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Grandir (to grow) conjugation

26 examples

Conjugation of grandir

Present tense
je grandis
I grow
tu grandis
you grow
il/elle/on grandit
he/she/it grows
nous grandissons
we grow
vous grandissez
you all grow
ils/elles grandissent
they grow
Present perfect tense
j’ai grandi
I grew
tu as grandi
you grew
il/elle/on a grandi
he/she/it grew
nous avons grandi
we grew
vous avez grandi
you all grew
ils/elles ont grandi
they grew
Past impf. tense
je grandissais
I was growing
tu grandissais
you were growing
il/elle/on grandissait
he/she/it was growing
nous grandissions
we were growing
vous grandissiez
you all were growing
ils/elles grandissaient
they were growing
Future tense
je grandirai
I will grow
tu grandiras
you will grow
il/elle/on grandira
he/she/it will grow
nous grandirons
we will grow
vous grandirez
you all will grow
ils/elles grandiront
they will grow
Past perfect tense
j’avais grandi
I had grown
tu avais grandi
you had grown
il/elle/on avait grandi
he/she/it had grown
nous avions grandi
we had grown
vous aviez grandi
you all had grown
ils/elles avaient grandi
they had grown
Past preterite tense
je grandis
I grew
tu grandis
you grew
il/elle/on grandit
he/she/it grew
nous grandîmes
we grew
vous grandîtes
you all grew
ils/elles grandirent
they grew
Past anterior tense
j’eus grandi
I had grown
tu eus grandi
you had grown
il/elle/on eut grandi
he/she/it had grown
nous eûmes grandi
we had grown
vous eûtes grandi
you all had grown
ils/elles eurent grandi
they had grown
Future perfect tense
j’aurai grandi
I will have grown
tu auras grandi
you will have grown
il/elle/on aura grandi
he/she/it will have grown
nous aurons grandi
we will have grown
vous aurez grandi
you all will have grown
ils/elles auront grandi
they will have grown
Present subjunctive tense
que je grandisse
that I grow
que tu grandisses
that you grow
qu’il/elle/on grandisse
that he/she/it grow
que nous grandissions
that we grow
que vous grandissiez
that you all grow
qu’ils/elles grandissent
that they grow
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie grandi
that I have grown
que tu aies grandi
that you have grown
qu’il/elle/on ait grandi
that he/she/it have grown
que nous ayons grandi
that we have grown
que vous ayez grandi
that you all have grown
qu’ils/elles aient grandi
that they have grown
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je grandisse
that I would grow
que tu grandisses
that you would grow
qu’il/elle/on grandît
that he/she/it would grow
que nous grandissions
that we would grow
que vous grandissiez
that you all would grow
qu’ils/elles grandissent
that they would grow
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse grandi
that I had grown
que tu eusses grandi
that you had grown
qu’il/elle/on eût grandi
that he/she/it had grown
que nous eussions grandi
that we had grown
que vous eussiez grandi
that you all had grown
qu’ils/elles eussent grandi
that they had grown
Conditional mood
je grandirais
I would grow
tu grandirais
you would grow
il/elle/on grandirait
he/she/it would grow
nous grandirions
we would grow
vous grandiriez
you all would grow
ils/elles grandiraient
they would grow
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais grandi
I would have grown
tu aurais grandi
you would have grown
il/elle/on aurait grandi
he/she/it would have grown
nous aurions grandi
we would have grown
vous auriez grandi
you all would have grown
ils/elles auraient grandi
they would have grown
Imperative mood
let's grow!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie grandi
have grown
ayons grandi
let's have grown
ayez grandi
have grown

Examples of grandir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Je ne pourrais pas voir ma petite princesse grandir.I won't be around to see my little princess growing up.
"Beaucoup de temps a passé "et je ne t'aurai pas vu grandir,"It will have been a long time and I will have missed seeing you grow."
"Cher papa, ...cher tonton, Je suis très content car je vous revoie bientôt La petite Juliette n'arrête pas de grandir Elle est over sympa !"Dear daddy, ...dear uncle, I am very happy because I will see you soon The little Juliette is growing She's over nice !
"Elle m'a fait grandir."'It made me grow.' No need to.
"Je, soussigné, John Dorian..." "... suis un pathétique gamin de 32 ans." Il y a deux semaines, tu demandais à tout le monde si tu devais grandir.I, John Dorian, am a ridiculous 32-year-old overgrown infant.
" - Et votre famille a grandi, " - Ne trouvez vous pas cela étrange?- and your family has grown, don't you find it strange?
"A maintenant grandi"Now has grown
"Attention le pouvoir qui était ordinaire a maintenant grandi"Beware the power that was simple now has grown
"Cette fillette qui pleurait sur le bord de la route a bien grandi.""that sobbing girl I knew has grown up"
"Chaque jour, je regarde mon fils, mon Peter, et il a grandi un peu plus."Every day... "I look at my son, my Peter... "and he's grown a little bit bigger.
"Fils, tu grandis, que veux-tu devenir ?"He said, "Son, you're growing up now so, what you wanna do with yourself?"
"Quand je grandis, je serai guéri. ""When l grow up, l'll be cured. "
"peu importe si tu grandis,"no matter how big you grow,
"quand tu grandis, ceux qui te soutiennent, te laisseront seul. ""When You grow up, those who support You, will leave You alone. "
- Ah, grandis!- Oh, grow up!
Mon père est un grand espion, alors grandissons un peu, voulez-vous ?My father's a great spy, so let's grow up, shall we?
"Quand vous grandissez,"Well, when you are growing up,
- Chaque année vous grandissez et moi aussi.- Every year you grow so shall I.
- Grandissez, grandissez.- Grow up, grow up.
- Pour l'amour de Dieu, grandissez !- Oh, for God's sake, grow up!
- Vous, grandissez.- you grow up.
"Une jeune fille grandissant au Brésil""growing up as a young girl in brazil,
- Bien, je te propose en échange d'une citation concernant ton ressenti au sujet des troubles grandissant dans l'Est du Soudan.- Well, I'll trade you that for a good quote on your feelings about the growing unrest in east Sudan.
- Ça a été dur en grandissant ?- Tough growing up?
A l'exeception de quelques cartes d'anniversaire en grandissant , j'ai à peine entendu parler de lui.Well, except for the occasional birthday card growing up, I hardly ever heard from the guy.
Adolescent, grandissant à Wiesbaden, en Allemagne, j'allais au cinéma et m'émerveillais devant les dieux du cinéma exubérants du grand écran.As a boy growing up in Wiesbaden, Germany, I would go to the cinema, and marvel at the larger than life filmgods on the silver screen.

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