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Tener (to have to) conjugation

150 examples

Conjugation of tener

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I have to
you have to
he/she/it has to
we have to
you all have to
they have to
Present perfect tense
he tenido
I have had to
has tenido
you have had to
ha tenido
he/she/it has had to
hemos tenido
we have had to
habéis tenido
you all have had to
han tenido
they have had to
Past preterite tense
I had to
you had to
he/she/it had to
we had to
you all had to
they had to
Future tense
I will have to
you will have to
he/she/it will have to
we will have to
you all will have to
they will have to
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would have to
you would have to
he/she/it would have to
we would have to
you all would have to
they would have to
Past imperfect tense
I used to have to
you used to have to
he/she/it used to have to
we used to have to
you all used to have to
they used to have to
Past perfect tense
había tenido
I had had to
habías tenido
you had had to
había tenido
he/she/it had had to
habíamos tenido
we had had to
habíais tenido
you all had had to
habían tenido
they had had to
Future perfect tense
habré tenido
I will have had to
habrás tenido
you will have had to
habrá tenido
he/she/it will have had to
habremos tenido
we will have had to
habréis tenido
you all will have had to
habrán tenido
they will have had to
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have to
(if/so that) you have to
(if/so that) he/she/it have to
(if/so that) we have to
(if/so that) you all have to
(if/so that) they have to
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya tenido
I have had to
hayas tenido
you have had to
haya tenido
he/she/it has had to
hayamos tenido
we have had to
hayáis tenido
you all have had to
hayan tenido
they have had to
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have had to
(if/so that) you have had to
(if/so that) he/she/it have had to
(if/so that) we have had to
(if/so that) you all have had to
(if/so that) they have had to
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have had to
(if/so that) you have had to
(if/so that) he/she/it have had to
(if/so that) we have had to
(if/so that) you all have had to
(if/so that) they have had to
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera tenido
I had had to
hubieras tenido
you had had to
hubiera tenido
he/she/it had had to
hubiéramos tenido
we had had to
hubierais tenido
you all had had to
hubieran tenido
they had had to
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese tenido
I had had to
hubieses tenido
you had had to
hubiese tenido
he/she/it had had to
hubiésemos tenido
we had had to
hubieseis tenido
you all had had to
hubiesen tenido
they had had to
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have had to
(if/so that) you will have had to
(if/so that) he/she/it will have had to
(if/so that) we will have had to
(if/so that) you all will have had to
(if/so that) they will have had to
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere tenido
I will have had to
hubieres tenido
you will have had to
hubiere tenido
he/she/it will have had to
hubiéremos tenido
we will have had to
hubiereis tenido
you all will have had to
hubieren tenido
they will have had to
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
have to!
have to!
let's have to!
have to!
have to!
Imperative negative mood
no tengas
do not have to!
no tenga
let him/her/it have to!
no tengamos
let us not have to!
no tengáis
do not have to!
no tengan
do not have to!

Examples of tener

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Ustedes dos han estado usando este trofeo como excusa para tener un seminario secreto de caricias.You two have been using this trophy as an excuse to have a secret soldier smooch seminar.
" Sabes , me encantaría tener un pequeño thomas corriendo " ."you know, I'd love to have a little thomas running around."
" lo suficientemente fuerte como para apoyarlos. " ¿Qué tan grande un puente vamos a tener construir para mantener a mi camión?How big a bridge are we going to have to build to support my truck?
" para deshacerse de la vida que planeamos con el fin de tener la vida que está esperando por nosotros. ""to get rid of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
! - No estoy hablando de... - ¡Porque tengo un problema con eso!i'm not talking about -- because i have a problem with that!
! - ¡No tengo por qué decírselos!– I don't have to explain.
! Bueno yo no tengo paciencia para la estupidez.I have no patience for stupidity,
! Carter, tengo antecedentes.Carter, I have a record.
! -no tienes una familia.- You don't have a family.
! -¿Eso todo lo que tienes que decir?- And that's all you have to say?
! A veces en la vida, tienes que llegar a un acuerdo.Sometimes in life, you have to cut a deal.
! Me tienes que escuchar!You have to listen.
! No tienes tónico!You don't have any tonic!
! - Cuando tiene tiempo.- When he has time.
! Andy hubiera derramado sangre, sudor y lágrimas por Vince pero tiene sus principios.- Andy would have shed blood, sweat and tears for Vince, but he has his principles.
