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Aduce (to bring) conjugation

70 examples

Conjugation of aduce

Present tense
I bring
you bring
he/she/it brings
we bring
you all bring
they bring
Present perfect tense
am adus
I have brought
ai adus
you have brought
a adus
he/she/it has brought
am adus
we have brought
ați adus
you all have brought
au adus
they have brought
Past preterite tense
I brought
you brought
he/she/it brought
we brought
you all brought
they brought
Future tense
voi aduce
I will bring
vei aduce
you will bring
va aduce
he/she/it will bring
vom aduce
we will bring
veți aduce
you all will bring
vor aduce
they will bring
Conditional mood
aș aduce
I would bring
ai aduce
you would bring
ar aduce
he/she/it would bring
am aduce
we would bring
ați aduce
you all would bring
ar aduce
they would bring
Subjunctive present tense
să aduc
(so that/if) I bring
să aduci
(so that/if) you bring
să aducă
(so that/if) he/she/it bring
să aducem
(so that/if) we bring
să aduceți
(so that/if) you all bring
să aducă
(so that/if) they bring
Subjunctive past tense
să fi adus
(so that/if) I have brought
să fi adus
(so that/if) you have brought
să fi adus
(so that/if) he/she/it have brought
să fi adus
(so that/if) we have brought
să fi adus
(so that/if) you all have brought
să fi adus
(so that/if) they have brought
Past impf. tense
I was bringing
you were bringing
he/she/it was bringing
we were bringing
you all were bringing
they were bringing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu aduce
do not bring!
nu aduceți
do not bring!
Past pluperfect tense
I had brought
you had brought
he/she/it had brought
we had brought
you all had brought
they had brought
Future alternative 1 tense
am să aduc
I am going to bring
ai să aduci
you are going to bring
are să aducă
he/she/it is going to bring
avem să aducem
we are going to bring
aveți să aduceți
you all are going to bring
au să aducă
they are going to bring
Future alternative 2 tense
o să aduc
I am going to bring
o să aduci
you are going to bring
o să aducă
he/she/it is going to bring
o să aducem
we are going to bring
o să aduceți
you all are going to bring
o să aducă
they are going to bring
Future perfect tense
voi fi adus
I will have brought
vei fi adus
you will have brought
va fi adus
he/she/it will have brought
vom fi adus
we will have brought
veți fi adus
you all will have brought
vor fi adus
they will have brought
Future in the past tense
aveam să aduc
I was going to bring
aveai să aduci
you were going to bring
avea să aducă
he/she/it was going to bring
aveam să aducem
we were going to bring
aveați să aduceți
you all were going to bring
aveau să aducă
they were going to bring
Conditional past tense
aș fi adus
I would have brought
ai fi adus
you would have brought
ar fi adus
he/she/it would have brought
am fi adus
we would have brought
ați fi adus
you all would have brought
ar fi adus
they would have brought
Presumptive tense
oi aduce
I might bring
oi aduce
you might bring
o aduce
he/she/it might bring
om aduce
we might bring
oți aduce
you all might bring
or aduce
they might bring
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi aducând
I might be bringing
oi fi aducând
you might be bringing
o fi aducând
he/she/it might be bringing
om fi aducând
we might be bringing
oți fi aducând
you all might be bringing
or fi aducând
they might be bringing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi adus
I might have brought
oi fi adus
you might have brought
o fi adus
he/she/it might have brought
om fi adus
we might have brought
oți fi adus
you all might have brought
or fi adus
they might have brought

