around with the car? |
Aita gurea, zeruetan zarena, bedeinkatua zure izena, etor bedi zure erreinua, egin dadila zure... | - Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done... |
Denak ontzi bizkarrera etor zaitezte nirekin, mesedez. | I need you all join me up on deck. |
Bat etortze hutsa da. | Yeah, that's... that's a coincidence... like... uh... |