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Intentar (to try) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to put forth effort or to attempt, especially

Conjugation of intentar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I try
you try
he/she/it tries
we try
you all try
they try
Present perfect tense
he intentado
I have tried
has intentado
you have tried
ha intentado
he/she/it has tried
hemos intentado
we have tried
habéis intentado
you all have tried
han intentado
they have tried
Past preterite tense
I tried
you tried
he/she/it tried
we tried
you all tried
they tried
Future tense
I will try
you will try
he/she/it will try
we will try
you all will try
they will try
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would try
you would try
he/she/it would try
we would try
you all would try
they would try
Past imperfect tense
I used to try
you used to try
he/she/it used to try
we used to try
you all used to try
they used to try
Past perfect tense
había intentado
I had tried
habías intentado
you had tried
había intentado
he/she/it had tried
habíamos intentado
we had tried
habíais intentado
you all had tried
habían intentado
they had tried
Future perfect tense
habré intentado
I will have tried
habrás intentado
you will have tried
habrá intentado
he/she/it will have tried
habremos intentado
we will have tried
habréis intentado
you all will have tried
habrán intentado
they will have tried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I try
(if/so that) you try
(if/so that) he/she/it try
(if/so that) we try
(if/so that) you all try
(if/so that) they try
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya intentado
I have tried
hayas intentado
you have tried
haya intentado
he/she/it has tried
hayamos intentado
we have tried
hayáis intentado
you all have tried
hayan intentado
they have tried
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have tried
(if/so that) you have tried
(if/so that) he/she/it have tried
(if/so that) we have tried
(if/so that) you all have tried
(if/so that) they have tried
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have tried
(if/so that) you have tried
(if/so that) he/she/it have tried
(if/so that) we have tried
(if/so that) you all have tried
(if/so that) they have tried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera intentado
I had tried
hubieras intentado
you had tried
hubiera intentado
he/she/it had tried
hubiéramos intentado
we had tried
hubierais intentado
you all had tried
hubieran intentado
they had tried
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese intentado
I had tried
hubieses intentado
you had tried
hubiese intentado
he/she/it had tried
hubiésemos intentado
we had tried
hubieseis intentado
you all had tried
hubiesen intentado
they had tried
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have tried
(if/so that) you will have tried
(if/so that) he/she/it will have tried
(if/so that) we will have tried
(if/so that) you all will have tried
(if/so that) they will have tried
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere intentado
I will have tried
hubieres intentado
you will have tried
hubiere intentado
he/she/it will have tried
hubiéremos intentado
we will have tried
hubiereis intentado
you all will have tried
hubieren intentado
they will have tried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's try!
Imperative negative mood
no intentes
do not try!
no intente
let him/her/it try!
no intentemos
let us not try!
no intentéis
do not try!
no intenten
do not try!

Examples of intentar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! - Hay que intentar revertir el proceso.- I have to try to reverse the process.
"Bueno, la mejor manera de alegrarse es intentar... alegrar a otra persona." Mark Twain decía eso, sabes."Well, the best way to cheer yourself up is to try... to cheer someone else up." Mark Twain said that, you know.
"Es tan fácil no intentar"It's so easy not to try
! - ¡Lo intento!-I'm trying!
! Esto es un intento!That's a try!
! Ya lo intento!I'm trying!
! ¡Lo intento!I'm trying!
" De oro para el bien de Brasil" , un intento de resolver los problemas económicos del país con actos de caridad patriota." Donate gold for the good of Brazil" , an attempt at solving the economic problems of the country with acts of patriotic charity.
! ¿Qué intentas decirme?What are you trying to tell me?
" Mientras intentas elevarnos al Cielo antes del menguantewhile you trying to get us all To the heaven above
""Si intentas frenarme, cruzare los limites"""If you try to stop me," I shall cross all limits
"Andre, si intentas matarme, ¡te juro que te mataré!""Andre, if you try to kill me, I swear I will kill you!"
"Cariño, ¿por qué no intentas verlo desde mi punto de vista?""But, honey, why don't you try and see my side of it?"
"... el amanecer intenta curar.""..the dawn tries to heal."
