(Tista ’ tkun ta ’ għajnuna jekk iżżomm kont tal- postijiet fejn jingħataw l - injezzjonijiet ta ’ qabel.) • Jekk it- it- tifel/ tifla għandhom il- psorjasi, ipprova tinjettax direttament ġo kwalunkwe rqajja ’ tal - ġilda li jkunu mtellgħin, ħoxnin, ħomor, jew bil- qxur (“ leżjonijiet tal- psorjasi fil- ġilda ”). | (It may be helpful to keep notes on the location of the previous injections.) If the child has psoriasis, try not to inject directly into any raised, thick, red, or scaly skin patches (“ psoriasis skin lesions”). |
(ċ) ipprova jikkomprometti s-sigurtà, id-disponibbiltà, l-integrità jew il-kunfidenzjalità tar-Reġistru tal-Unjoni jew tal-EUTL, jew id-dejta maniġġjata jew maħżuna hemmhekk. | attempted to compromise the security, the availability, the integrity or the confidentiality of the Union Registry or the EUTL, or of the data handled or stored therein. |
Anke jekk jistaqsuk tesprimi xi kritika fuq xi ħaġa jew xi ħadd, ipprova agħmel mill-aħjar li tista’ u interpreta l-aarijiet blaktar mod pożittiv possibbli. | Even if they ask you to express criticism about something or someone, try to make the best of it and put things as positively as possible. |
Biddel il- labra u erġa ’ ipprova. • Jekk ebda l- insulina ma toħroġ wara li tibdel il- labra, l- OptiSet tiegħek tista ’ tkun bil- ħsara. | Change the needle and try again. • If no insulin comes out after changing the needle, your OptiSet may be damaged. |
GĦAL NISA LI JISTA ’ JKOLLHOM IT - Punti ta ’ Tifkir dwar Sigurtà Importanti għal TFAL Pazjenti li qed jieħdu M’ għandekx tieħu Ferriprox jekk inti tqila Ferriprox (deferiprone) jew qed tipprova tinqabad tqila. | FOR WOMEN OF CHILD BEARING AGE Do not take Ferriprox if you are pregnant or if you are trying to become pregnant. |
Għid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk toħroġ tqila, jew jekk qed tipprova toħroġ tqila. | Tell your doctor if you become pregnant, or you are trying to become pregnant. |
Inti għandek tgħarraf lit- tabib tiegħek jekk tinsab tqila, jekk taħseb li tinsab tqila jew jekk qed tipprova tinqabad tqila, sabiex it- tabib tiegħek ikun jista 'jiddeċiedi jekk Tamiflu huwiex adattat għalik. | You must tell your doctor if you are pregnant, if you think you are pregnant or if you are trying to get pregnant so that your doctor can decide if Tamiflu is right for you. |
Jekk inti mara tqila jew tista ’ toħroġ tqila u qed tipprova tiftaħ il- kapsuli, għandek toqgħod attenta biex tevita kuntatt mal- ġilda jew ma ’ l- għajnejn u li tiġbdu ġol- pulmun man- nifs. | If you are a woman who is pregnant or might get pregnant and are trying to open the capsules, you should handle the contents with caution in order to avoid skin-eye contact or inhalation. |
Tqala u Treddigħ Għid lit- tabib tiegħek jekk issir tqila jew qiegħda tipprova ssir tqila, waqt li qiegħda tieħu ARICLAIM.. | Pregnancy and breast-feeding Tell your doctor if you become pregnant, or you are trying to become pregnant, while you are taking ARICLAIM. |
AC: Il-programm Leader+, żżona tal-GAL Le Macine, qed jipprova jiżviluppa sistema integrata ta’ riżorsi li tkun tista’ torbot l-elementi naturali u ambjentali mal-wirt kulturali taż-żona. | AC: The Leader+ programme, in the area of the Le Macine LAG, is trying to develop an integrated system of resources able to link the natural and environmental elements with the cultural heritage of the area. |
Biex jingħeleb dan, il-LAG qed jipprova jistabbilixxi attivitajiet komuni biex iġib liżżgħażagħ lokali f’kuntatt mal-kontropartijiet tagħhom li ġew ripatrijati.Wieħed mill-għanijiet talproġett huwa li jikseb tolleranza reċiproka u fehim tan-natura u ta’ lambjent. | To overcome this, the LAG is trying to establish common activities to bring the local young people into contact with their immigrant counterparts.One of the project‘s goals is to achieve mutual tolerance and an understanding of nature and the environment. |
Dan il-mudell jimmira li jirrakkonta storja loġika dwar x’inhu Progress u x’qed jipprova jwettaq. | This model aims to tell a logical story of what Progress is and what it is trying to achieve. |
Il-proġett NUGENOB qiegħed jipprova jagħti tweġiba għall-mistoqsija jekk xi nies humiex aktar probabbli li jiżviluppaw ħxuna żejda minn oħrajn. | Are some people more prone to obesity than others is a question that the NUGENOB project is trying to answer. |
Tqala M’ għandekx tuża Yondelis jekk inti / jew seħbitek qed tipprovaw għal tarbija peress li Yondelis jista ’ jagħmel ħsara lit- tarbija mhux mwielda. | Pregnancy You should not use Yondelis if you are pregnant or if you/ your partner are trying to become pregnant as Yondelis may harm the unborn baby. |
L-Istati Membri jistgħu jintroduċu jew iżommu fis-seħħ dispożizzjonijiet li bihom il-parti li tixtieq tfittex inġunzjoni tista’ tibda din il-proċedura biss wara li tkun ipprovat tikseb il-waqfien tal-ksur f’konsultazzjoni jew mal-akkużat jew sew mal-akkużat kif ukoll ma’ entità kwalifikata skont it-tifsira tal-Artikolu 3(a) tal-Istat Membru li fih hija mfittxija l-inġunzjoni. | Member States may introduce or maintain in force provisions whereby the party that intends to seek an injunction can only start this procedure after it has tried to achieve the cessation of the infringement in consultation either with the defendant or with both the defendant and a qualified entity within the meaning of Article 3(a) of the Member State in which the injunction is sought. |