Samuraien troede hans tilstedeværelse ville bringe ulykke til landet. | The samurai believed his presence would bring misfortune to their land. |
- Jeg kan ikke bringe det lort hjem til dig. | - I can't bring this crap home to you. |
Jeg har glemt at bringe en frisbee. | I forgot to bring a Frisbee. |
Er at bringe mig den ulåste disk ved midnat i dag. | Is to bring me the unlocked disk by midnight today. |
Og hvis der er mening med min ondskab, er det måske for at... bringe verden i balance. | And if there is a purpose to my darkness, maybe it's to bring some... balance to the world. |
Vi bringer Almeida til hovedkvarteret gennem den vestlige indgang. | We'll be bringing almeida into headquarters through the west entrance. |
Andre replikatorer bringer materiale, som den laver nye enheder af. | The good news is that it's likely stationary. Other Replicators will bring it raw material that it will then use to create new blocks. |
Jeg er glad for, at du bringer det på bane. | I really appreciate your bringing this forward. |
Hvem ved, hvad fremtiden bringer? | Who knows what the future will bring? |
Så længe vi ikke myrder hinanden, når det står på. Det bringer mig hen til det, vi skal tale om. | As long as we don't kill each other in the process, which brings me to what we need to talk about. |
Jeg bragte dig ind i denne verden og fjerner dig fra den, hvis du bruger den tone om Joe igen. | Quen, I brought you into this world, and I will take you out if you ever use that tone against Joe again. |
Du bragte Noah tilbage til mig. | You brought Noah back to me. |
Jeg bragte ham hertil for at beskytte dette. | I brought him here to protect this one. |
Nej, og du bragte insekterne. | No, and you brought the bugs. |
Husker du, da du bragte mig ind i dit korstog? | Do you remember when you brought me into your crusade, |
Jeg har betalt dig meget, og du har ingenting bragt. | I have paid you much and you have brought nothing. |
Min misundelse havde bragt det værste frem i mig. | 'cause my jealousy had brought out something really ugly in me. |
Jeg ser, De har bragt en baronesse. | I see you have brought us a baroness. |
Kazar, jeg tror, du bliver meget tilfreds, med det jeg har bragt til dig. | Kazar, I think you'll be very pleased with what I brought you. |
Fik du en chance for at se gennem de bøger, de bragt i? | Did you get a chance to look through the books they brought in? |
Rekvirer en bil og bring al medicinen du kan finde til mig. | Find a vehicle and bring us all the morphine, penicillin and first-aid supplies you can find! |
Og bring mig indtrængeren. | And bring me the intruder. |
-That bring- -the bare necessities of life- ** ** | ** That bring the bare necessities of life ** |
Alle styrker, bring jeres enheder op fra syd og forbered jer på at rykke ind. | All teams, bring your units up from the south and prepare to move in. You probably got him. |
Og bring mig Vito. | And bring me Vito! |