"El modo en que nuestra cultura intenta negar la muerte es trágico.""The way our culture tries to deny death is tragic."
"Esta chica, hasta cuando duerme intenta hacerlo mejor que ningún otro"."That girl, even when she sleeps, she tries to do it better than anyone else."
"Estudiante intenta ahorcarse.""Student tries to hang himself."
"Frente a hechos ambiguos... la parte que genera la ambigüedad... e intenta usarla para sacar ventaja de ella... encontrará a la ambigüedad resuelta en su contra"."In an ambiguous set of facts... "the party who creates the ambiguity... "and tries to use it to his own advantage... shall have the ambiguity resolved against him."
"A", mañana nos levantamos temprano e intentamos disfrutar de nuestra mutua compañía en este lugar tan precioso.We'll get an early start tomorrow morning and try to enjoy each other's company here in this beautiful place.
"Bueno, intentamos.""Well, we try to."
"Porqué no intentamos y usamos tu..."Why don't we try and use your..."
"Sólo intentamos que hablen.""We were trying to get them to talk. That's all."
- Ahora intentáis culparle...- Now, you're trying to blame him...
- Sé que intentáis sacar unos pavos...- I know you're trying to make a buck...
- intentáis algo.- try anything.
- ¡Ni siquiera lo intentáis!- Youre not even trying.
- ¿Lo intentáis?You try?
"Amigo, vaya que lo intentan.""Man, how they try."
"El tipo de persona que estos dos trabajadores de ayuda humanitaria intentan eliminar de las calles""The sort of person these two charity workers were trying to help to get off your streets."
"Hay dos clases de políticos los que intentan decir sí y los que intentan decir no"."Ones who try to say yes and ones who try to say no."
"Hay tres maneras con las que los narcotraficantes intentan debilitar la extradición."There are three ways the narcotraffickers... - "try to weaken extradition." - try to weaken extradition.
"Huesos", los Costello intentan hacer un arreglo para no tener pena de muerte.Bones... Costellos are trying to cop a plea to a charge that won't mean the death penalty.
"A lo mejor..." intenté volvérselos a poner, y le dije: "Te llevaré a un taller"."maybe if I... " I tried to put them back on, I said "I'll drive you to a garage"
"Diciembre 2001, intenté cerrar un trato con GN.BOBBY: "December 2001, tried to broker a deal with GN.
"Egoístamente intenté dejarte aquí..."Selfishly I tried to keep you here...
"En fin, luego intenté dormirme, pero no pude."Anyway, I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn 't.
"Jody, cuando intentaste que intimara con tres de tus amigos, me sentí triste y sobrepasada."Jody when you tried to get me to be intimate with three of your friends it made me feel sad and overextended.
"Lo intentaste, pero no pudiste encontrar uno.""You tried, but couldn't find one."
"No, Tom no es bueno para ti", y todas las veces que intentaste romper conmigo, finalmente lo entiendo."Oh, no, Tom's no good for you." And all the times you tried to break it off with me... - I finally get it.
"¡Incluso en mi casa el otro día, intentaste forzarme!""Even in my house the other day, you tried to force yourself on me!"
"¿No fuiste tú la que intentaste herirme diciendo adiós?Weren't you the one who tried to Hurt me with goodbye
" Carl intentó calmarlo e impedir que saliera. ""Carl tried to calm him/it and to impede him/it of leaving. "
"... intentó mostrar al mundo que podía ganar."...my son tried to show the world that he could win again.
"Alguien intentó implicarte en un asesinato, Neville."Someone tried to implicate you in a murder, Neville.
"Antes que tu, otro Inspector intentó hacerlo mejorlo lo mejor que pudo."'Before you another inspector before you tried his best.
"Así que intentó cambiar su suerte# So he tried to change his luck
- Dice que tú se lo diste a él, dice que tú y Noah intentasteis hacer un trato y que mentiste sobre ello.She's saying that you gave it to him, that you and Noah tried to do a deal, and then you lied about it.
- Sé que intentasteis matarme.- I know you tried to kill me.
Ambos intentasteis traicionarme, así que usé a su marido para detenerlo.You both tried to betray me, so I used her husband to stop it.
