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Finirla (to stop) conjugation

53 examples
This verb can also mean the following: put an end to, give up an activity

Conjugation of finirla

Present tense
la finisco
I stop
la finisci
you stop
la finisce
he/she/it stops
la finiamo
we stop
la finite
you all stop
la finiscono
they stop
Present perfect tense
ho finita
I have stopped
hai finita
you have stopped
ha finita
he/she/it has stopped
abbiamo finita
we have stopped
avete finita
you all have stopped
hanno finita
they have stopped
Past preterite tense
la finii
I stopped
la finisti
you stopped
la finì
he/she/it stopped
la finimmo
we stopped
la finiste
you all stopped
la finirono
they stopped
Future tense
la finirò
I will stop
la finirai
you will stop
la finirà
he/she/it will stop
la finiremo
we will stop
la finirete
you all will stop
la finiranno
they will stop
Conditional mood
la finirei
I would stop
la finiresti
you would stop
la finirebbe
he/she/it would stop
la finiremmo
we would stop
la finireste
you all would stop
la finirebbero
they would stop
Past impf. tense
la finivo
I used to stop
la finivi
you used to stop
la finiva
he/she/it used to stop
la finivamo
we used to stop
la finivate
you all used to stop
la finivano
they used to stop
Past perfect tense
avevo finita
I had stopped
avevi finita
you had stopped
aveva finita
he/she/it had stopped
avevamo finita
we had stopped
avevate finita
you all had stopped
avevano finita
they had stopped
Future perfect tense
avrò finita
I will have stopped
avrai finita
you will have stopped
avrà finita
he/she/it will have stopped
avremo finita
we will have stopped
avrete finita
you all will have stopped
avranno finita
they will have stopped
Present subjunctive tense
la finisca
(if/so that) I stop
la finisca
(if/so that) you stop
la finisca
(if/so that) he/she/it stop
la finiamo
(if/so that) we stop
la finiate
(if/so that) you all stop
la finiscano
(if/so that) they stop
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia finita
I have stopped
abbia finita
you have stopped
abbia finita
he/she/it has stopped
abbiamo finita
we have stopped
abbiate finita
you all have stopped
abbiano finita
they have stopped
Imperative mood
la finisca
let's stop!
la finiscano
Conditional perfect tense
avrei finita
I would have stopped
avresti finita
you would have stopped
avrebbe finita
he/she/it would have stopped
avremmo finita
we would have stopped
avreste finita
you all would have stopped
avrebbero finita
they would have stopped

Examples of finirla

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Devi finirla con la paranoia, Blair.- This paranoia has got to stop, Blair.
- Devi finirla con questa Beth.You got to stop with this Beth stuff, all right?
- Dille che deve finirla.-Tell her she has to stop.
- Dobbiamo finirla!We have to stop.
- Ehi, volete finirla?- Yes! - Hey, will you stop it? !
E... e adesso la finisco di parlare.And I'm going to stop talking now.
- Ma insomma, la finisci?- What the hell? Are you gonna stop?
- Non la finisci mai !Oh, Christ, woman, you never stop! -Come on!
- Non la finisci mai.- You never stop talking.
- Perche' non la finisci?- I hit you one time. Will you stop?
- Se non la finisci, ti rompo la testa! Guarda che non scherzo!If you don't stop I'll break your head!
Dio, non la finisce mai!- God, she just never stops!
E se poi comincia a chiacchierare non la finisce più. Ed io non vorrei fare tardi.Also, when he starts talking, he never stops and I don't want to be late.
Quello non la finisce mai di blaterare.That guy never stops talking.
- Ho un reclamo! Quando la finiamo con i giocatori di football?Point of order-- when are we gonna stop doing just football players, right?
- Perché non la finiamo ora?- Shouldn't we stop it now?
- Quando la finiamo di comportarci da ladri?- When are you going to stop acting like thieves?
- Voglio che la finiamo.- I want it to stop.
Allora perche' non la finiamo di litigare e facciamo qualcosa di concreto?Then why don't we stop fighting and do something about it?
"Ma ora la guerra sembra finita."But now the war seems really to have stopped.
# Sarei finita spiaccicata, # # ridotta in polvere, # # grazie per aver salvato me. #That you stopped the van l would be splattered. I'd be crushed under debris Thank you, sir, for saving me
- Davvero, non lo so. Non credo che sia mai finita davvero.I don't reckon it ever really stopped.
- Io ho preso sul serio la mia carriera. Ma per Annabelle la festa non e' mai finita.Well, I got serious about my career, but for Annabelle, the party never stopped.
- La musica e' finita.- The music stopped.
Impazziro' se non la finite con questo baccano!I am going to go mad if this sound does not stop!
Ma perche' voi due non la finite con questo assalto alle confraternite?Why can't you two just stop your assault on the Greeks?
Mamma e papa', la finite di litigare adesso, vero?Mom and dad, you'll stop fighting now, right?
Perche' non la finite voi di confondere Gesu' con un regista egocentrico e folle?Why don't you all stop confusing Jesus with an egotistical filmmaking lunatic?
Perché voi due non la finite criticizing each other e non criticate altri membri della famiglia, huh ?-Okay! Why don't you stop criticizing each other... ...andcriticizeothermembers of the family, huh?
Gli paghero' l'avvocato, e tu la finirai con queste assurdita'.I will pay for his legal bills, and you will stop this nonsense.
- Ehi, la finisca!- Hey, stop it!
- Oh, Vance, la finisca.Oh, Vance, stop it.
In citta', ha risolto la maggior parte dei casi, cosi', per favore, la finisca di farci perdere tempo.He's closed more cases than anyone in this city. So please stop wasting our time.
E quante cose devo ancora sopportare quest'anno perche' la finiate di mettere in dubbio la mia amicizia?And how much stuff do we have to go through this year before my friendship stops being questioned?
E' meglio che la finiate entrambi oppure andrete a dormire coi pesci. Capito?The both of you two better stop scrappin' or else you'll be sleepin' with the fishes, see?
Sara' meglio che la finiate di prendermi in giro.Somebody needs to stop playing.
Voglio che vi leviate di qui e la finiate con queste idiozie.What I want you two is get the hell out of here and just stop this nonsense.
Voglio che voi due la finiate.I want you two to stop this.
"Fi-finiscila!""Just stop it!" Hm-hm!
- Anthony, finiscila.- Anthony, stop.
- Basta, finiscila.- That's enough, stop it.
- Bella li'. - Ok, Julianne, fi... finiscila.Okay, Julianne, just stop.
- Bobby, finiscila.- Bobby, just stop.
(Si, finiamola, torniamo come prima.)Yes, let's stop this, let's go back to what we use to be.
- Ok, finiamola.Okay, let's stop.
Allora finiamola.Then let's stop.
Dai! - Ehi, finiamola, va bene?Hey, let's stop all this, all right?
Sì, finiamola.Right, let's stop this
- Basta! - Ehi, voi 2, finitela!- You two, stop it, stop it.
- Cristo, finitela.- Oh Christ, make it stop.
- Ma finitela di fare i gay.- What about you stop being gay?
- Ok, basta, tutti e due, finitela!Right, that's it, both of you, stop it!
- Ragazzi, finitela di essere negativi.Guys, stop being negative right now.

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