Iga kord kui toast lahkud, haarad sa ukselingi, ja keerad, oled valmis lahkuma, aga ei lahku, sa seisatad, sa taganed, ja lähed peegli ette ja vahid ennast. | Whenever you're leaving your room, you grab the doorknob, and you turn, you're getting ready to leave, but you don't, you stop, and you back up, and you turn to the mirror, and you stare at yourself. |
See kell siis seisatab aja? Ei. | So your watch stops time? |
See kell siis seisatab aja? | So, your watch stops time? . |
Ma seisatasin selle armsa Lambtoni kübarategija juures ja meil oli väga tsiviliseeritud vestlus kuni ma mainisin, et olen proua Darcy õde, mille peale nad keerasid mulle selja ja kõndisid minema. | I stopped at that lovely milliners we have in Lambton and we were having the most civil conversation until I mentioned I was Mrs Darcy's sister, at which point they turned their backs on me and walked away! |
Ainult Brown seisatas äkitselt seal, kuhu ma selle panin, et pilk peale visata. | When Brown was about to pass, he suddenly stopped and let me go first. in order to have a look at the shelf. |
Ainult Brown seisatas äkitselt seal, kuhu ma selle panin, | When Brown was about to pass, he suddenly stopped and let me go first. |
Ta seisatas, vaatas mind, ja viipas, et ringi pöörduksin. | She stopped and looked at me and motioned to me to turn around. |
- Vedeliku eemaldamine võib südame seisata. | The draining may stop the heart. |
- Ütlesin, et mootorit ei tohi seisata! | - I told you not to stop the engine. |
Ja kui vaja, lõpetada nende kopsude töö ja seisata südamed tuhandete miilide kauguselt. | And, if necessary, be able to collapse their lungs and stop their hearts. All from thousands of miles away. |
Konks on seles, et nii suurt laeva ei saa tegelikult hetkega seisata. | Catch is a boat this big doesn't exactly stop on a dime. |
Nüüd seisatage ja poos. | Now stop here And you pose |
Tead, sa peaksid seisatama, roose nuusutama. Vabandust. | You know, you gotta stop, smell the roses. |
Tead, sa peaksid seisatama, roose nuusutama. | The cup is half-full. You know, you gotta stop, smell the roses. |