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Devolver (to return) conjugation

134 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: vomit, restore, hand back, devolve, give back, to devolve, refund, repay, bring back, send back etc, to vomit

Conjugation of devolver

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I return
you return
he/she/it returns
we return
you all return
they return
Present perfect tense
he devuelto
I have returned
has devuelto
you have returned
ha devuelto
he/she/it has returned
hemos devuelto
we have returned
habéis devuelto
you all have returned
han devuelto
they have returned
Past preterite tense
I returned
you returned
he/she/it returned
we returned
you all returned
they returned
Future tense
I will return
you will return
he/she/it will return
we will return
you all will return
they will return
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would return
you would return
he/she/it would return
we would return
you all would return
they would return
Past imperfect tense
I used to return
you used to return
he/she/it used to return
we used to return
you all used to return
they used to return
Past perfect tense
había devuelto
I had returned
habías devuelto
you had returned
había devuelto
he/she/it had returned
habíamos devuelto
we had returned
habíais devuelto
you all had returned
habían devuelto
they had returned
Future perfect tense
habré devuelto
I will have returned
habrás devuelto
you will have returned
habrá devuelto
he/she/it will have returned
habremos devuelto
we will have returned
habréis devuelto
you all will have returned
habrán devuelto
they will have returned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I return
(if/so that) you return
(if/so that) he/she/it return
(if/so that) we return
(if/so that) you all return
(if/so that) they return
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya devuelto
I have returned
hayas devuelto
you have returned
haya devuelto
he/she/it has returned
hayamos devuelto
we have returned
hayáis devuelto
you all have returned
hayan devuelto
they have returned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have returned
(if/so that) you have returned
(if/so that) he/she/it have returned
(if/so that) we have returned
(if/so that) you all have returned
(if/so that) they have returned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have returned
(if/so that) you have returned
(if/so that) he/she/it have returned
(if/so that) we have returned
(if/so that) you all have returned
(if/so that) they have returned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera devuelto
I had returned
hubieras devuelto
you had returned
hubiera devuelto
he/she/it had returned
hubiéramos devuelto
we had returned
hubierais devuelto
you all had returned
hubieran devuelto
they had returned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese devuelto
I had returned
hubieses devuelto
you had returned
hubiese devuelto
he/she/it had returned
hubiésemos devuelto
we had returned
hubieseis devuelto
you all had returned
hubiesen devuelto
they had returned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have returned
(if/so that) you will have returned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have returned
(if/so that) we will have returned
(if/so that) you all will have returned
(if/so that) they will have returned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere devuelto
I will have returned
hubieres devuelto
you will have returned
hubiere devuelto
he/she/it will have returned
hubiéremos devuelto
we will have returned
hubiereis devuelto
you all will have returned
hubieren devuelto
they will have returned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's return!
Imperative negative mood
no devuelvas
do not return!
no devuelva
let him/her/it return!
no devolvamos
let us not return!
no devolváis
do not return!
no devuelvan
do not return!

Examples of devolver

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"... el país es un desastre, y espera... respuestas... inequívocas. Para devolver... la dignidad... a la convivencia... entre... los hombres."...while the country is in shambles... and awaites... unambiguous... answers... to return... dignity... to the cohoperation... among... men."
"Entonces decidió devolver al perro a su dueño."So she decided to return the dog to his owner.
"Iré a devolver el collar de mi mamá"."I'm going to return my mom's necklace."
"Los rangers están obligados a devolver el ganado robado a su dueño""Rangers are instructed to return all stolen cattle to their rightful owner.
"Para cobrar su premio, debe devolver esta carta a nuestra oficina, junto con el número ganador y una lista de las revistas a las que le gustaría suscribirse."Oh. "To collect your prize "you just have to return this letter
"Con este paquete marrón, te devuelvo a la sociedad."With this brown paper parcel... I return thee to society.
"Con gran pesar le devuelvo sus cartas y su mechön de pelo"."It is with regret that I return your letters and the lock of hair."
"Escucha, joven doncella, te devuelvo la libertad si me haces sólo un pequeño favor a cambio.""See, young maiden, I give you your freedom if you would just show me a small favor in return."
"Estaré fuera unas semanas, por eso no se lo devuelvo personalmente...I'll be away for some weeks, or I'd have returned it personally
"Le devuelvo sus versos." I am returning your verses to you.
*No me devuelves los mensajes* *y sé que tienes teléfono.*♪ You don't return my texts ♪ ♪ and I know you have a cellphone ♪
- Luego lo devuelves.Then you return it.
- No devuelves las llamadas, Lee Anne.- You don't return my calls, Lee Anne.