Así que estamos iguales: yo era un gilipollas e intentasteis matarme.So I figure we're even: I was an asshole, you tried to kill me.
Bueno, lo intentasteis.Well, you tried.
"GRACIAS POR TU MÚSICA Y TU GENIO" Creo que intentaron matar a John pero no pudieron, porque su mensaje sigue vivo.Well, I suppose they tried to kill John... but they couldn't, because his message is still alive.
"No vayas tras un periodista que compró un objeto robado. E intentaron extorsionarme."You shouldn't go after a journalist because they bought stolen property, and they tried to extort you.
"Ya lo intentaron antes y, lamento decirlo, volverán a intentarlo, pero su destino será el mismo que el suyo.""Others have tried it before, and, I regret to say, will try it again but their fate must be the same as yours."
# Aunque muchos lo intentaron #♪ though many tried ♪
# ¿Al igual que intentaron robar un cañón de Gonzales? #Like they tried to steal a cannon from Gonzales?
"Lo intentaré""I will try"
"Te escribiré pronto e intentaré mandarte una foto decente."I'll write you a letter real soon and will try to send a decent picture.
"Te prometo que intentaré ser la esposa y amante que mereces. ""I promise I will try harder to be the wife and lover you deserve.
* las luces te guiarán a casa * * y encenderán tus huesos * * y yo intentaré arreglarte ** lights will guide you home * * and ignite your bones * * and I will try to fix you *
*Y moverán tus huesos* *Y yo intentaré repararte*♪ And ignite your bones ♪ * Ooh... * ♪ And I will try to fix you. ♪
Ahora intentarás borrar Ias refracciones para destruirme.Now you will try to erase the refractions and destroy me.
Ahora intentarás golpearme.Now you will try to strike me.
Así que si tu plan no funciona, intentarás salir de allí...So if our plan doesn't work, you will try to get out of there...
Interpretaré a mi padre, e intentarás matarme.I will play my father. You will try to kill me.
Le he asegurado que lo intentarás durante un año.l've assured her that you will try for a year.
"... mañana el profesor intentará violarla."'..tomorrow professor will try to rape Meera.'
"...es ahora un misterio que el tribunal intentará desvelar.""...is now the mystery that the court will try to help unravel."
"La infantería intentará un ataque por la retaguardia en Ihantala. ""The infantry will try a rear attack in Ihantala."
- La empresa intentará rescatarlo... - ¡ Lo quiero ahora, ya mismo!-The company will try to get it-- -l want it back now, immediately!
- Porque Castro intentará defenderse.- Because Castro will try to strike back.
- Esta noche, intentaremos encontrar pruebas de lo que Jerry Hartfield intento cubrir por 10 años.Tonight we will try to find evidence... what Jerry Hartsfield 10 years trying to hide.
- Lo intentaremos.- I will try.
- Me duele. - Muy bien. Lo intentaremos mañana.It hurt me very well will try tomorrow
Ahora tu y yo intentaremos esto.Now you and l will try this.
Bueno, intentaremos conseguirte eso.Well, we will try and get that for you.
"No revelaré mi nombre, porque intentarán demorar o impedir mi reclutamiento de esclavos para el más allá.""I will not give you my name because you will try to slow down "or stop my collecting of slaves for my afterlife."
- En este particular día 1000 E-Types intentarán arrancarOn that particular day, 1,000 E-Types will try and start.
- Y que intentarán tener una mente abierta.- And you will try to keep an open mind.
- ¿intentarán ayudarnos?- You will try? - Yes, ma'am.
"La nuestra es la edad que tiene el orgullo de máquinas que piensan ... "Y sospechoso de los hombres que intentaría "."Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think... and suspicious of men who would try to."
"Yo intentaría volver.""I would try to give back.
- Dijo que intentaría llegar.- He said he would try to make it.
- Eso es... ¡no! - Entonces sacó a su mujer drogada de la cama, le enseñó el terrible y sangriento caos que usted había provocado, sabiendo perfectamente que ella intentaría limpiarlo.- Then you got your drugged, type-a wife out of bed, showed her the bloody, terrible mess you made, knowing full well that she would try and clean it up.