Examples of aduce

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Risca fundul meu, Rularea în jurul în acest oraș prost pretinde a fi tu și colectarea totală alimente pentru a aduce aici.I'm the one risking my ass, running around in that stupid town pretending to be you and collecting all the food to bring up here!
" Doar o puncţie-l va aduce la o oprire"."Only a puncture will bring it to a stop."
" El aduce mentalitatea unui șef Uniunii bullheaded"He brings the mentality of a bullheaded union boss
" Vom aduce zorii de iubire ""We will bring the dawn of love"
" a aduce "le jurul Kinder dvs. Până când sunteți cam-vă că sunt rudele""to bring 'em around your kinder until you're kinda sure you're kindred."
! Ascultă-mă, va fi un copil şi vreau să aduc acest copil în casa asta, şi să-l cresc ca şi cum ar fi al meu.Listen to me, there's going to be a child and I want to bring that child into this home and raise it as my own.
! Întotdeauna îmi aduc o cafetieră întreagă!They always bring me a whole pot.
"Adu-ţi prietenii, iar eu îi aduc pe ai mei""You bring your friends and I'll bring mine."
"Aduc eu berile, aduc eu berile ""I'll bring the beers, I'll bring the beers"
"Afacerile noi aduc ghinion"."Undertakings bring misfortune".
! Acum aduci si religia in discutie?Now you're bringing religion into this?
! Nu trebuia să aduci grănicerii acolo.You didn't have to bring rangers in there.
"Amigo", îmi aduci 50.000 de dolari şi nu voi mai avea nici o grijă."Amigo", you bring me 50 thousand and I have no more concerns.
"Atât timp cât aduci catârul la piaţă..."As long as you're bringing the mule to the market, you-
"Ca să ucizi bestia trebuie să aduci întunericul în 1000 de ochi"."To slay the beast one must bring darkness to 1000 eyes."
" Să-i aducem josdela Boston""Let's bring her down from Boston."
"Acum aducem războiul la voi"."Now, to you we bring the war."
"Am stat fara apa de 10 zile... "Am traversat peste 200 de mile de desert cumplit... "ca sa va aducem acest mesaj."We've struggled across 200 miles of desert to bring you this message.
"Baby Jee, iti aducem aur!"Baby Jee, we bring you gold!
"Ceea ce încercãm în toate aceste discuţii de aici este sã vedem dacã putem sã aducem o transformare radicalã a minţii."What we are trying in all these discussions and talks here is to see if we cannot radically bring about a transformation of the mind.
" Am adus clopot mea și Howell eyemo, care mi-a permis să filmeze parte din ancheta mea "."I had brought my bell and howell eyemo, which enabled me to film some of my investigation."
" Am adus stele în jos pe pământ"."l brought stars down on earth."
" El este Krrish "-" El a adus dragostea pentru tine ""He is Krrish" - "He has brought love for you"
"'si am adus-o înapoi Elam-ului,"'and brought it back to Elam,
", care mi-a adus înapoi la vinovăție. pentru a avea aceste sentimente în primul rând""which brought me right back to guilt for having those feelings in the first place."
" Asa ca oul și aduceți-l cu tine."So get the egg and bring it with you.
"Deci, ia oul și aduceți-l cu tine.""So get the egg and bring it with you."
- Adu-l, aduceți-l.- Bring it, bring it.
- Oferim o, serviciu simplu ... găsi cine sau ce căutați și aduceți-l înapoi la tine- We offer one, simple service... find who or what you're looking for and bring it back to you
- Și să nu aduceți nimic.- And listen, do not bring anything.
"Forte aditionale pot fi aduse pentru a stăpâni situatia, dacă e necesar?""overwhelming force will be brought to bear if necessary"?
"Mulţimea a cerut să fie aduse."MAN: "The people demanded they be brought forward."
"Schimbarea anotimpurilor, o vedem pe cer Venirea primăverii o aflăm din aer, sau coşurile cu flori aduse de negustorii din suburbii""The change of seasons just seen in the sky the arrival of spring only known by its air or the baskets of flowers brought in from the suburbs by peddlers"
"Totul are un gust groaznic azi." Asta sugerează că mai gustase ceva neplăcut înaintea berii aduse de Caroline Crale."Everything tastes foul today" , which suggests that he had tasted something else unpleasant before the beer that Caroline Crale had brought to him.
"aduse pentru ei în fiecare dimineaţă."...brought to them every morning
- O aduceam la tine.I was bringing her to you.
- O aduceam pe sora ta.I was bringing in your sister.
- Îmi pare rău,de fapt ţie îţi aduceam băutura.I'm so sorry. I actually was bringing that drink to you.
Ascultă, îţi aduceam astea.Look. l was bringing you this.