- No devuelves mis llamadas nunca más?- You don't return my calls anymore?
- No devuelves mis llamadas.-You don't return my calls.
"Dobla y devuelve a su posición"."It bends and returns to its position."
"Ella, la que debe ser obedecida" te devuelve a tu hija. Es una advertencia más que te hace para los rebeldes.She who must be obeyed returns your daughter to you, a warning to all who choose to displease her.
"La muerte pasará por encima si un acto desinteresado devuelve la pieza sagrada intacta.. ""Death shall pass you over "if an unselfish act "returns this sacred work intact. "
"Ryan nunca devuelve mis llamadas". Bienvenidos al club."Ryan never returns my calls. " Join the club.
(Susan devuelve la comida intacta y se marcha.)(Susan returns to Doctor's un touched food and leaves.)
"Les devolvemos el resto de su envío de camisetas."We are returning the remainder of your t-shirt stock.
"Muy señora nuestra, le devolvemos el documento que nos envió." Cara Senhora, we come for this way to return the document what it sent to us.
"Se ha hecho entrega de la carta en la dirección especificada. Al no poder confirmarse la presencia del destinatario... la devolvemos al remitente."'This item was delivered to the specified address... 'but the presence of the addressee could not be confirmed... 'so it is being returned.'
"Te devolvemos todas las copias no vendidas de "Más rápido que la velocidad del amor"."We are returning all of the unsold copies of Faster Than the Speed of Love."
- Carter puede copiarlo y lo devolvemos.- Major Carter'll copy it and we'll return it.
Luego devolvéis los vestidos. Y no os manchéis.Don't forget to return my dresses and be careful about spots.
Si devolvéis a Dama Ichi y admitís que no es un miembro de la familia nuestro Señor escuchará su solicitud de un castigo más ligero.If you two admit that Ichi is no longer a family member and that she has been returned, our lord will listen to her plea for a lighter punishment.
Si no devolvéis vuestros lápices, recibiréis...If you do not return your pencils, you will be given a...
Sois trabajadores valiosos y no deseamos haceros daño, pero si no devolvéis el control a vuestros capataces cardassianos, tendremos que tomar medidas.You are valuable workers, and we wish you no harm. But if you do not return control of this unit to your Cardassian supervisors, we must take action.
Sí lo sois, porque no le devolvéis lo que quitáis, todos estos trastos que tenéis en la cueva.Yes you are, since you haven't returned what was taken away,... all this junk that you have in the cave.
- CAJA A, CAJA B - Caja A: Para las que se devuelven, lo que nunca pasa porque, si Wendy no puede descifrar la letra...Bin A, if it's returnable, which it never is, cos if Whispering Wendy can't decipher the writing...
- Comandante, devuelven el fuego.- Commander, they're returning fire.
- Después la recuperan y la devuelven.- Then "retrieve" it and return it.
- Hola. ¿Miras lo que te devuelven de impuestos?- Hey. Looking at your tax return?
- Me la devuelven mañana.You can return it tomorrow.
- Las devolví.- I returned them.
- Lo devolví.- I'd returned it.
- No devolví todo, papá.- I have not returned anything, Dad.
- Sí, pero yo te lo devolví.- Yes, but I returned it.
- Nunca devolviste mis llamadas.You never returned any of my calls.
- Porque mi crédito está arruinado porque alquilaste una película hace tres años con mi tarjeta y tú nunca la devolviste.Because my credit is screwed up Because you rented a movie 3 years ago on my card And you never returned it.
- ¿Lo devolviste?- You returned it?
- ¿Por qué no devolviste mis llamadas?- Why haven't you returned my calls?
- ¿Por qué no devolviste ninguna llamada?Why haven't you returned any of my calls?
- Alguien devolvió su perrera.- Someone returned their Puppy Pound.
- Debo recuperar lo que no devolvió.I gave to get back what he never returned.
- Ella murió y él nunca la devolvió.- She died, he never returned it.
- Está bien, vaya i guardado su bolso y se lo devolvió a usted Todavía no me lo creo- Okay, go I saved your bag and returned it to you Still you don't believe me
- La Dr. Miller le devolvió la llamada.- Dr. Miller returned your call.
- cuando la devolvimos, que la rompimos.- when we returned it, had a tear in it.
Entiendo que lo devolvimos tarde, pero, ¿no podría renunciar por esta vez al recargo por retraso?I understand we returned it late, but can you just waive the late fee this time?
Extrajimos su disco duro, lo clonamos y lo devolvimos.We extracted his hard drive, cloned it and returned it.
Gusano alega que la droga que devolvimos era falsa. ¿Es eso posible?- Gusano claims the dope we returned was bogus. - Is that possible?
