"Ma ehitan endale nunnatehase." | "i'm gonna build me a nun factory." |
"Ma pühin ära Moriah' mäe ja ehitan üles uue templi." | "I will raze Mt. Moriah and build upon it a new temple." |
"Selle kalju peale, ma ehitan oma kiriku." | "Upon this rock, I will build my church. " |
"Kui sa selle ehitad, siis nad tulevad." | If you build it, they will come. |
"Mida sa sellega mõtled, " Kui sa selle ehitad, siis nad tulevad"? | TRACY MORGAN: What? "If you build it, they'll come"? |
"Mida sa sellega mõtled, "" Kui sa selle ehitad, siis nad tulevad""? | What you mean, " If you build it, they gonna come"? |
- Sa ei tea, kes selle ehitab. Ei. | - You don't know who builds it! |
- Te ei tea, kes selle ehitab. Ei. | You don't know who builds it! |
Adolf Hitler ehitab Saksa sõjamasinat, ja tirib kogu Euroopa sõtta. | Adolf Hitler builds the German military machine... and drags all of Europe into war. |
" Me ehitame pisikese kodu, " ainult meile kahele, " ja me ei peaks enam uitama. " Kes võiks? | ♪ We'll build a little home ♪ ♪ Just meant for two ♪ ♪ From which I'll never roam ♪ ♪ Who would? |
" Me ehitame pisikese kodu, | " We'II build a Iittle home |
"Me ehitame pargi" | Park We will build it, the park |
- Ise ehitate ka? | - You build boats? |
- Mida te ehitate? | - What are you building? |
- Sellest, mille te mulle ehitate. | oh, the cage you're going to build for me. |
"Oota ja vaata, kui nad ehitavad siia selle kaubamaja, koos nende marketitega, nagu nad on aasta otsa planeerinud, siis saab sellest kohast kullapott." | "You just wait and see, when they build that mall, with all the superstores like they've been planning on for years, this place is going to be a goldmine." |
"Surm tuleb meile kõigile, aga suured saavutused ehitavad ausamba, mis jääb püsima, kuni päike külmaks muutub." | "Death comes to us all, but great achievements, they build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold." |
(nad teavad, mis on madal, kuna nad ostavad kõike kokku) ja alustavad siis veel rohkem raha tagasipanemist majandusse ning siis ehitavad selle taas üles. | (and they know the low because then they buy everything up) and then they build it back up. |
- Me ei ehita mingit impeeriumit... | - We're not building an empire... |
DiNozzo, sul on kümme sekundit, et öelda mulle, miks ma ei ehita Mehhikos tekapuust mullivanni. | DiNozzo, you have ten seconds to tell me why I am not building teak hot tub in Mexico. |
Kõige tähtsam: sa ei ehita talle seda kummutit. | Most importantly... you will not build her that dresser. |
- Anakin, Watto ei lubaks seda - Watto ei tea, et ma selle ehitasin | - Anakin, Watto won't let you. - Watto doesn't know I've built it. |
- Ei midagi. Kuid see on ju väga lahe, et ma selle ehitasin? | But how cool is it I built this? |
- Ise ehitasin. | -I built it. |
- Jah. Ja ka ehitasin selle. | And built it. |
"Nad ehitasid platvormid, isegi treppide, kuid see kõik jäi kinni 'in õigusvaidluste ja nii nad kunagi ehitatud jaam pinnal." | They built the platforms, even the staircases, but it all got tied up in legal disputes and so they never built the station on the surface. |
"Sa ehitasid pilvelõhkujaid ja ronisid mägedes tihti | "You climbed mountains and built skyscrapers |
"Sa ronisid mägedes, ja ehitasid pilvelõhkujaid" | "You climbed mountains and built skyscrapers |
"Sellest, kuidas muistsed egiptlased püramiide ehitasid, on mitmeid oletusi. | "There are many theories about how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. |
"... mille Jack ehitas." | "...that Jack built." |
"Magnus Quintus ehitas selle kindluse valitseja Valentinio II kuuendal valitsusaastal. | "Magnus Quintus "built this fort "in the sixth year of the reign of the Emperor Valentinian ll. |
"Mis asus majas... " "... mille Jack ehitas." | "That lay in the house..." "...that Jack built." |
- Arusaadav, miks ta pommi ehitas. | - Now you know why he built that bomb. |
- Ja siis? Noh... me ehitasime ka ühe. | So... we built one, too. |
- Me ehitasime aastaid. | We built for years. |
- Me ehitasime kuristikku maja. | - We built a hall in the gorge. |
- Me ehitasime neid mitmeid. | - We built several of them. |
- Me ehitasime selle linna tuhandeid aastaid tagasi. | We built this city thousands of years ago. |
- Ise ehitasite? | - You built this boat yourself? |
- Nii et ehitasite selle tähevärava? | - So you built that... - .. |
- Tere, mulle meeldib see vahvlitipi, mis te ehitasite. | Hi. I like that waffle teepee that you have built. |
"Neljanda dünastia vaaraod ei ehitanud püramiide." | "The pharaohs of the fourth dynasty did not build the pyramids." |
Millal akadeemiline ühendus hakkab aktsepteerima seda, et vaaraod neljandast Dünastiast ei ehitanud suurt püramiidi? | When is the academic community going to accept that the pharaohs of the 4th Dynasty did not build the Great Pyramid? |
- Kas mitte inglise? Ei, ta ehitati Iirimaal. | No, it was built in Ireland. |
- Majad ehitati endise kalmistu peale. | Just that that development was built on a former cemetery. |
- Mina ka. Kuulge geeniused, seletage mulle, miks ehitati 1826 aasta maja ümber puu? | Hey, geniuses, explain to me why a house built in 1826 was built around a tree. |