! Duquesa tiene una barriguita muy delicada.Duchess has a sensitive tummy.
! El Crucible tiene un corazón de Energía Z-Neutrino.The Crucible has a heart of Z-Neutrino Energy.
! Está bien, supongo que sólo tenemos una opción.Okay, well, I guess we only have one option.
! No tenemos esa cantidad de dinero.Cam, we don't have that kind of money.
! ¡No tenemos tiempo!We don't have time!
! ¡¿Cómo que tenemos que desarmarlo?What do you mean we have to take it apart?
! Si tenéis alguna queja, zanjémosla en la arena.If you have any grievances, settle it in the arena.
"Aquí no tenéis nada que hacer.""You have no business here."
"Aquí tenéis un cañón gigantesco y a callar." Ése es su estilo..."Here, have a big gun and shut up. " Thats their comment...
"Que demonios pasa ahí?" Mujeres corriendo por las calles... tenéis heladeros por aquí?What's going on over there ? Ladies run down the street and... can't do that. Do we have the icecream man around here ?
! Los buenos tipos no tienen zombies.Good guys do not have zombie creatures.
! Y son tan pobres que tienen que compartir los calzones!And they're so poor, they all have to share one pair of underpants!
! Anoche tuve una pesadilla acerca de ese tonto.I had a nightmare about that fool last night.
! En una ocasión tuve una novia irresistible..."Once upon a time l had a devastating girl friend...
! Ok, primero que tuve que sintetizar la silicona en el nanoforzador.Ok, first I had to synthesize the silicone in the nanoforge.
! Bueno, bueno! Parece que tuviste una noche ajetreadaWell, well, so we had a busy night.
" Después Clarkson tuvo otra idea".'And then Clarkson had another idea.'
" Yo simplemente no tienen las oportunidades que tuvo "."I just don't have the opportunities you had."
"... recuerde que tuvo la oportunidad..."...remember you had the opportunity...
"... todo el tiempo que tuvo la protección de MLA Verma."'.. as long as he had the protection ofMLAVerma.'
! Padre, tuvimos un bebé!Father, we had a baby!
" James y yo tuvimos que vivir como un nativo .'James and I had to go native.'
" Pero, en realidad , aquí , en esta parte de Birmania, " tuvimos que conseguir adecuadamente serio.'But actually, here, in this part of Burma, 'we had to get properly serious.'
" tuvimos que protegerlo"We had to protect it."
"'Lo siento, Brutus, tuvimos que tomar prestada una de tus gónadas."'I'm sorry, Brutus, we had to borrow one of your gonads.
! Me tuvisteis preocupada por un segundo. - ¿Leanne?! Mm! They had me worried for a second.
- Oí que tuvisteis un susto en quirófano.-I hear you had a scare in the O.R.
- Sabemos que Richard Cole y tú tuvisteis una pelea en la habitación de hotel de Erik Dalton.We know you and Richard Cole had a fight in Erik Dalton's hotel room.
- ¿A qué te refieres con que le tuvisteis?- What do you mean, you had him?
" O con príncipes que tuvieron oro,"Or with princes that had gold,
"Ambas mujeres de veinte años alegan que tuvieron intimidad... ""Both women in their 20s, charge that they had intimacy..."
"Aquel botín de guerra, aquellos pocos metros... "de una verdadera película, que Jacquot llevaba con entusiasmo... "no tuvieron tiempo de convertirse en el objeto fetiche...These spoils of war, a few feet of real film, eagerly brought home by Jacquot, had no time to become a fetish and catalyze his passion.
"Cuando seas vieja y canosa y estés vencida por el sueño... y dormitando junto al fuego... tomes este libro y lentamente leas... y sueñes con la suave mirada que tuvieron tus ojos antaño... y con sus sombras profundas"."When you are old and grey and full of sleep" and nodding by the fire, take down this book and slowly read and dream of the soft look your eyes had once, "and of their shadows deep."
"Estos extranjeros tuvieron el título lo suficiente.""These foreigners have had the title long enough."
"Así que tendré que celebrar ¡un bautismo antes de una boda!""So I will have to celebrate a baptism before a wedding!"
"Cuando cierre el libro, no tendré remordimientos.""When I close the book, I will have no regrets."
"Después, amordázame con algunas medias que tendré listas"."Then, gag me with some stockings I will have ready.
"Dios los observó y se dijo son tan malvados, que tendré que borrarlos de la faz de la tierra.""God looked at them and said to himself, 'they are so wicked, I will have to wipe them off the face of the earth.'"
