Dan jista’ jkun f’termini ta’ età, ġeneru, twemmin, oriġini etnika, orjentazzjoni sesswali jew ħila, ujrid ikollok ukoll fehem tal-ħtiġijiet differenti tal-klijenti. | To reach a diverse customer base requires employee diversity or at least an understanding |
Il-Kummissjoni ma tistax taċċetta l-argument tal-GTĊ li ma kienx fehem il-konsegwenzi jekk ma jipprovdix l-informazzjoni mitluba dwar il-programmi mhux użati mill-esportaturi fil-kampjun. | The Commission also cannot accept the GOC argument that it did not understand the consequences for failure to provide the requested information on the programmes not used by the sampled exporters. |
Il-mod kif il-GTĊ fehem din il-kwistjoni mhuwiex korrett. | The GOC's understanding of this issue is not correct. |
Twissija dwar it- teratoġeniċità Data tas- servizz tal- pariri Affermazzjoni li l- pazjent fehem ir- riskju ta ’ thalidomide u l- miżuri PPP Dettalji tal- pazjent, firma u data L- isem ta ’ min ta r- riċetta tal- mediċina, firma u data L- għan ta ’ dan id- dokument i. e. hekk kif inhu miktub fil- PPP “ L- għan tal- formola tal- bidu tat- trattament hu li jipproteġi l- pazjenti u kwalunkwe fetu li jista ’ jkun hemm billi jiżgura li l- pazjenti jkunu informati kompletament dwar u jifhmu r- riskju tat- teratoġeniċità u reazzjonijiet avversi oħra marbuta ma 'l- użu ta ’ thalidomide. | Patient details, signature and date Prescriber name, signature and date Aim of this document i. e. as stated in the PPP: “ The aim of the treatment initiation form is to protect patients and any possible foetuses by ensuring that patients are fully informed of and understand the risk of teratogenicity and other adverse reactions associated with the use of thalidomide. |
✔ Bidliet żgħar jistgħu jagħmlu differenza għall-klijenti, eż. id-disinn ta’ġewwa, stampi (mhux offensivi), il-kuluri, it-tqassim, l-ammont ta’siġġijiet/postijiet fejn joqogħdu bilqiegħda – xi jġiegħelhom iħossuhom milqugħa?✔ Minflok tara d-differenza bħala problema għan-negozju tiegħek, ifhem kif il-prodotti us-servizzi tiegħek jistgħu jieħdu benefiċċju minnha, gruppi differenti għandhom qawwa ta’nfiq enormi.✔ Aħseb fuq id-diversità tas-swieq tiegħek (ikkunsidra l-aspetti demografiċi) u żviluppa strateġija biex tilħaqhom. | ✔ Understanding the backgrounds and needs of different elements of a diverse workforce, means you will be more likely to attract a similar customer.✔ You can respond to different market demands by discussing how to change your product or service with employees and customers.✔ Small changes can make a difference to customers, e.g. interior design, pictures (non offensive), colours, layout, seating – what makes them feel welcome?✔ Rather than seeing difference as problem for your business understand how your products and services can exploit them, different groups have huge spending power.✔ Think about the diversity of your markets (consider the demographics) and develop astrategy to reach them. |
L-individwi kollha li ngħatatilhom approvazzjoni tas-sigurtà għandhom jirrikonoxxu bil-miktub li huma fehmu l-obbligi tagħhom fir-rigward tal-protezzjoni ta’ IKUE u l-konsegwenzi ta’ jekk IKUE tiġi kompromessa. | All individuals who have been granted a security clearance shall acknowledge in writing that they have understood their obligations in respect of protecting EUCI and the consequences if EUCI is compromised. |
L-individwi kollha li ngħatatilhom awtorizzazzjoni temporanja għandhom jirrikonoxxu bil-miktub li huma fehmu l-obbligi tagħhom fir-rigward tal-protezzjoni ta’ IKUE u l-konsegwenzi ta’ jekk IKUE tiġi kompromessa. | All individuals who have been granted a temporary authorisation shall acknowledge in writing that they have understood their obligations in respect of protecting EUCI and the consequences if EUCI is compromised. |