- Otro intentaría disuadirla.- Others would try persuading her.
- Acordamos que intentarías...I thought we had agreed that you would try to make...
Bueno, si lo conocieras del todo, es decir como yo lo conozco, intentarías confiar en sus instintos.Well, if you knew him, at all, I mean, like I know him, you would try trusting his instincts.
Dijiste que lo intentarías y... ¿Y crees que no lo estoy intentando?You said that you would try and... and you think I'm not trying?
Dijiste que ni te importaba esta película ¿por qué intentarías sacarme lo que es mío?You said you didn't care. Why would try to take my stuff?
Es que Santana me dijo que nunca hablara a solas contigo porque intentarías robarme todo mi oro.It's just Santana told me never to speak alone with you because you would try to steal all of my gold.
Acabo de hablar por teléfono con el Arzobispo, y le prometí que intentaríamos minimizar la exposición de los estudiantes a esta tragedia.I was just on the phone with the Archbishop, and I promised him we would try to minimize the students' exposure to this tragedy.
Desde el principio acordamos que intentaríamos buscar nuestra verdad y hablar sobre ella.From the very beginning, we made a pact... that we would try to find whatever truth was in ourselves and talk about that.
Dijiste que lo intentaríamos, y me di cuenta del extraño momento de silencio.You said we would try, and I observed a rare moment of silence.
Juramos que intentaríamos hacer eso menos.We took an oath we would try to do that less.
Le dije que lo intentaríamos.I told him that we would try.
Papá dijo que intentaríais hacerme sentir apasionada para dejarme embarazada y arruinarme la vida y embaucarme para llevarme al infierno.Daddy said boys would try to get me passionate... so they could make me pregnant and ruin my life... and trick me into going to hell.
Porque sabía que intentaríais pararme, y necesitaba saberlo, pero... pero ahora...Because I knew you would try and stop me, and I needed to know, but... but now...
¿Negáis alguno que intentaríais escapar de un encierro injusto?Do any of you deny that you would try to escape from unjust imprisonment?
Algunas personas intentarían categorizarlos en el mismo grupo que los asesinos en masa, pero eso sería incorrecto.Some people would try to categorize them in the same group as mass murderers, but this would be incorrect.
Como es mi cumpleaños, he dado por sentado que usted o los demás intentarían sorprenderme con una reunión social inesperada.Because it is my birthday, I assumed that you or one of the others would try to mount an unexpected social gathering.
Confió en su promesa de que intentarían curar a su hijo.He relied on your promise that you would try and make his son well.
Creo que cuanto más me acercase a enseñarles a los niños lo que era normal, lo que era correcto, más intentarían detenerme.I believe that the closer I got to teaching the children what was normal, what was right, the more they would try to stop me.
Creía que ellos intentarían hacerme daño para llegar hasta él.He thought that they would try to hurt me to get to him.
! No intente moverse!Don't try to move!
"Eva siempre quiere que mantenga mi espalda recta... pero yo siempre le digo que lo intente ella con llaves tan pesadas en los bolsillos.""Eva always wants me to keep my back straight but l always say she should try it with such heavy keys in her pockets."
"Io mucho que lo intente . ""Io matter how hard you try."
"Luego del período de aislamiento inicial intente establecer una relación con el sospechoso a través de un pequeño gesto, una barra de caramelo una taza de café una botella de agua"."After the initial isolation period, "try to establish a rapport with the suspect" "through a token gesture, like a candy bar, cup of coffee... bottle of water."
"No dejes que Sarah intente suicidarse otra vez. ""Don't let Sarah try to kill herself again."
! Hey, bastardo, no intentes justificar lo que estás haciendo!Hey, you bastard, don't you dare try and justify what you're doing!
! No intentes colarte!Don't try to break in the line!
"El amor no se puede ocultar, por mucho que lo intentes ""Love can never be hidden, however hard you try"
"Entonces quedate en la compañía, no intentes adueñarte de ella""Then stay with the company, don't try to own it"
"Busquemos unas voces altas, sí, probemos una chica... seamos diferentes e intentemos con una chica"."Well, get some nice high vocals, yeah, let's try a girl. Let's be a bit different and try a girl."