"Este país sólo esta pasando por una crisis, y un día tendré mis libertades como todos los demás. ""This country's just going through a crisis, and one day I will have my freedoms like everyone else."
"Al menos que podamos demostrar, que eres un peligro a ti misma u otra persona, tendrás que permanecer en esta casa. ""Unless we can prove that you're a danger to yourself or someone else, you will have to remain in this house."
"Algún día, tendrás el mundo a tus pies""You will have the world at your feet one day"
" Otra clase de separación tendrá lugar... ""Another kind of separation will have its say..."
"... y te lo prometo que la historia tendrá un final hermoso. "I promise, that story will have a beautiful ending.'
"...quién beba el agua que le daré", dijo el Señor "tendrá una fuente dentro de sí que brotará de vida eterna"."...who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, "will have a... spring "inside him welling up for eternal life.
"Pronto tendremos suficiente petróleo para nuestros hogares e industrias,"Soon we will have sufficient oil to fuel our homes and industries,
"Si no los encontramos tendremos que largarnos,"If we don't find them we will have to release ourselves, "because they will look for us...
"quizás después de este tendremos otro más, y estaremos encima del glaciar"."maybe after this one we will have one more, and we'll be on the glacier".
"¡Yo digo, no tendremos más matrimonios!""I say, we will have no more marriages!"
"...es mejor, tendréis que jugar a barrer el supermercado.""..is best, you will have a game of Supermarket Sweep."
- Tú y Pilar tendréis caballos.- You and Pilar will have horses.
-Tres de vosotros tendréis que hacer una actuación de última oportunidad ante Ryan.Three of you will have to do A last-chance performance for Ryan.
12 de vosotras tendréis que bajar.12 of you will have to get out.
"...tendrán sus nombres grabados en letras doradas.""...will have their names etched in golden letters."
"Bueno, si usted toma las armas fuera, entonces sólo los criminales tendrán armas de fuego.""Well, if you take the guns away, then only the criminals will have guns."
"Cuchillo sin filo", sabes que tarde o temprano tendrán que seguirnos.Dull Knife, you know the soldiers will have to follow us.
"Las mujeres y los viejos que están esperando por aquí cerca... tendrán piedad".The women and men who are waiting around here will have mercy.
"Los productores pueden maltratar su medio pero tendrán buenos colores bien enfocados hasta el abuso"."Producers may mishandle their medium but at least they will have good colors well-focused to abuse. "
"Ahora, finalmente, él tendría uno.""Now, at last, he would have one."
"Así que Dios tendría una visión clara de nosotros.""So God would have a clear view of us."
"El anfitrión tendría que probar su capacidad sobrenatural para el demonio. ""The host would have to prove its preternatural ability to the demon."
"No se puede recibir su solicitud dado que su cinematocámara... ya fue fabricada en 1886 por R.W. Paul" "quien vio que su invento no tendría un uso práctico.""Your application cannot be granted as your 'cinematocamera' " "was constructed already in 1886 by R.W. Paul" "who soon saw that his invention would have no practical application."
"...si fueses más buena con la gente, tendrías más amigos.""... if you were nicer to people, you would have some friends."
- ...tendrías la misión.- you would have the mission.
- Lo tendrías, todo para ti.You would have him all to yourself.
- Que tendrías que hacerlo.Which you would have to do.
"Me casaría con Philip Worth, aunque aún no lo sabía, y tendríamos dos hijas.♪ 'I would marry Philip Worth, though I did not know 'it then, and we would have two daughters of our own.
- Creí que tendríamos más hombres.- I thought we would have more men.
- Por ley, tendríamos que matarte."For ley, we would have to kill you.
- Creo que tendríais mucha química.I think the two of you would have an amazing chemistry.
Creía que tendríais mucho en común.I thought the two of you would have a lot in common.
En la mayoría de las sociedades básicas humanas, tendríais cazadores, ya sabes, gente como tú, tíos que eran buenos en cosas simples.So, in the most basic human societies, you would have hunters, you know, people like you, guys that were good at the simple stuff.
(Carrie) Incluso si yo fuera luchar por mi plato, todavía tendrían puso Elizabeth(carrie) even if I were to fight for my dish, They still would have put up elizabeth's
- Bueno si en verdad quisieras influenciar los precios hay muchas otras subestaciones que atacar que tendrían un impacto mayor.- Well, if you really wanted to influence utility prices, there are so many other substations to go after that would have greater impact.