- Mind ehitati valmis. | - I was built ready. |
Impeeriumi ei ehitatud ühe päevaga. | The empire was not built in a day. |
See park ei ehitatud ainult superrikastele. | - Donald. This park was not built to cater only for the super rich. |
Hongkongis ehitaksin pilvelõhkuja ja võtaksin renti. | In HK I would build a skyscraper and collect rent. |
Puudutasin üht neist ja see polnud kolisev teras nagu meie ehitaksime. | I touched one of them, and it wasn't some clunky steel can like we would build. |
"Danny, ära kunagi arva nii, vaid ehita neid nii-kui-nii. " | "Danny, never mind that, just build 'em anyway." |
* Me ei ehita ise * | ♪ we won't build ourselves ♪ |
- Christy ei ehita sildu. | - Christy doesn't build bridges. |
- Jah, ehita kindlus. | - Yeah, build a fort. |
- Siis ehitage. | Then build one. |
Dr Marlowe, ehitage uksest võimalikult kaugele barrikaad | Dr. Marlowe, I want you to build yourselves a barricade as far from the back wall as you possibly can. |
Jumal ütleb, et ehitage pühakodasid. | God says... build temples. |
Lammutage see siis maani maha ja ehitage uus. | By all means, tear it down and rebuild. |
(Rapmuusikamängimine)? vaata, nad teid üles ehitama murda sind ? | ( Rap music playing ) ♪ see, they build you up to break you down ♪ |
- Ja mina pääsen lõpuks oma vallikraavi ehitama. | - I'll finally get to build that moat. |
- Ma hakkan raketi ehitama. | I'm gonna build a rocket. |
- Maja ehitama. | - To build a house. |
"Kuidas ehitada juustukera pomm." | "how to build a cheese- ball bomb." |
"Kuidas ehitada juustukerapomm." | "how to build a cheese-ball bomb." |
"Lootustäratavat arhitekti, kelle unistuseks oli ehitada Pico Tower... 3. ja Pico tänava nurgale." | "a budding architect, "his dream was to build Pico tower " On the corner of 3rd and Pico. |
"Skemaatilise diagrammi abil saad ehitada uue kiibi... | "Schematic diagram will allow you to build a replacement unit... |
"See on siiralt uskumatu kuidas sa oled oma firma üles ehitanud | "It is genuinely incredible how you have built your business |
- Isa hoiab sind oma udutegemisvabrikus pantvangis. Sa pole veel isegi telefoniputkat ega hamstripuuri ehitanud. | - Dad keeps you hostage in that little myth-making factory of his, while you still haven't built so much as a telephone booth or a hamster cage. |
- Silda polnud veel ehitatud. | How do you know? - The bridge hadn't been built yet. |
Hüperboloid on ehitatud, Rolling on "Arizonal". | The hyperboloid has been built. Rolling is on the "Arizona". |
JAMES:Kui see oleks ehitatud Hyundai või Kia poolt /(ia, siis ei peaks muretsema. | JAMES: If this had been built by Hyundai or /(ia, then you wouldn't worry. |
Ja nad on ehitatud ühe kindla asja jaoks. | And they have been built to do one perfect thing: |
Ma olen ehitanud impeeriumi võimalustega. | We have built an empire threatening. |
Mida mina olen ehitanud. Tuhandeid ohustatud inimesi. | This threatens everything that we-- everything that I have built. |
See ähvardab kõike, mida me... Mida mina olen ehitanud. | This threatens everything that we-- everything that I have built. |
Hr Tesla on ehitanud ebatavalisi masinaid ebatavaliste inimeste jaoks. | Mr. Tesla has built unusual machines for unusual people. |
Kas tahad tulla vaatama, millise kapi Dahlgren on ehitanud? - Kapi? | Don't you want to join in and see the cabinet Dahlgren has built? |
Armee, mida me oleme ehitanud, on valmis. | The army you have built is ready. |
Ka üksainus nõid Salemis võib hävitada kõik, mida oleme ehitanud ja kunagi siia ehitada lootsime! | Even a single witch in Salem is enough to destroy everything we have built and ever hope to build here! |
Hüperboloid on ehitatud, Rolling on "Arizonal". | The hyperboloid has been built. Rolling is on the "Arizona". |
See juhtus minu ja teistega samal ajal, õnnelikul ajal, mil ma olin ehitanud oma pesa suure palee tippu tohutus Tahhükardia kuningriigis. | At a happy time where I had built my nest at the top of the large palace in the immense kingdom of Tachycardia |
Kui ma Lexiga abielus olin, näitas ta mulle salakäike, mille ta oli ehitanud rünnaku puhuks. | When i was married to lex, he showed me these escape passageways He had built in case of another home invasion. |
Mõrvatud peidikus, mille ta oli ehitanud maa alla. | Murdered in a room he had built below ground. |
Mõrvatud toas, mille ta oli ehitanud maa-alla. | Murdered in a room he had built under the earth. |
On vaja midagi palju enamat, et segada Dan Sandersit unistuste linna ehitamast. | It's gonna take a lot more than that to keep Dan Sanders from building his utopia. |
Tulime naisega just autistidest lastele mänguväljakuid ehitamast ja meil sai kütus otsa. | My wife and I were driving home from building Nerf playgrounds for autistic children, and we ran out of gas. |
Kes ehitaks seadme, mis taasalustab aega iga kümne tunni pärast? | Uh... Who would build a device that loops time every ten hours? |
Kes selle ehitaks? | Who would build it? |
Täielikult. Kes küll ehitaks arvuti, kui tal poleks elektrit? | Who would build a computer unless they had electricity? |