- Ahora intentemos esto:Now let's try this one on for size:
- Bien, intentemos esto de nuevo.- Okay, let's try this again-
- Bien, intentemos una elevación.- Okay, let's try a lift.
- Claro, intentemos algo...Right, let's try something slightly...
"Cuanto más intentéis disuadirlo para que no cruce el Pacífico, más querrá hacerlo"."Don't mention crossing the Pacific to Horie, "because the more you try to dissuade him, the more he'll want to go."
"No intentéis buscarme."Don't try to find me.
"No intentéis invitarme a casa para tomar cervezas y hacer imitaciones de Padre de Familia.""do not try inviting me over to crush a 30 pack and do Family Guy impressions."
(¡No intentéis hacer esto en casa, niños!(Don't try this at home, kids!
- No es aconsejable que intentéis escapar.It's not advisable for you to try and escape.
! Cada vez que intenten entrar eso sucederá!Every time you try to come in this will happen!
"Las mariposas huelen con los pies" y "Los elefantes no pueden saltar no importa lo mucho que intenten""Butterflies smell with their feet"... and "Elephants can't jump no matter how hard they try"!
"Los hombres siempre serán locos y aquellos que intenten curarlos--""Men will always be mad - and those that try to cure them..."
"Me avoco a aprender su secreto y no permitiré que nadie se interponga en mi camino por mucho que lo intenten".'I dedicate myself to learning his secret 'and I will not let anybody get in my way, however desperately they may try.'
"Sin importar cuánto lo intenten nunca serán tan buenos como yo."No matter how hard you try, You'll never be as good as me.
Bueno, esta inyección reciente indica que puede que lo intentara.Well, this fresh injection site suggests he may have tried to.
- Amy y Julio, intentad conseguir tanta información como sea posible del Sr. y la Sra. O'Hara antes de darles las malas noticias.- Amy and Julio, try to get as much information as possible from Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara before you tell them the bad news.
- intentad no irritarme.- try not to get on my nerves.
Así que como vais a estar juntos, intentad llevaros mejor.Since you'll be together, try to get along better.
Así que intentad aprender.So just,uh,try to learn.
Así que intentad ignorar a Cynthia y a Logan.So just try and ignore Cynthia and Logan.
! Han intentado que crea que es hijo de la cocinera del palacio, pero no lo he creído.They tried to make me believe he's the son of the palace cook, but I didn't believe it.
! - Estoy intentando ayudarte.I'm trying to help you.
Eso es muy común porque cuando alguien pierde un ser querido e intentá contactarse, a veces, sin saberlo invita a una entidad oscura.Ok Well, that ... This is quite common, because when ... when someone loses a loved one ... and try to make contact with this person ... They sometimes do not know ...
-Ese es el miedo que tengo por vos. Que nunca intentás nada fuera de tu zona de confort.-That's my fear for you, that you never try anything out of your comfort zone.
Ah... no intentés entenderlo.Ah... don't try to understand.
" pero sé que ha intentado lo mejor posible."but I know you tried your best.
""He intentado llegar hasta ti, pero al no tener noticias tuyas, temí lo peor`".I've tried all manner of means, but hearing nothing from you, I've feared the worst.
".. o por codicia han intentado robar el Naagmani ..'..or greed has tried to steal the Naagmani..'
"...ante las ideas precursoras que este comité y yo mismo hemos intentado promover.Of the pioneering thoughts this committee and I have tried to imbue.
! - Estoy intentando no hacerlo.- I'm trying not to.
! - Está intentando hacerse la dura.- She's trying to act tough.
! Deberías estar afuera ahora mismo intentando encontrar a esta gente, quienquiera que sean!You should be out there right now, trying to find the people, whoever they are!
! Estoy intentando averiguarlo!I'm trying to find out!
No intentés nada gracioso.Don't try anything funny.
No intentés nada. Ahora, vamos, vamos.don't try anything. now, come on, come on.
No intentés perseguirme./Don't try to come after me.
Voy a incendiar tu casa y cualquier lugar adonde intentés vivir con Samy.I'm going to burn down your apartment... and any other place you and Samy try to live.

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