Eta irakurri nahi baduzu, argi bat daukazu. | And, uh, there's a lamp if you wanna read. |
Bost aldiz irakurri dut bost tokitan hila zinela. | I read five times that you were killed in five places. |
Egunkarian irakurri dugu, kafe kikara bat hartuz: Europako nonbaiten, erahiltzaile gudaroste bat gizadiaren aurka dabil. | We've read it in the paper, over a cup of coffee: somewhere in Europe, an army of killers is marching over humanity. |
Abestietako batzuk irakurri behar ditugu. | One of them I'll read right now. |
Norbaitek irakurri du? | Did any of you read it? |
Lantokian, mundu guztiak irakurtzen du, | In the factory where I work all kinds of people are reading his stuff. It's all over the place. |
Zuetako %3-ak baino gutxiagok irakurtzen duzuelako libururen bat. | Because less than three percent of you people read books. |
Zuetako %15-ak baino gutxiagok irakurtzen dituzuelako egunkariak. | Because less than 15 percent of you read newspapers. |
Jung irakurtzen duzu! | Read Jung! |
"Freud irakurtzen duzu, Jung irakurtzen duzu." | "Read Freud, read Jung." |
Salaketa oso larrietaz datza, hortaz berriro irakurriko ditut... | I'll read them again. |
Ba atseginez irakurriko nuke. | Well, you know, I very much would like to read that. |
- Debsiri buruzko idazlana irakurriko duelan. | - He's gonna read the piece on Debs. |
Berriro irakurriko dugu. | Let’s read it again then |
Orain norbere-erretratu batzuk irakurriko ditugu, nahi dut zuek sakon irakurtzea, ikasgaiaren hasieran egin genituen galderak erantzungo dituzuelakoan: gustatzen zaidana eta gustatzen ez zaidana, nire dohaiak eta nire akatsak, zer izan nahiko zenukeen... | After these fires few self-portraits, Id like you, to rewrite them and polish them... ...making sure you answer the questions that we listed: what I like and don’t like... my qualities and flaws who I’d like to be? |
Eta zergaitik ematen dizkidazu irakur ditzadan? | Look, why do you give me anything to read, anyway? |
Eta zergaitik ematen dizkidazu irakur ditzadan? Iritziren ematen badizut, dagoen bezala atsegin duzula esaten didazu. | Look, why do you give me anything to read, anyway? |
Horrela bada, irakur ahal diguzu? | In that case, will you read for us? |
Heutsi bakarrik irakur dezadan. | Just hold it up for me to read. |