La devolvimos a la tienda.We returned it to the store.
Cogisteis su maquinilla de afeitar, no se la devolvisteis.You took his razor, you never returned it.
- Las devolvieron hoy a las 3 am.It was returned at 03 00 this morning.
- Me devolvieron todo.- They were all returned.
- Ya lo devolvieron.- Word came up that was returned.
- y que devolvieron al niño.And the kid was returned.
- ¿Rebobinaron y devolvieron Secretaria Ejecutiva, versión del director?- Rewound and returned... the director's cut of "Working Girl"?
"No te lo devolveré."Not you Io will return.
"lo revisaré, haré pruebas y te lo devolveré.""Io will revise, I will make tests and you Io will return."
"y le devolveré el dinero.""and I will return him/her the money."
- Algún día, la devolveré.Some day, I will return it.
- Le devolveré su magia.~ I will return his magic to him.
Me devolverás a la superficie.You will return me to the surface.
Me devolverás a los Daleks.You will return me to the Daleks.
Me devolverás a mi hija de inmediato.You will return my daughter to me.
Me devolverás lo que es nuestro, no importa lo que pase.You will return what is ours, no matter what.
Me devolverás mi dinero.You will return my money.
- Usted devolverá este dron a los Borg.You will return this drone to the Borg.
- ¡G'Kar devolverá la estatua!- G' Kar will return the statue!
Bonito discurso, pero no devolverá a nadie.Nice speech, that person will return.
Capitán, devolverá a Zaminhon y a la chica esclava a su nave inmediatamente.Captain, you will return Zaminhon and the slave girl to his ship immediately.
Cuando os lleve a casa mi hermano os devolverá a la isla.When I get you home my brother will return you to your island.
- Te devolveremos tu alma.- We will return your soul.
Como cortesía, les devolveremos las armas cuando salgan del país.As a courtesy, we will return the guns on your way out of the country.
Dime de donde lo robaste y lo devolveremos...Tell me where you stole all of this and we will return everything...
El Sargento Byrnes y yo devolveremos este dinero al banco.Sergeant Byrnes and I will return this money to the bank.
Entonces les devolveremos a los Últimos Cinco.Then we will return your final five to you.
Me lo devolveréis, ¿no?You will return it to me, won't you?
Cree que esas valijas le devolverán lo que la guerra destruyó.He thinks his luggage will return what the war has destroyed.
Declarando que nos devolverán nuestra cultura.Stating that you will return our cultures back to us
Estoy seguro de que el Domo de la Roca no permanecerá ahí y nos devolverán la Explanada de las Mezquitas, así como estoy seguro de que esos asesinos a quienes les volé las piernas se merecían eso.I am sure that the Dome of the Rock will not remain on the Temple Mount and the Temple Mount will return to us, just as I am sure that those same murderers, whose legs I took part in removing, deserved their fate.
Las ganancias le devolverán la solvencia a este Ludus.The winnings will return this ludus to solvency.
Llegado el momento los Song, les devolverán el favor.When the time comes, the Songs will return the favour.
"le devolvería a Blake su fortuna intacta,"I would return Blake's fortune to him intact...
Dijo que lo devolvería.He's not home? He said he would return that.
El resto de la tarde se la pasaron haciendo conjeturas sobre si devolvería pronto su visita al Sr. Bennet, y determinando cuándo podrían invitarlo a cenar".The rest of the evening was spent in conjecturing how soon he would return Mr. Bennet's visit, and determining when they would ask him for dinner."
Es una persona excepcional la que devolvería una prenda tan valiosa.It is a rare person indeed who would return such a valuable keepsake.
Estreche su mano y le dije que le devolvería el dinero.l held his hand and told him that l would return the money.
Dijiste que aún estaban en África, que les devolveríamos a su hijo.You said they were still in Africa, that we would return the child to them.
Escuché que mis amigos de Londres me devolverían esto.I heard my friends in London would return these to me.
Pensé que si rezaba, mucho, mucho, los Dioses me devolverían a mi madre.I thought that if I prayed very, very hard, the Gods would return my mother to me.
"219, devuelva el arma de 233"."219, return 233's weapon."
"Dear Mr. Murray, El presidente "Pearson" me ah instruido para que devuelva su aplicacion"Dear Mr. Murray, President Pearson instructed me to return your application
"Vamos todos a cerrar los ojos, y el que haya tomado la pluma, que la devuelva".We will all close our eyes, and will the one who took the pen, please return it.
- ... la devuelva ilesa.- To return her unharmed.
- ...esta nave es una prisión. - Capitán es imperativo que devuelva a Lokai a Cheron para ser juzgado.Captain, it is imperative that you return Lokai to Cheron for judgement.
