Crește (to grow) conjugation

49 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: cultivate, increase, raise, to raise

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I grow
you grow
he/she/it grows
we grow
you all grow
they grow
Present perfect tense
am crescut
I have grown
ai crescut
you have grown
a crescut
he/she/it has grown
am crescut
we have grown
ați crescut
you all have grown
au crescut
they have grown
Past preterite tense
I grew
you grew
he/she/it grew
we grew
you all grew
they grew
Future tense
voi crește
I will grow
vei crește
you will grow
va crește
he/she/it will grow
vom crește
we will grow
veți crește
you all will grow
vor crește
they will grow
Conditional mood
aș crește
I would grow
ai crește
you would grow
ar crește
he/she/it would grow
am crește
we would grow
ați crește
you all would grow
ar crește
they would grow
Subjunctive present tense
să cresc
(so that/if) I grow
să crești
(so that/if) you grow
să crească
(so that/if) he/she/it grow
să creștem
(so that/if) we grow
să creșteți
(so that/if) you all grow
să crească
(so that/if) they grow
Subjunctive past tense
să fi crescut
(so that/if) I have grown
să fi crescut
(so that/if) you have grown
să fi crescut
(so that/if) he/she/it have grown
să fi crescut
(so that/if) we have grown
să fi crescut
(so that/if) you all have grown
să fi crescut
(so that/if) they have grown
Past impf. tense
I was growing
you were growing
he/she/it was growing
we were growing
you all were growing
they were growing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu crește
do not grow!
nu creșteți
do not grow!
Past pluperfect tense
I had grown
you had grown
he/she/it had grown
we had grown
you all had grown
they had grown
Future alternative 1 tense
am să cresc
I am going to grow
ai să crești
you are going to grow
are să crească
he/she/it is going to grow
avem să creștem
we are going to grow
aveți să creșteți
you all are going to grow
au să crească
they are going to grow
Future alternative 2 tense
o să cresc
I am going to grow
o să crești
you are going to grow
o să crească
he/she/it is going to grow
o să creștem
we are going to grow
o să creșteți
you all are going to grow
o să crească
they are going to grow
Future perfect tense
voi fi crescut
I will have grown
vei fi crescut
you will have grown
va fi crescut
he/she/it will have grown
vom fi crescut
we will have grown
veți fi crescut
you all will have grown
vor fi crescut
they will have grown
Future in the past tense
aveam să cresc
I was going to grow
aveai să crești
you were going to grow
avea să crească
he/she/it was going to grow
aveam să creștem
we were going to grow
aveați să creșteți
you all were going to grow
aveau să crească
they were going to grow
Conditional past tense
aș fi crescut
I would have grown
ai fi crescut
you would have grown
ar fi crescut
he/she/it would have grown
am fi crescut
we would have grown
ați fi crescut
you all would have grown
ar fi crescut
they would have grown
Presumptive tense
oi crește
I might grow
oi crește
you might grow
o crește
he/she/it might grow
om crește
we might grow
oți crește
you all might grow
or crește
they might grow
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi crescând
I might be growing
oi fi crescând
you might be growing
o fi crescând
he/she/it might be growing
om fi crescând
we might be growing
oți fi crescând
you all might be growing
or fi crescând
they might be growing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi crescut
I might have grown
oi fi crescut
you might have grown
o fi crescut
he/she/it might have grown
om fi crescut
we might have grown
oți fi crescut
you all might have grown
or fi crescut
they might have grown

