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Tomarse (to take) conjugation

45 examples

Conjugation of tomarse

Present tense
me tomo
I take
te tomas
you take
se toma
he/she/it takes
nos tomamos
we take
os tomáis
you all take
se toman
they take
Present perfect tense
he tomado
I have taken
has tomado
you have taken
ha tomado
he/she/it has taken
hemos tomado
we have taken
habéis tomado
you all have taken
han tomado
they have taken
Past preterite tense
me tomé
I took
te tomaste
you took
se tomó
he/she/it took
nos tomamos
we took
os tomasteis
you all took
se tomaron
they took
Future tense
me tomaré
I will take
te tomarás
you will take
se tomará
he/she/it will take
nos tomaremos
we will take
os tomaréis
you all will take
se tomarán
they will take
Conditional mood
me tomaría
I would take
te tomarías
you would take
se tomaría
he/she/it would take
nos tomaríamos
we would take
os tomaríais
you all would take
se tomarían
they would take
Past imperfect tense
me tomaba
I used to to take
te tomabas
you used to to take
se tomaba
he/she/it used to to take
nos tomábamos
we used to to take
os tomabais
you all used to to take
se tomaban
they used to to take
Past perfect tense
había tomado
I had taken
habías tomado
you had taken
había tomado
he/she/it had taken
habíamos tomado
we had taken
habíais tomado
you all had taken
habían tomado
they had taken
Future perfect tense
habré tomado
I will have taken
habrás tomado
you will have taken
habrá tomado
he/she/it will have taken
habremos tomado
we will have taken
habréis tomado
you all will have taken
habrán tomado
they will have taken
Present subjunctive tense
me tome
(if/so that) I take
te tomes
(if/so that) you take
se tome
(if/so that) he/she/it take
nos tomemos
(if/so that) we take
os toméis
(if/so that) you all take
se tomen
(if/so that) they take
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya tomado
I have taken
hayas tomado
you have taken
haya tomado
he/she/it has taken
hayamos tomado
we have taken
hayáis tomado
you all have taken
hayan tomado
they have taken
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me tomara
(if/so that) I have taken
te tomaras
(if/so that) you have taken
se tomara
(if/so that) he/she/it have taken
nos tomáramos
(if/so that) we have taken
os tomarais
(if/so that) you all have taken
se tomaran
(if/so that) they have taken
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me tomase
(if/so that) I have taken
te tomases
(if/so that) you have taken
se tomase
(if/so that) he/she/it have taken
nos tomásemos
(if/so that) we have taken
os tomaseis
(if/so that) you all have taken
se tomasen
(if/so that) they have taken
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera tomado
I had taken
hubieras tomado
you had taken
hubiera tomado
he/she/it had taken
hubiéramos tomado
we had taken
hubierais tomado
you all had taken
hubieran tomado
they had taken
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese tomado
I had taken
hubieses tomado
you had taken
hubiese tomado
he/she/it had taken
hubiésemos tomado
we had taken
hubieseis tomado
you all had taken
hubiesen tomado
they had taken
Future subjunctive tense
me tomare
(if/so that) I will have taken
te tomares
(if/so that) you will have taken
se tomare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have taken
nos tomáremos
(if/so that) we will have taken
os tomareis
(if/so that) you all will have taken
se tomaren
(if/so that) they will have taken
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere tomado
I will have taken
hubieres tomado
you will have taken
hubiere tomado
he/she/it will have taken
hubiéremos tomado
we will have taken
hubiereis tomado
you all will have taken
hubieren tomado
they will have taken
Imperative mood
let's take!
Imperative negative mood
no te tomes
do not take!
no se tome
don't let him/her/it take!
no nos tomemos
let us not take!
no os toméis
do not take!
no se tomen
do not take!