Asta aduceam când m-au arestat, domnule.I was bringing that when they caught hold of me, sir
- Pentru ca erai suparata... si o aduceai pe Rory si nu am vrut ca ea sa se simta ciudat sau incomod.- Because you were upset... you were bringing Rory, I didn't want her to feel weird or uncomfortable.
Tu mă aduceai înapoi, aici!You were bringing me back here!
- El i-l aducea.- He was bringing it to her.
- Tocmai îmi aducea un pătuţ?-He was bringing home a crib for me?
Am primit un raport de la oficialii din New Mexico cum că evadaţii Michael Scofield şi Lincoln Burrows au reuşit să scape dintr-o dubă de transport care îi aducea înapoi, în zona Chicago.Reports have been coming in from new mexico officials that escaped convicts michael scofield and lincoln burrows have somehow managed to extricate themselves from a transport van that was bringing them back to the chicago area.
Balto îi aducea ziarul tatei, când a aflat că a făcut primul milion.Balto was bringing in the paper when Daddy found out he made his first million.
Brett îşi aducea problemele personale la muncă.Brett was bringing his personal problems to work.
- Îi aduceau încet.- They were bringing them slowly.
Altii credeau ca Arabii vor fi bucurosii sa ii primeasca, pentru ca aduceau cu ei experienta Europeana.Others persuaded themselves that Arabs would be glad to see them, because they were bringing with them European expertise.
Am auzit cum le aduceau pe fete.We heard how they were bringing the girls in.
Am văzut ce aduceau acasă...I saw what they were bringing home...
Aripioarele aduceau Costa Ricăi milioane de dolari şi noi încercam să oprim asta.The fins were bringing Costa Rica millions of dollars and we were trying to stop it.
" Mai adu-l macar o data?""For just once, Will you bring him?"
" dezleagă-i şi adu-i la mine""Loose them, and bring them unto me."
"Adu-ţi prietenii, iar eu îi aduc pe ai mei""You bring your friends and I'll bring mine."
"Apropo, adu-mi o limonadă.""By the way, bring me some lemonade.
Îl adusesem pe un chimist... un profesor pe nume Anton Sabine... să se întâlnească cu un important traficant de arme.I had brought a chemist-- A professor named anton sabine-- To meet with a major arms dealer.
Albert Einstein îşi expusese Teoria Relativităţii încă din 1905 iar ştiinţa ne adusese minunile lumii moderne.Albert Einstein had expounded his Theory of Relativity back in 1905, and science had brought us the wonders of the modern world.
Asta inseamna ca Biff din 2015 ar fi putut sa nu fi adus-adusese almanahul lui Biff din 1955.That means 2015 Biff could also not had have had brought the almanac to 1955 Biff.
Ceea ce adusese o pată culoare şi bucurie putea aduce şi întuneric şi distrugere.What had brought colour and joy could also bring darkness and destruction.
Cineva îmi adusese lucrurile, cărţile, maşina de scris şi hainele.Somebody had brought my belongings-- my books, my typewriter, my clothes.
Darius o preţuia cel mai mult pe Artemisia, căci ea îi adusese izbânda pe câmpul de luptă.Darius favored Artemisia among his generals... for she had brought him victory on the battlefield.
Ei aduseseră revoluţia în Germania şi moartea în Europa.They had brought its revolution to Germany e the death to the Europe.
Japonia nu avea resurse minerale, şomajul era ridicat iar recoltele proaste aduseseră foametea în zonele rurale.Japan did not have resources minerals, the unemployment was high, e the bad harvests they had brought the hunger to the agricultural zones.
Înainte de a-mi de seama, picioarele mă aduseseră, la Templul Sacrificiului, unde mi-am oferit virginitatea.Before I realized it, my feet had brought me back to the Temple of Sacrifice, where I offered up my virginity.
" Un puls de iubire pură a izbucnit şi a cuprins tot tărâmul, trezind-o pe Albă ca Zăpada aducând lumină în întuneric. ""A pulse of pure love shuddered out "and engulfed the land, "waking up Snow White and bringing light to the darkness."
"Răsar aducând daruri date de strămoşi."I rise bringing' the gifts that the ancestors gave.
"Va veni aducând primavara cu ea""She will come bringing spring with her"
"aducând recompensa ce va fi dată fiecărui om" "potrivită meritului său. ""bringing the reward to be given to every man according to what he deserves. "
"Şi aşa a călărit pe armăsarul sau nobil şi a tăiat totul de la rădăcină, încetând rebeliunea, şi aducând pace pe pământ.""And so he rode upon on his noble steed and cut down the vile insurgent, thus ending the rebellion, and bringing peace to the land."

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