- Ma tagastan kõik.. | - I will return everything.. |
- Ma tagastan ülejäägi homme. | I'm returning what's left over tomorrow. |
- Nii kaua? Sellisel juhul parem tagastan selle. | Well, in that case, I'd better return it. |
- Vandusin kõigi jumalate nimel, et tagastan tema tütred, kui nad on elus. | I swore by all the gods that if her daughters were alive, I'd return them to her. |
Asterix! Hei, Asterix, mis teed? Ma tagastan Caesar’ile Caesar’i vara | Astérix, what do you make? to return to the Caesar what is gives the Caesar. for sure he/she drank the magic potion. |
- Kuidas sa märgi tagastad? | How will you return his badge? |
Juhul, kui sa ta peale terveksravimist mulle tagastad. | As long as you return her to me when she's healed. |
Kas sa alati tagastad kõik, mis sa leiad pesu seest? | Do you always return everything you find in the laundry? |
"tagastab püha töö tervena. " | "returns this sacred work intact. " |
Aga siis tagastab ta selle siia. | But then he returns it here. |
- Me kindlasti tagastame need, nagu planeeritud. | - We'll return them as planned, for sure. |
Dr. Jumba Jookiba, me tagastame sulle eelnevalt konfiskeeritud laboratooriumi võtme. | Dr. Jumba Jookiba, we hereby return the confiscated key to your Iaboratory. |
Ainus, mis teid nüüd aidata võib, on see, kui tagastate mulle auto ühes tükis. | The only thing that can help you now is if that car is returned to me in one piece. |
Homme tagastate raha kõigile, kelledelt olete välja pressinud. | Tomorrow you'll have returned all the money you extorted from those people. |
Kuid, kui te juhuslikult oma meelt muudate, tahaksin ma siiski, teie garantiid, et te tagastate selle raha mu tütrele. | But if you should change your mind, I would like to have your guarantee that you return the money to my daughter. |
Ma palun, et te eemaldate ja tagastate sõrmused märgiks, et te pole abielus. | I would ask if you would now remove and return your rings as a sign that you are not married. |
-Nad alati tagastavad kingitused. | - They always return thepresents. |
Claire, kui sa jätad vahetatud lapse ööseks välja sellises kohas, tuleb haldja rahvas ja võtab ta tagasi ja tagastavad lapse, kelle nad varastasid. | Claire, if ye leave a changeling out overnight in such a place, the wee folk'll come and take it back and return the child they have stolen. |
Isiklikult ma loodan, et kauninimesed tagastavad ühel päeval sulle su keha. | Personally, I hope the pod people return your body to you someday. |
Isiklikult... ...ma loodan, et kauninimesed tagastavad ühel päeval sulle su keha. | Personally, i hope the pod people return your body to you someday. |
Siin ma palvetan, et tulnukad tagastavad Andyle munad, et ta saab mees olla ja oma viletsa tüdruku maha jätta. | Here I am praying that the aliens return Andy's baIls, so he can be a man and dump his Iame-ass girlfriend! |
Aga ma ütlesin neile, et kui nad ei tagasta akusid, siis ma keeldun neid oma kohvikus teenindamast... kui ma saaksin teada, kes nad on. | But l told them that if they did not return the batteries, l would refuse to serve them in my café... if l ever found out who they were. |
Kui te ei tagasta minu sümbiooti kohe. Ma suren. | If you do not return my symbiote to me, I will die. |
Ma ei tagasta neid. | I'm not returning them. |
Ma ei tagasta ühtki... Vahet ei ole, mis sa teed! Ma jätan need kõik endale, | But I'm not returning any of it... no matter what you do! |
Nad näevad seda iga tund, kuni mu tütar mulle tagastatakse. | They'll see it every hour till my daughter is returned to me. |
Saagu teatavaks, et kui mootor tagastatakse, saab tüdruk vabaks. | Let it be known when the motor is returned, l will release the girl. |
Ja kui ei tagastata? | and when it is not returned? |
Kui raha 2 minuti jooksul ei tagastata, lastakse padjatoppija maha. | if the money is not returned in two minutes, the wandering pillow stuffer will die. |
Kui raha ei tagastata, lastakse klaverimängija linnaväljakul maha. | herr flick has announced that if the money is not returned, the pianist will be taken to the town square and shot. |
Kui raha ei tagastata, peate padjatoppija kell 7.00 linnaväljakul maha laskma. | if the money is not returned, you are to shoot him in the town square at 7:00 in the morning. |
Olen kohustatud teile ütlema, et kui hingede anumat ei tagastata ordule, teie aja järgi 20 minuti jooksul, Siis nad ründavad. | I am obliged to tell you that if the vessel of souls is not returned to our order within 20 of your time minutes they will attack. |
- Ma tagastasin 13 Cuisinartsi! | - I returned 13 Cuisinarts! |
- Ma tagastasin need. | - I returned them. |
Ei, Me ei tee seda. Ma tagastasin selle täis paagiga. | I returned it with a full tank of gas. |
Ilmselt ma jätsin midagi autosse, mille ma tagastasin eelmisel laupäeval. Ma arvan, et see oli CD. | Apparently I left something in a vehicle that I returned last Saturday. |
- Ja nad tagastasid need. | And they returned it. |
Kuid nad tagastasid talle auto! | But they returned it to him... Then I decided to start selling them. |
Nad teadsid, et me tuleme juba enne kui me jõudsime. Ja nad tagastasid Kolonel Budahase peibutusena. | They knew we were coming before we ever arrived and they returned Colonel Budahas as a decoy. |