- Eso quiere decir que los llantos tendrían algunas propiedades cuantificables y digitalizables.So? That would mean the cries would have certain quantifiable digital properties.
- No me parece. Ross y Austin tendrían que cambiar toda la historia. Pero no es una historia real.Then Ross and Austin would have to change the whole story.
! Bueno, si eres afortunado, tal vez tenga todo listo contigo.Well, if you're lucky, maybe they'll have their way with you.
! Mr. Hardaker, no estoy seguro que tenga autoridad para hacer esto.Mr Hardaker, I'm not sure you have the authority to do that.
! No es del tipo que tenga un esqueleto en el armario.He's not the sort to have a skeleton in the cupboard.
" y es probable que tenga una chance"and we shall probably have a chance
"'Haga lo que tenga que hacer.'"Whatever you have to do, you do.'
! ¡Pero no veo por qué eso significa que tengas que beberte mi Glengoolie Blue!But I don't see why that means you have to drink my Glengoolie Blue.
" Espera hasta que tengas algo de pelo en tus bolas"!"Just wait till you have some hairs on your balls!
"Acepto lo que me das sólo para que tengas la certeza de haberlo intentado todo"."'only so you will not feel you have left something undone."
! Bahni, si puedes oírme, te quiero mucho, y nunca dejaremos de buscar para usted hasta que tengamos de vuelta en nuestros brazos.Bahni, if you can hear me, we love you very much, and we'll never stop searching for you until we have you back in our arms.
"Ah, y puede que tengamos que destruir a tu novia"."Oh, and we might have to destroy your girlfriend."
"Al inicio de la última reunión sugerí que no tengamos más reuniones."At the beginning of the last meeting I suggested we have no more meetings.
"No vais a tocar en el baile salvo que tengáis un cantante"."You're not playing prom unless you have a singer."
"Que tengáis buen viaje"."have a great trip."
"Que tengáis un buen vuelo," "yo voy a ver si encuentro otro modo de llegar."You babies have a good flight, but I'm gonna find another way to get there.
" Recuerda aquellos días? " Y yo recuerdo... Espero que mis niños no tengan que pasar por eso."Remember the old days?" And l remember... l hope my children don't have to go through that.
" mujeres ", " niños ", "muchachos "... sin pensar que estas palabras no tengan un plural... sino sólo una infinidad de singulares?"Women", "children", "boys"... unaware that these words no longer have a plural... only an infinity of singulars?
"A menos que los Yin-Yangs tengan objeciones creo que deberíamos dejar a Marshall hacerse cargo.""Unless the yin-yangs have objections I think we should let Marshall run with this sucker."
- Puede que tuviera un trabajo.- She may have had a job.
- ¿Hay algo que quieras decirnos? ¿Alguien con quien tuviera un problema?Is there anything you can point us towards, someone he might have had a conflict with?
10 ciclos sin que nuestro pueblo tuviera un dirigente.Ten cycles since our people have had a leader.
Ahora, ¿puede pensar en algún compañero o cliente que se la tuviera jugada?Now, can you think of any coworkers or clients who might have had it out for Jeff?
Al principio, cuando llegaste e insististe en quedarte me temía que tuvieras un propósito secreto.When you first came and insisted on staying here, I was afraid that you might have had a secret agenda.
Debes haber tenido un amigo con el que tuvieras una conexión, como si fuérais caras opuestas de la misma alma.You must have had a friend that you had a connection with, like you were opposite sides of the same soul.
Atacar y hundir un barco, pero habría tenido mucho más probable si tuviéramos muchos submarinos.We attack and we sink a ship, but we would have had much more possibilities if we had many submarines.
Bueno, si tuviéramos una mesa más grande, podríamos cenar aquí.Well, if we had a bigger table, we could have had supper out here.
De acuerdo sí, puede que tuviéramos nuestras diferencias.All right, yes, we may have had our differences.
Puede que no tuviéramos drama, o electricidad.We may not have had the drama or the electricity,
"huyeran" de Durnsville, quizás el concesionario de tractores de Elston Buckner no habría tenido que cerrar el año pasado, y quizás el parque de bomberos podría tener por fin una barra para que los héroes de Durnsville no tuvieran que tirarse"ran away" from Durnsville, maybe Elston Buckner's tractor dealership wouldn't have had to close last year, and maybe the firehouse could have finally gotten a pole so Durnsville's finest wouldn't have to freefall
Era impensable que Lanny y Vince tuvieran algo que ver.It was unthinkable to me that Lanny and Vince could have had anything to do with it.