"Me robaste el coche y quiero que me lo devuelvas.""You stole me the car and I want that me Io returns."
- No, hasta que devuelvas...- I´mm not going anywhere until you return-
- Que devuelvas tus malditos llamados.What do you think of that? I think you should return your damn phone calls.
- Quiero que lo devuelvas.- I want you to return that.
- Quiero que me devuelvas mi cheque. - ¿Tu cheque?- I'll ask you to return my check, please.
- ...tan pronto como le devolvamos a la Tierra.-...as soon as you return him to Earth.
A tal fin, y en el interés de un acuerdo rápido, propongo que devolvamos al rey con la debida ceremonia dentro de dos días.To which end, and in the interests of a speedy settlement, I propose we return the king in due ceremony two days hence.
Ahora bien, es esencial que le devolvamos a salvo al espacio cardassiano.Now, it is absolutely imperative that we return him safely to Cardassian space.
Ahora, cuando devolvamos esos, Voy a comprarte algo.Now, when I return these, I'm gonna get you something.
Aunque nuestros colegas de Chicago esperan que se la devolvamos, así que no se deshaga de ella.Although our colleagues at Chicago expect it returned, so don't dispose of it.
- ! Exigimos que nos devolváis la Piedra!- We demand you return the Touchstone!
Cuando me la devolváis, espero que esté en las mismas condiciones en las que la recibisteis.When you return them, I expect them to be in the condition in which you received them.
Por ello os pido que me devolváis a mi antigua condición y que... a mis tres hermanas también las echéis de palacio. Creo que es lo mejor.Please let me return to my former life as Yu-huan and discharge my cousin Kuo-chung and my three sisters from the court
Sabéis, es curioso, la mayoría de las veces estoy intentando escapar de vosotros, y aún así cuando realmente necesito contactaros, no consigo que me devolváis las llamadas.You know, it's funny, most of the time I'm trying to get away from you, and yet when I really need to get in touch with you, I can't get you to return my phone calls.
Su Majestad desea que devolváis las joyas oficiales de la Reina de Inglaterra.His Majesty wishes that you return to him the official jewels of the Queens of England.
- El general quiere que se lo devuelvan.- He asked for its return.
- No nos sentamos a esperar... que nos devuelvan las llamadas, Bishop.We don't sit around waiting for return calls, Bishop.
- No pararé hasta que me lo devuelvan.I won't rest until he's returned.
- Que nos lo devuelvan inmediatamente.- I demand its immediate return.
- Quiero que la devuelvan ahora.- I want her returned immediately.
Hacedlo cómo queráis, devolved mi dinero, y os daré vuestros pasaportes.Whatever name you may give it, return my money, take your passports.
Pero devolved el otro tesoro que habéis robado, pues aunque su poder es seductor, ¡solo os traerá sufrimiento!But return the other treasure you have stolen, for while its power is alluring, it will only bring you misery!
Por favor devolved la cantidad total de 60 ryo.Please return the full amount of sixty ryo.
Por tanto, si quereis tener el rally de estudiantes, por favor devolved la estatua a...So, if you want to have a pep rally, please return the statue to...
"Lamentamos que sean inelegibles ante nuestras actuales necesidades y las estamos devolviendo adjunto.."We regret that they're unsuitable for our present needs and are returning them herewith.
"devolviendo el título al Príncipe Heredero...""returning the title to the Crown Prince,"
- Estaba devolviendo una película.- I was returning a tape, man.
- Las estoy devolviendo.- I'm returning them.
- Le estaba devolviendo el cumplido.- I was returning your compliment.
Marcelo, ¿los devolvés enseguida o hay un día especial para eso?Hey Marcelo, do you throw them back right away, or there is a special day for returns?
"Anand me había devuelto a mi hija""Anand had returned my child to me"
"Cadáver"... bien "devuelto a la familia""Carcass... " - nice. ".. returned to family. "
"Cualquier negro levantado en armas contra la Confederación será inmediatamente devuelto a un estado de esclavitud."Any Negro taken in arms against the Confederacy will immediately be returned to a state of slavery.
"Cuando Sir Francis fue rescatado y devuelto a su hogar estaba convencido de que su nombre estaba maldito.""When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home," "he was convinced his name had been cursed."
"Hemos devuelto la piedra a la Iglesia de Escocia ... ', en la ruinas de la Abadía de Arbroath, "donde los Estados de Escocia se reunieron para firmar su Declaración de Independencia ".'We returned the Stone to the Church of Scotland 'at the ruined Abbey of Arbroath, 'where the Estates of Scotland met to sign their Declaration of Independence. '

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