-D'aquesta manera va succeir! | "It happened just so! |
No passa cada dia que el president rus escrigui un article d’opinió al New York Times com va succeir el passat 11 de setembre. De seguida la blogosfera americana es va omplir d'una allau de reaccions, els tuits de periodistes es succeïen sense parar amb els comentaris de sorpresos internautes d'a peu. | It’s not every day that the Russian President pens an opinion piece in the New York Times, but it happened yesterday, and the American blogosphere promptly lost its collective marbles, as tweeting journalists and surprised ordinary Internet users stumbled over each other to react. |
El fotut, és que no pots explicar-ho a ningú, sobre com va succeir realment, ni a la meva dona, ni als amics, ni a les autoritats. | The strange thing is that I can tell noone, about how it actually happened, neither to my wife, nor to friends, nor to authorities. |
M'alegra informar-lo que aquí no va succeir res estrany ... | I am glad to report that nothing happened here... |
- Sabeu què succeir? | - Do they know what happened? |
Quan un desastre succeeix, envies un missatge a tots per a fer una comprovació. | When a disaster happens, you send out a message for everyone to check-in. |
- No es com succeeix, no es de on ve ho nou, - Ja saps, ho genuïnament nou. | I don't know how it happens, I don't know where the new comes from, you know, the genuinely new. |
Està bé, això succeeix. | That's all right, you know, it happens. |
Entre més succeeix... | The more often this happens-- |
Entre més succeeix què? | The more often this happens, what? |
Les manifestacions de suport als agredits i de repulsa cap a aquest tipus de comportaments discriminatoris no es van fer esperar a la xarxa, com ha succeït amb altes casos de catalanofòbia abans. | Protests in support of the assaulted and against any of this type of discriminatory behaviour were not expected on the Internet like had happened previously with other cases of anti-Catalan prejudice. |
Díaz anuncia la dissolució del Partit Popular per raó de «tot el que ha succeït en els darrers 20 anys», després de tots els casos de corrupció dels membres del partit. | Díaz announces the end of the Popular Party due to "all that has happened in the last 20 years," referring to the many corruption cases of its members. |
Què ha succeït? | What happened? |
Em dona la seva paraula que res hauria succeït? | Will you give me your word that nothing had happened? |
Pots dir-me què m'ha succeït? | Are you going to explain what happened to me? |
Caram, no és fàcil veure futbol sol a casa, ja que no hi ha ningú amb qui puguis maleir quan coses així d'indignants succeeixen. | Damnit, it’s not easy to watch football home alone; there’s nobody there to swear at when such upsetting things happen. |
- I malgrat tot, encara succeeixen, oi? | And yet it continues to happen? |
Coses absolutament absurdes succeeixen en aquest món. | Absolutely nonsensical things happen in this world. |
Si no faig això.... ...alguna cosa terrible succeirà. | If I don't do this, something terrible will happen. |
Crec que succeirà esta nit. | I think it will happen tonight. |
O el mateix et succeirà a tu. | Or the same thing will happen to you. |
- Sabia què succeiria. Molt típic. | I knew this would happen. |
Quan es van adonar del que succeïa, ja era massa tard. | By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened. |
Així es, la policia no va notar el que succeïa, va escriure els versos..... ....i així tots es van adonar de la seva existència. | Yeah, the police didn't realize what was happening he writes his verse, and- and everyone knows that he was there. |
Missenyora! Quan es van adonar del que succeïa, ja era massa tard. | My Lady! Hyah hyah! By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened. |
Ja era fosc a tot arreu: Huck espera per un temps que va semblar-li de cançonera llargada; pero no succeí res. | Huck waited what seemed a weary long time, but nothing happened. |
I quan això succeeixi, deus intentar dir no. | And when that happens, you have to try to say no. |
No puc deixar que això succeeixi. | I can't let that happen. |
No pot permetre que això succeeixi. | You can't let it happen. |
El fet que sàpiga el que passarà, no provocarà que no succeeixi. | The fact that you know it's going to happen isn't going to stop it. |
Quan succeeixi, aneu cap als ascensors. | When that happens, make for the elevator bay. |
Dos o tres llumets de feble resplendor mostraven on queia, pacíficament adormit més enlla del vague i dilatat corrent, ple de pedreria d'estels, inconscient del fet paorós que estava succeint. | Two or three glimmering lights showed where it lay, peacefully sleeping, beyond the vague vast sweep of star-gemmed water, unconscious of the tremendous event that was happening. |
Està succeint quelcom, i no és només el documental. | Something’s happening, and it’s not only the film. |
Un altre món està succeint ara. | Now, another world is happening. |
Capità, tracti d'esbrinar el que està succeint. | Captain, try to find out what's happening. |
Està succeint | It's happening. |