Pentsatzen hasia naiz besteek konponbide hoberena aukeratu dutela. | I'm beginning to think that maybe the others had the right idea. |
Berak Punishment Parkaren eta hespetxearen artean aukeratu beharko du, eta bera izango da aukeratzailea. | (Chairman) He's going to make a choice between Punishment Park or prison and he'll have to make that choice himself. |
Zuk aukeratu zenuen iraultzailearen bizibidea. | You chose the life of a revolutionary. |
Zuk aukeratu. | Your choice. |
Zuetako batek borondatez irtetea aukeratu dezake eta Teslimarekin joan, eta besteak AEB-n jarraitu dezake | One of you could choose voluntary departure and leave With Taslima, and one of you could remain in the U.S. |
Zer aukeratzen duzu? | How do you choose? |
Lee Robert Brown, zer aukeratzen duzu 15 urtetik 21 urtera edo Punishment Park? | Lee Robert Brown, which do you choose: 15 to 21 years or Punishment Park? |
Nik aukeratzen dut bideoa. | I say video. |
Hortaz jatorrizko amerikar leinu zehatz batek aukeratzen badu bizitzea... ...Hirugarren Munduko baldintzatan. Zein da nire arazoa? | So if a particular tribe Native Americans choose to live in conditions of Third World Why is this my problem? |
Nik aukeratzen dut, eta gonak jasotzen badaki, hobeto. | I'll pick him and if he knows how to raise my skirt, better. |
Horrek esanahi du berak aukeratuko duela gaur gaueko jolasa. | That means he selects tonight's entertainment. |
Jakinda ere zein aukeratuko duzun. | Though I think I know the one you will chose. |
Arreba bat eta zakur bat bazenitu, zakurra aukeratuko nuke. | If you had a sister and a dog, I'd choose the dog. |
Orain arte guri izkin egiteko aukera izan duzu. | So far, you've been fortunate enough in eluding us. |
Nire etxea mihatzeko aukera ematera etorri naiz. | I came over here to give them a chance to ransack my place. |
Onartzen du Reichak aukera hori? | Surely the Reich doesn't admit that possibility? |
Afrikako frantziar herrialde guztiak daude saltzailez beteak... aukera baten zain, buruzagi bat agian. | Every French province in Africa is honeycombed with traitors... ...waiting for their chance, waiting perhaps for a leader. |
Ihes egiteko aukera bat? | What chance, man? |