- Hetkel ma taastun ajakirja rünnakust. | Well, right now, I'm recovering from a rather brutal magazine attack. |
Ja mulle tundub, et trennide vahel taastun ma paremini. | And I also feel like I recover better in between my workouts. |
Ja siis pean ma su juurde elama tulema, sel ajal, kui ma taastun. | And then I'll have to come live with you while I recover. |
Ma ei arvanudki, et taastun sellest elust, mida enne kogesin. | Yeah, I never thought I'd recover from the life I had before. |
"Aga sa taastud..." | But you recover... |
- Seniks, kui sa taastud oma tasakaalust. | - Until you recover your equilibrium. |
- Kui ta edukalt taastub, ei kahane aktsiahind sugugi. | - And as long as he recovers, that stock won't dip an inch. |
Cottle sõnul on sul eufooriahetk, kui su keha taastub mürgistusest. | Cottle says you're experiencing a moment of euphoria as your body recovers from the toxicity of the treatments. |
Me taastume rünnakust sellele hoonele, osakonnajuhataja on ikka veel haiglas. Mida me tegema peaksime? | So we're recovering from an attack on this building... the division commander's still in the hospital... what are we supposed to do? |
- Te alles taastute. | You're still recovering. |
Te taastute silmapaistvalt hästi. | You're making the most remarkable recovery. |
- Süsteemid taastuvad. | Systems are recovering. Oh, crap. |
Enne kui nad taastuvad! | Before they can recover! |
Kuidas nad sellest taastuvad? | How are they gonna recover from this? |
30-aastase keha ei taastu nii kiirelt kui 29-aastase keha. | The moment where a 30-year-old body does not recover quite as fast as a 29-year-old body. |
30-aastase keha ei taastu nii kiirelt kui... ...29-aastase keha. | The moment where a 30-year-old body does not recover quite as fast... ...as a 29-year-old body. |
Mees ei taastu sellisest pühendumisest sellisesse naisesse. | A man does not recover from such a devotion to such a woman. |
Mina taastusin, kuid mu maagia mitte. | I recovered. |
- Ja sa taastusid õigeks ajaks. | It's my birthday. And you recovered just in time. |
-... sellest mälestusest, mis mul taastus. | - about a repressed memory I recovered. |
Jenna jalg taastus kenasti annetatud asenduskõõlustega. | Jenna's foot recovered nicely with donated replacement tendons from a cadaver. |
Kui Krahv Vertigo üledoosist taastus, siis saadeti ta vanglasse. | When the Count recovered from his OD on Vertigo, he was sent to Iron Heights. |
30-aastase keha ei taastu nii kiirelt kui 29-aastase keha. | The moment where a 30-year-old body does not recover quite as fast as a 29-year-old body. |
30-aastase keha ei taastu nii kiirelt kui... ...29-aastase keha. | The moment where a 30-year-old body does not recover quite as fast... ...as a 29-year-old body. |
Isegi sina ei taastu sellest. | Not even you can recover from. |
Ja kui ta ei taastu? | And if he doesn't recover? |
- Tom pidutses ja jäi haigeks. Inimesed, kellega ta koos reisis, jättis ta Yatesiga taastuma, kes ka ta seejärel hülgas. | The group he was travelling with left him to recover with Yates who then deserted him as well. |
Aga ta peaks sellest täielikult taastuma. | But, uh, he should make a full recovery. |
Danielle, ta peab taastuma. | He just needs time to recover, Danielle. |
Dr. Fraiser arvab, et ta kannatab sarkofaagi põhjustatud sümptomite käes, - aga ta peaks täiesti taastuma | Dr Fraiser says he'll suffer withdrawal symptoms from so long in a sarcophagus, but she expects a full recovery. |
- et tema kude saaks taastuda. | - ...for his tissues to recover. |
Aitan kogukonnal taastuda stressirohketest sündmustest. | I help communities recover after, shall we say, stressful events. |
Anna endale aega, et taastuda. | Give yourself time to recover. |
Bali tundus olema õige koht, kus lahutusest taastuda. | And Bali seemed like the perfect place to recover from a divorce. |
""Meresurfar"" on taastunud oma õnnetusest." Ja on taas valmis seilama avaral ookeanil. | The Sea Serpent is fully recovered from her mishap and ready to once again brave the open ocean. |
"Issi, miks Saksamaa ja Jaapani majandus pole siiani taastunud?" | "Daddy, can you tell me why Germany and Japan's economies never recovered?" |
"Meresurfar" on taastunud oma õnnetusest." Ja on taas valmis seilama avaral ookeanil. | "The" Sea Serpent "is fully" recovered from her mishap... ...and ready to once again brave the open ocean. |
Ma kujutan ette, Ms. Lennox on taastunud narkoraha nüüd. | I imagine Ms. Lennox has recovered the drug money by now. |
Texas on taastunud. | Texas has recovered. |