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Se marrer (to laugh) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of se marrer

Present tense
je me marre
I laugh
tu tu te marres
you laugh
il/elle/on il/elle/on se marre
he/she/it laughs
nous nous nous marrons
we laugh
vous vous vous marrez
you all laugh
ils/elles ils/elles se marrent
they laugh
Present perfect tense
je me suis marré
I laughed
tu t’es marré
you laughed
il/elle/on s’est marré
he/she/it laughed
nous nous sommes marrés
we laughed
vous vous êtes marrés
you all laughed
ils/elles se sont marrés
they laughed
Past impf. tense
je me marrais
I was laughing
tu tu te marrais
you were laughing
il/elle/on il/elle/on se marrait
he/she/it was laughing
nous nous nous marrions
we were laughing
vous vous vous marriez
you all were laughing
ils/elles ils/elles se marraient
they were laughing
Future tense
je me marrerai
I will laugh
tu tu te marreras
you will laugh
il/elle/on il/elle/on se marrera
he/she/it will laugh
nous nous nous marrerons
we will laugh
vous vous vous marrerez
you all will laugh
ils/elles ils/elles se marreront
they will laugh
Past perfect tense
je m’étais marré
I had laughed
tu t’étais marré
you had laughed
il/elle/on s’était marré
he/she/it had laughed
nous nous étions marrés
we had laughed
vous vous étiez marrés
you all had laughed
ils/elles s’étaient marrés
they had laughed
Past preterite tense
je me marrai
I laughed
tu tu te marras
you laughed
il/elle/on il/elle/on se marra
he/she/it laughed
nous nous nous marrâmes
we laughed
vous vous vous marrâtes
you all laughed
ils/elles ils/elles se marrèrent
they laughed
Past anterior tense
je me fus marré
I had laughed
tu te fus marré
you had laughed
il/elle/on se fut marré
he/she/it had laughed
nous nous fûmes marrés
we had laughed
vous vous fûtes marrés
you all had laughed
ils/elles se furent marrés
they had laughed
Future perfect tense
je me serai marré
I will have laughed
tu te seras marré
you will have laughed
il/elle/on se sera marré
he/she/it will have laughed
nous nous serons marrés
we will have laughed
vous vous serez marrés
you all will have laughed
ils/elles se seront marrés
they will have laughed
Present subjunctive tense
que je me marre
that I laugh
que tu te marres
that you laugh
qu’il/elle/on se marre
that he/she/it laugh
que nous nous marrions
that we laugh
que vous vous marriez
that you all laugh
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se marrent
that they laugh
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois marré
that I have laughed
que tu te sois marré
that you have laughed
qu’il/elle/on se soit marré
that he/she/it have laughed
que nous nous soyons marrés
that we have laughed
que vous vous soyez marrés
that you all have laughed
qu’ils/elles se soient marrés
that they have laughed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me marrasse
that I would laugh
que tu te marrasses
that you would laugh
qu’il/elle/on se marrât
that he/she/it would laugh
que nous nous marrassions
that we would laugh
que vous vous marrassiez
that you all would laugh
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se marrassent
that they would laugh
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse marré
that I had laughed
que tu te fusses marré
that you had laughed
qu’il/elle/on se fût marré
that he/she/it had laughed
que nous nous fussions marrés
that we had laughed
que vous vous fussiez marrés
that you all had laughed
qu’ils/elles se fussent marrés
that they had laughed
Conditional mood
je me marrerais
I would laugh
tu tu te marrerais
you would laugh
il/elle/on il/elle/on se marrerait
he/she/it would laugh
nous nous nous marrerions
we would laugh
vous vous vous marreriez
you all would laugh
ils/elles ils/elles se marreraient
they would laugh
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais marré
I would have laughed
tu te serais marré
you would have laughed
il/elle/on se serait marré
he/she/it would have laughed
nous nous serions marrés
we would have laughed
vous vous seriez marrés
you all would have laughed
ils/elles se seraient marrés
they would have laughed
Imperative mood
let's laugh!

Examples of se marrer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
*Avant de penser à ceux qui vont se marrer - et j'en fais partie..So, before thinking about your 4 friends in Paris you'll make laugh,
- Et tout à coup, ce groupe de retraités sur le balcon de l'hôtel a commencé à bien se marrer.- And then all the sudden, this group of seniors on a hotel balcony start laughing their asses off.
- Ha ! L'homme va bien se marrer.Man's got to laugh at that one.
- On va se marrer.- We'll have a right laugh.
- Tout le monde va se marrer.- It's stupid. Everyone's gonna laugh.
Dekins l'a regardé... s'est marré, après il lui a serré la pince.Dekins blinked for a second then he laughed and actually shook Andy's hand.
Il se serait bien marré.He would have laughed.
Il se serait marré en regardant tout le monde venir à sa fête, à part lui.He'd have laughed at everyone turning up for his party except for him.
Il se serait marré en voyant les autorités chercher un formulaire approprié à remplir...He'd have laughed at the authorities trying to find the relevant form to fill in...
J'étais persuadée que ça lui ferait mal mais il s'est marré.For some reason I thought that would really hurt him. He just laughed at me.
-Bah, marre-toi !- Go on, laugh.
C'est ça, marre-toi, mais sache que ta combine ne marchera pas-Yeah. While you're having a good laugh... let me just mention that your little scheme isn't gonna work.
C'est ça, marre-toi.Go ahead, laugh yourself sick.
Allez-y, marrez-vous. Mais tous les mecs cool ont le torse poilu.Go ahead, laugh, but all cool guys have hairy chests:
Allez-y, marrez-vous.Oh, laugh, laugh, laugh all you want.
C'est ça, marrez-vous !Laugh it up, you guys. Big laugh.
En ce moment, cette petite fille est assise là à compter votre argent en se marrant sur son maigre cul à propos de la somme qu'elle a soutiré de vos poches.Right now, that little girl is sitting in there counting your money and laughing her scrawny ass off on how much she has lifted out of your pockets.
Et puis c'est particulièrement beau de rentrer à Ia maison et l'autre est Ià qui t'attend Ies bras ouverts en se marrant en voyant dans quel état tu es!And then it's even nicer to return home and have someone await you with open arms laughing at how wasted you are.
Il brandissait toujours le flingue en se marrant.He was still swingin' the gun around, man, and laughing.
Ils picolaient en se marrant.They were just drinking and laughing
J'imagine ces belettes de scientifiques du FBI se marrant à décrire ce que je vais essayer de faire:I can just see those FBI forensic weasels sitting around, laughing, picturing what

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