Sa tagastasid Valention, ja sa oled ära teinud oma kümme tundi vabatahtlikuna, poes koos Bettyga... | Seeing as you've returned the valentino, And you've logged ten hours of volunteer work With Betty at the shop... |
Aga kulla vürst tagastas. Tugarini jättis Aljosha Kiievi vürstile kingituseks. Vürst pani tolle puuri, Kiievi rahvale narrimiseks. | As for the gold, knyaz returned it, and Alyosha gave Tugarin to Prince of Kiev as a present, whom prince put into a cage, to entertain people of Kiev, as people always liked to. |
Kui me kagusse liikusime, tagastas Aleksander tihti vallutatud maad võidetud kuningatele, et nendest liitlased teha. | And as we moved south and east Alexander often returned the lands we'd conquered to their defeated kings so as to make them allies. |
Lex tagastas need mulle ilma mingi tagamõttega. | Lex returned them to me, no strings attached. |
Me tagastasime relva, aga P3Y-294 ei tahtnud meiega rohkem tegemist teha. | We returned the weapon, but P3Y- 294 would have nothing further to do with us. |
- Te kaotasite kõvasti usaldusväärsust, kui pr Kristo viletsas seisukorras tagastasite. | Let's just say you lost a lot of credibility when you returned Mrs. Kristo in poor condition. |
Hr. Hanson, te tagastasite auto mõned päevad tagasi. | Mr. Hanson, you returned a car the other day. |
Te tagastasite meile Lincolni ja Skye. | You returned Lincoln and Skye to us. |
- Ebakindel tagastati Hooldekeskusesse. | Uncertain was returned to the nurturing center. |
Minu tðekk tagastati, piisava rahasumma puudumise tõttu. Ei, proua. | My check was returned for insufficient funds |
Minu tšekk tagastati, piisava rahasumma puudumise tõttu. | My check was returned for insufficient funds. |
See tagastati Itaaliale, Firenzele, Teie Ausus. | Oh, that was returned to Florence, Italy, Your Honor. |
"Kui surnud peaksid tõusma, tagastaksin Blake'ile ta varanduse..." "...mis peitub neis seintes." | "Were it possible to raise the dead, "I would return Blake's fortune to him intact, "save the money spent on these walls that hide it." |
"Kui surnud peaksid tõusma, tagastaksin Blake'ile ta varanduse..." | "Were it possible to raise the dead... "I would return Blake's fortune to him intact... |
"Kaeva üles ja tagasta maetud aare." | "Dig up and return the buried treasure." |
Aga enne tagasta härra Driscolli pastakas. | How about you return Mr. Driscoll's pen first? |
Aga ma ütlesin neile, et kui nad ei tagasta akusid, siis ma keeldun neid oma kohvikus teenindamast... kui ma saaksin teada, kes nad on. | But l told them that if they did not return the batteries, l would refuse to serve them in my café... if l ever found out who they were. |
Arreteerige ta, kui ta ei tagasta mulle minu omandit. | If he doesn't return my property, l want him arrested. |
Kas sa neid ei tagasta? | You're not gonna return them? |
"Kadumise korral palun tagastage Charles Christopher Schineile." | "If lost, please return to Charles Christopher Schine." |
Dr.Marshall palun tagastage lehekülg. | Dr. Marshall, please return the page. |
Meremees Tom, tagastage kohe auto või hakkate plangul kõndima! | - Sailor Tom, return the car right now, or you will walk the plank! |
- Mis see on? Käsk, et leedi Katherine peab tagastama oma ametlikud kroonijuveelid. | A command that Lady Catherine return her official jewels. |
Aga vaheajal tundub, et... sa pead tagastama need autod päris omanikele... ja sind kinni võtma, Poola jobudik Mark. | But in the meantime, it looks like we'll have to return these vehicles to their owners and bring you in, Polish prick Mark. |
Arvasin, et peaks maja võtme tagastama. | Figured I should return my house key. |
Ehk peaksid selle tagastama. | Perhaps you should return it. |
"Leidmise korral tagastada Randy Kitsonile" | "If found, return to Randy Kitson." |
"Teie otsus mu tütart mulle mitte tagastada ei jäta mulle muud valikut kui võtta kasutusele otsesed meetmed." | Your resistance in returning my daughter has left me no choice but to take aggressive action. |
- Ja ma ei saa seda isegi tagastada. | And I can't even return it. |
- Tahtsin teada, kas politsei on sind küsitlenud ja kas nad on tagastanud Maxi asjad? | l understand. l wanted to see if the police had been by to interview you and whether or not they returned any of Max's property, or.... |
Edasimüüjad on tagastanud juba 90% kaubast. | And the retailers have already returned almost 90% of our shipments. |
Iga viimase kui tüki, mis sattus eksiteele, oleme me tagastanud. | Every last piece that went astray, we have returned . |
- Ma tunnistasin ülesse, ja kõik on tagastatud. | Look, I made bail, and... and everything's been returned, all right? |
Mu sõbrad, meie raha on tagastatud! | My friends, our money has been returned! |
Paljud olid oma elu säästud firmasse investeerinud... ja meil on hea teada, et nende pensionid on tagastatud. | Many people had their life savings invested in the company and were delighted to learn their pensions had been returned. |
Mu sõbrad, meie raha on tagastatud! | My friends, our money has been returned! |
Seekord võidutseb headus. Kuu on tagastatud tema õigesse kohta taevas. | This time, good triumphs, and the moon has been returned to its rightfuI place in the sky. |