No és solament robar: és la revenja!- I una llum perversa flameja en sos ulls. -Hi necessitaré el vostre ajut. | 'Tain't robbery altogether--it's _revenge_!" and a wicked light flamed in his eyes. |
Justament són les coses que ens caldran quan ens posem a robar. | They're just the tricks to have when we go to robbing. |
Com a conseqüència, molts edificis i botigues de l'avinguda Presidente Vargas van quedar destrossats i alguns van aprofitar per entrar-hi a robar. | In response, many stores and buildings were vandalized and robbed on Presidente Vargas Avenue. |
Per tant, vaig intentar robar el correu verdader, sense diamants. | Therefore I would have robbed the real courier, without diamonds. |
36 Vols robar bancs? | You want to rob banks? |
Què me'n dius de compartir una beguda gratis al robo-bar? | What do ya say we split a free drink at the robo-bar? |
"Bella dama, desfes-t'he d'aquestes robes cares" | "Fair lady, throw those costly robes aside. |
Ningú no roba en un restaurant. | Nobody ever robs restaurants. |
Ningú no roba en un restaurant. Per què no? | Nobody ever robs restaurants. |
Qui collons roba un banc disfressat d'ídol adolescent? | Who robs a bank dressed up like a teen idol? |
Ai d’aquells que els han robat la dignitat! | Woe to those who robbed them of their dignity! |
L'activista Niara Oliveira es va preguntar al Twitter "Per què fins hui recordem el nom del xiquet arrossegat per un cotxe robat per bandits? | Activist Niara Oliveira questioned this on Twitter: "Why is that today we remember the name of the boy that was dragged from a car robbed by criminals? |
La banyera perd, el teléfon no funciona i m'han robat. | My bathtub leaks, my phone is out of order, I've been robbed |
El seu passat està aquí, perque mai l'emprares. ningú t'ha robat res, Per qué ho rebutjares? | Your past is here, but you never used it. We haven't robbed you of anything, but why should it go to waste? |
Una coincidència, vull dir, tu demanant tenir la teva festa aquí, i en Hunt sent robat a la porta del costat i pel mateix paio que ens va rescatar al magatzem. | Some coincidence, I mean, you asking to have your party here, and Hunt getting robbed right next door and by the same guy who rescued us at the warehouse. |
En una part d'aquesta selva, es roben ipê i més fustes precioses en zones protegides, i una part d'aquesta fusta surt legalitzada des dels ports del Brasil cap a Europa. | On part of this forest, ipê and other precious woods are being robbed in conservation unities and part of this wood comes out legalized from Brazilian ports towards Europe. |
Si deixes la porta oberta i et roben, a qui has de culpar de la teva estupidesa? #Kibuule | If you leave your door open and you are robbed, whose to blame for your stupidity? #Kibuule — Anthony J Kateeba (@TheBigPapaa) September 24, 2013 |
Per què no podem ser tots igual de tossuts i evitar que se'ns robi el que eren els nostres avis? | Why can’t we all be stubborn, and prevent being robbed of what our grandparents were? |
No esperen que els robis. | They're not expecting to get robbed. |
Està robant als rics, intenten donar-los una lliçó, imagino. | He's robbing the rich, he's trying to teach them a lesson I guess. |
Ara finalment l'he trobat, i ella està robant botigues de 24 hores amb un mandrós. | Now I finally find her, and she's robbing convenience stores with some deadbeat. |