Examples of tomarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La Sra. Osborne, 43, del 4 de Standard Road, testigo del hecho... "...declaró que Pollock, sentado a su lado, rozó su brazo con el suyo repetidamente... "...y más tarde intentó tomarse otras libertades.A Mrs. Osborne, 43 of 4 Studland Road, giving evidence, stated that Pollock, sitting next to her, persistently nudged her in the arm and later attempted to take other liberties.
"¿Les gustaría tomarse una foto juntos?", o "¿Qué hay de esto?" ese debería ser el uso propio."would you like to take a picture together?", or "what about this?" that should the proper terms to use.
"¿Les gustaría tomarse una foto juntos?""Would you like to take a picture together?"
- Agente Doggett la Agente Scully ha acudido a mi para tomarse unas vacaciones.Agent Doggett as Assistant Director in Charge of your assignment Agent Scully has come to me and asked to take a leave of absence.
- Definitivamente. Tal vez ella mató a Ahren en el garage luego vino hacia aquí a tomarse una sedosa ducha.Maybe she killed Ahren in the garage then came up here to take a Silkwood shower.
"Oye, tómate un respiro"."Hey, take a breath."
"Ten mucho cuidado, tómate tu tiempo, y todo saldrá bien"."Just pay attention take your time, you´ll be alright".
' 'Bueno, escribiendo una campaña para la reelección del presidente', y dijo 'Seguro, Hal, tómate otra bebida'' 'Well, writing a campaign for re-election of the president, 'and said' Sure, Hal, take another drink '
* Así que tómate cinco segundos para recordar las lecciones básicas, * * idiota pedazo de m... *All: ♪ So take five seconds to remember basic lessons, you moronic piece of [bleep] ♪
*Relájate y tómate las cosas con calma.*♪ Just relax and take it slow ♪
- Asi que tómese su tiempo pero apúrese.- So take your time but hurry it up.
- Bien, Sra. Evans tómese su tiempo.All right, then, Mrs. Evans, you take your time.
- Calma, y tómese su tiempo.- Relax, and take your time.
- Claro, tómese su tiempo.-Sure, take your time.
- Maestro, tómese cinco minutos.- Maestro, take five.
- Algo mejor, tomémonos una juntos.- Better still, let's take one together.
- Sí. Amigos, tomémonos un descanso.- Yeah, fellas, let's take a break.
-Antes de que nos ensuciemos, tomémonos un momento para saborear esto.- What? - Before we get all dirty, let's just take a--let's take a moment to savor this.
Abuela, tomémonos unas fotos juntos.Grandmother, let's take some couple pictures together.
Ah, sí... tomémonos una foto juntos.Ah, yes... let's take a photo together.
"Formulando estrategias, tomaos tiempo para pensar.""Formulating strategies, "take some time to think.
- Chicos, tomaos cinco minutos.Guys, take five.
- tomaos vuestro tiempo - gracias.- You guys take your time. - Thanks.
A ver, chicos, tomaos un descanso.Look, you guys take off.
Apuntad alto pero tomaos vuestro tiempo.So aim high but take your time. Can everyone say that with me?
- Caballeros... tómense su tiempo.- Gentlemen... take your time.
- Chicos tómense el tiempo que necesiten.First class. You guys take all the time you need.
- Está bien, tómense un minuto.All right, take your time.
- Sí, tómense su tiempo.Yeah, take your time.
A ella le encantaría escuchar alguna historia que tengan acerca de su tiempo aquí, así que tómense el tiempo para hablar con ella, si es que pueden.She'd love to hear any stories you have about your time here, so do take the time to talk to her, if you can.
! He tomado veneno!I've taken poison!
! ¿Has tomado el control de la nave Decepticon?Have you taken control of the Decepticon vessel?
" Capitán tomado en acción de playa."Captain taken in shore action.
" He tomado vidas."I have taken lives.
"A pesar de todo lo que hemos tomado, mucho nos falta; "y a pesar que no somos aquella fuerza que en tiempos antiguos "movió cielo y tierra, aquello que somos, somos;Though much is taken, much obedience and although we are not now, what power in the ancient times moved heaven and earth, that we are not, we are.
"Asi que ven y tomate el tiempo y baila conmigo".The correct lyrics were "come And take the time and dance with Me."
- Bo! Termina de hacer pis, tomate tu tiempo.Finish peeing, take your time.
- Bueno, tomate el cumplido seriamente.- Well, take the compliment seriously.
- Entonces tomate uno más.- So take one more.
- Estaba quitándote el tomate.I was wiping' the tomatoes off. - I'll take care of it.
! Ese es Gerard tomándose su tiempo!That Gerard's taking his time!
"Como se llame" está tomándose un descanso de lo de salvar al mundo.What's his name is taking a break from world saving.
"tomándose un año sabático"taking a year off
* Voy a luchar contra ellos * * Un ejército de la séptima nación no podría detenerme * * ellos van a arrancarla * * tomándose su tiempo justo detrás de mi espalda * * y estoy hablando a mí mismo por la noche * * porque no puedo olvidar *d i'm gonna fight 'em off d d a seven nation army Couldn't hold me back d d they're gonna rip it off d d taking their time Right behind my back d d and i'm talkin' to myself At night d
- Está tomándose un tiempo libre.- She's, uh, taking time off.

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