Examples of crește

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" Taie capul șarpelui , altul va crește în locul ei . ""Cut the head off the snake, another one will grow in its place."
"Furia crește de zi cu zi ."The rage grows everyday.
"Iarba" crește în abundență lângă postul de control, însă Kaif nu riscă, să o strângă printre mine, plantate acolo în decurs de mulți ani.Weed grows near the checkpoint, but Stoner prefers not to risk gathering it in the mine field, where the mines have been put there by all and everyone for many years.
"Un copac crește în Brooklyn," fundul meu."A tree grows in Brooklyn," my ass.
- Acesta crește în pădure.- It grows in the forest.
" Exista un loc sacru in mlastinile adanci.. ..unde copacii din mangrove cresc unii langa altii... .. si razele soarelui nu ajung niciodata.There is a sacred place in the deep swamp... where the mangrove trees grow close together... and the rays of the sun are never seen.
" Există un loc sacru în mlaştinile adânci.. unde copacii din mangrove cresc unii lângă alţii... şi razele soarelui nu ajung niciodată.There is a sacred place in the deep swamp... where the mangrove trees grow close together... and the rays of the sun are never seen.
" În sătucul din Simatra unde cresc boabele de cafea... "Trăieşte o specie de Pisici de copac salbacice..."In the Sumatran village where the beans are grown lives a breed of wild tree cat.
"... pentru că m-ai ajutat să cresc. Ai avut bine grijă de mine."To help me grow up, you take good care of me.
"... pentru că m-ai ajutat să cresc." "Ai avut bine grijă de mine."To help me grow up you take good care of me
Asta e ceea ce se întâmplă când crești așa cum a făcut.That's what happens when you grow up like she did.
Când ai luat din greșeală pe tine tricoul meu şi erai convins că ai început din nou să crești.The time you put on my shirt by mistake and were convinced you'd started growing again.
Când crești...When you grow up...
Dacă poți evita să crești, fă-o.If you can avoid growing up, do it.
Dar doar pentru că crești, nu înseamnă că trebuie să crești, știi?But just because you're growing up doesn't mean you have to grow up, you know?
Acesta este motivul pentru care nu trebuie să știe că noi încă mai existăm sau că în continuare creștem fasole.That is why they must never know that we still exist or that we still grow the beans.
Că poate ar trebui să ieșim pe-afară și să creștem împreună cu ceilalți oameni ?That maybe we should just go out and grow with people?
Dar de ce o creștem in continuare ...But why do we keep growing them...
De partajare, creștem mai aproape.By sharing, we grow closer.
Ne naștem, creștem, și am învățat, și avem copii, si... poate ne ajunge pentru a satisface copiii noștri N's copii, dar-- dar apoi trecem pe și asta-- că este o viață.We're born, we grow, and we learn, and we have children, and... maybe we get to meet our children's children, but-- but then we pass on and that-- that is a life.
Dacă fumezi pot să creșteți pentru a afla că nu sunteți bun la nimic.If you smoke pot, you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.
"Şi-atât de mult crescu cumplita,"And it grew both day and night,
Aliosa crescu zdravan si voinic.Alyosha grew by leaps and bounds.
Am crescu la o fermă.I grew up on a farm.
Crystal crescu isteaţăPrincess Crystal grew up smart.
Dorind un sfetnic, crescu într-un acvariu... un biet creier cu migrenă.Craving someone to talk to, he grew in a fish tank... a poor migraine-ridden brain.
"Din seminţe scoase din păstaia vrăjită, călugării crescură un vrej la Dumnezeu să-i trimită."With seeds they pulled from a magical pod the monks grew a pathway to seek out their God.
Gemenii crescură puternici şi erau mereu pe afară muncind constant ca să îşi atingă scopul comun.The twins grew strong and did much together in the fresh air. They were inseparable, even on weekends and holidays.
Iar rădăcinile crescură.And the roots grew.
Când creșteam în Anglia, după al Doilea Război Mondial, era o perioadă de austeritate.As l was growing up in England after the Second World War, it was a time of austerity.
Cosimo de Medici crescuse în umbra catedralei.Cosimo de' Medici had grown up in the shadow of the cathedral.
Cu alte cuvinte, intensitatea sentimentelor privind războiul crescuse.In other words, the intensity of Feeling about the war had grown.
Când au fost găsiţi primăvara, o frumoasă ferigă roşie crescuse între ei.When they found them in the spring, a beautiful red fern had grown up between them.
Fiica mea crescuse şi a emigrat, iar eu mă săturasem de bărbaţi.And my daughter had grown up and emigrated, and I'd had enough of men.
Fiindcă crescuse aşa de mare încât ramurile sale blocau lumina soarelui pentru kellipate şi rădăcinile sale se îngropaseră atât de adânc în sol că nimic altceva nu putea creşte acolo.Because it had grown so huge its branches blocked out the sun for kellipates and its roots buried themselves so deep nothing else could grow there.
Acestea erau minunatele rămăşiţe care crescuseră din lipsa mea.These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence.
Fiul lui şi fiica mea crescuseră.His son and my girl had grown up.
I-am mărturisit oribilele mele păcate şi mi-a impus un lung repaus spiritual la mănăstirea Addolorata, printre bunele măicuţe care mă crescuseră.I confessed my horrible sin and I was ordered to a long... retreat. in the convent ... the Dolorosa, and those good sisters with whom I had grown up.
Toţi copiii crescuseră.All the kids had grown up.
" Afacerea mea a crescut."My business has grown.
" ea a crescut dintr-o copilă ce era în pătuţul ei mic""how she had grown from that small child from whom he had once babysat."
"... ce mai face nepotul, cât de mare a crescut, dacă vorbeste..."" is our grandson, how grown up is he, does he talk..."
"A crescut deja.""She had grown to her full size by this time.
"Acum că ai crescut, noi nu mai avem mâncare pentru tine.""Now you're a grown up and here there is no food. "
"Soţia pastorului a fost prinsă crescând marijuana în spatele bisericii."The pastor's wife got busted for growing marijuana out behind the rectory.
- Faci muşchi crescând la o fermă.Cause ya get pretty strong arms growing up on a dairy farm.
- În fiecare zi, crescând în Queens, tipul ăsta m-ar snopi la pauză.- Every day, growing up in Queens, this guy would pummel me at recess.
A avut o perioadă grea, crescând fără tată.Well, he had a tough time of it, growing up without a dad.
Acesta a fost al ei, cu bebelusul crescând în ea.There was hers, with the baby growing inside her.

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