Es obvio que los humanos tuvieran un impacto desbastador en la red ecológica de vida de nuestro planeta.It is clear humans have had a devastating impact on our planet's ecological web of life.
Mira Mike, tú sabes que siempre me ha dolido que mi papá y su hermano tuvieran esa pelea.Look, Mike, you know I've had a pain in my heart that my dad and his brother have had this rift.
Algunos dirían que, combinaba, aspectos femeninos con masculinos, puede que tuviese el cráneo alargado.Sort of combined, some people would say, feminine aspects with masculine aspects, may have had an elongated skull.
Dudo que Roger tuviese acceso a algo así.I doubt Roger would have had access to anything like that.
En su antigua vida... puede que no tuviese una habitación para tí.In her old life... she may not have had room for you.
Es posible que el muerto tuviese alguna enfermedad...- It's possible the dead man may have had some disease...
Ella no puede haber esperado que tu tuvieses una mujer tan pronto.She can't have expected you to have had another woman on the go so soon.
Puede que tuvieses la corazonada más pequeña el día que vimos a John Guare hablar en la calle 92.I might have had the teeniest inkling the day we saw John Guare speak at the 92nd street "Y."
Cualquier rastro que tuviésemos sobre O'Brian se ha perdido.Any leads we may have had on O'Brian have dried up.
"Oficial Bessie, bueno, puede que tuviesen una razón, blah, blah, blah, blah..."They may have had a reason, blah, blah, blah, blah..."
"Vos me habéis formado, tened piedad de mí.""You Who made me, have pity on me."
"Y tened piedad también vos...And have you mercy, too.
"y gima yo entre las angustias de la última agonía -"y los afanes de la muerte..." -"y los afanes de la muerte...": Jesús misericordioso, tened compasión de mí."and I groan in anguished at the last agony... ~ "and the embrace of death..." ~ "And the embrace of death..." Merciful Jesús, have mercy on me.
- Bueno, tened buen viaje.Well, then have a nice trip.
- Hola, tened un buen día, colegas.- Hey, have a nice day, fellas.
! Es la peor fiesta que he tenido nunca.This is the worst party we've ever had.
! Ahora estoy teniendo un infarto, y tú no!Now I'm having a heart attack, and you're not!
Bastante tené! s con lo que 0s queda por recorrer.You have enough problems as it is.
"Oh podés arreglar esto, se que tenés una herramienta que lo hace."Oh you can fix that, I know you have a tool that does that.
! He tenido que hacerlo sin un sirviente, ¡eso es lo que pasó!I've had to make do without a servant, that's what happened!
! He tenido una idea espontánea...I have had a spontaneous idea...
! No has tenido un maldito trabajo en 20 años¡You haven't had a goddamn job in 20 years!
" Ahora aquí está lo que realmente te va a excitar un poco " " Un Kegel va a hacer presión en tu clítoris " " Y una vez que has tenido un bebé "# now here's the really motivating bit # # a kegel will put pressure on your clit # # and once you've had a baby # # no time for saying maybe # # take my advice # # making kegeling a habit #
" Bueno, si tengo pensamientos positivos o si visualizo teniendo lo que quiero, eso será bastante. ""well if I think the positive thoughts or if I visualize having what I want that'll be enough", but if you're doing that and still not feeling abundant or whatever
" Estoy teniendo un montón de diversión en Japón."I am having a lot of fun in Japan.
" Mientras tanto , James estaba teniendo su primera desglose del día . ''Meanwhile, James was having his first breakdown of the day.'
Si los señores Galeano y Moncada están en lo cierto, tené la seguridad de que lo corregiremos, ¿oís?If Mr. Galeano and Mr. Moncada are correct, then you have my assurance that it will be rectified.
"Vos, tenés que llegar lejos, bien lejos así no te escuchamos. " Al final tenía razón."You have to go far in life, very far. So we can no longer hear you. " He was right finally.
(Leticia) Que más me gustó tenés que decir. (Valentín) Sí, eso.- "My dad has had," you have to say.
(Roberto) ¿Qué familia, si vos no tenés?You have no family.
, por supuesto, y mañana también, porque vos tenés que ir a la escuela... y yo tengo que ir al trabajo, ¿me entendés lo que te estoy explicando?Of course, and tomorrow too, because you have to go to school... and l have to go to work, you understand what lm explaining to you?

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