Galderarik ez egitea adostu genuen. | We said no questions. |
- Azpibaimena adostu dugu? - Ez. | Have we settled that sub-licensing thing? |
Denok adostu genuen araua sakelekoak ikasgelan eragotzita zeudela. | We agreed on a rule... ...that cell phones were not allowed in class |
Diozu Consolidated Goldfieldsek bilera hauek babestea adostu zuela? | You say Consolidated Goldfields have agreed to fund these meetings? |
Eta begirune osoz, Mbeki jauna... gogoratu behar dizut agenda bi aldeek adostu zutela aurrez. | And, with respect, Mr Mbeki... I must remind you that the agenda was agreed by both sides in advance. |
Musukatzen dira, ezkontzea eta mukizuak izatea adosten dute. | They kiss, agree to marry and have brats. |
Hemen adosten duzuena, negoziatzaileari esango diogu, - | What we agree here. |
Hemen adosten duzuena, negoziatzaileari esango diogu, eta berak piratei jakin araziko die. | What we agree here. We say to the spokesman, - and he's talking with the pirates. |
- Ni adostuko naiz berarekin. | I'm going to second her. |
Utzi gizon garrantzitsu hauei hitz egiten, ados? | Let these important guys have their talk, eh? |
Pentsatu horretaz, ados? | You think about it, okay? |
Badaiteke denok ados egongo bagina egun batez bakarrik, astebetez, dena geldiaraziz, eta esango bagenu: | Maybe if we all got together for one day or for one week and stopped, just stopped doing everything and said, |
Zu ados zaude? | You go along with this? |
OPEC-ko 13 nazioak oraindikan ez dira ados jarri petrolioaren salneurria zenbaten handitzeaz. | The 13 nations of OPEC have still not... been able to decide by how much to increase the price of oil. |