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Croitre (to grow) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of croitre

Present tense
je croîs
I grow
tu croîs
you grow
il/elle/on croît
he/she/it grows
nous croissons
we grow
vous croissez
you all grow
ils/elles croissent
they grow
Present perfect tense
j’ai crû
I grew
tu as crû
you grew
il/elle/on a crû
he/she/it grew
nous avons crû
we grew
vous avez crû
you all grew
ils/elles ont crû
they grew
Past impf. tense
je croissais
I was growing
tu croissais
you were growing
il/elle/on croissait
he/she/it was growing
nous croissions
we were growing
vous croissiez
you all were growing
ils/elles croissaient
they were growing
Future tense
je croitrai
I will grow
tu croitras
you will grow
il/elle/on croitra
he/she/it will grow
nous croitrons
we will grow
vous croitrez
you all will grow
ils/elles croitront
they will grow
Past perfect tense
j’avais crû
I had grown
tu avais crû
you had grown
il/elle/on avait crû
he/she/it had grown
nous avions crû
we had grown
vous aviez crû
you all had grown
ils/elles avaient crû
they had grown
Past preterite tense
je crûs
I grew
tu crûs
you grew
il/elle/on crût
he/she/it grew
nous crûmes
we grew
vous crûtes
you all grew
ils/elles crûrent
they grew
Past anterior tense
j’eus crû
I had grown
tu eus crû
you had grown
il/elle/on eut crû
he/she/it had grown
nous eûmes crû
we had grown
vous eûtes crû
you all had grown
ils/elles eurent crû
they had grown
Future perfect tense
j’aurai crû
I will have grown
tu auras crû
you will have grown
il/elle/on aura crû
he/she/it will have grown
nous aurons crû
we will have grown
vous aurez crû
you all will have grown
ils/elles auront crû
they will have grown
Present subjunctive tense
que je croisse
that I grow
que tu croisses
that you grow
qu’il/elle/on croisse
that he/she/it grow
que nous croissions
that we grow
que vous croissiez
that you all grow
qu’ils/elles croissent
that they grow
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie crû
that I have grown
que tu aies crû
that you have grown
qu’il/elle/on ait crû
that he/she/it have grown
que nous ayons crû
that we have grown
que vous ayez crû
that you all have grown
qu’ils/elles aient crû
that they have grown
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je crûsse
that I would grow
que tu crûsses
that you would grow
qu’il/elle/on crût
that he/she/it would grow
que nous crûssions
that we would grow
que vous crûssiez
that you all would grow
qu’ils/elles crûssent
that they would grow
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse crû
that I had grown
que tu eusses crû
that you had grown
qu’il/elle/on eût crû
that he/she/it had grown
que nous eussions crû
that we had grown
que vous eussiez crû
that you all had grown
qu’ils/elles eussent crû
that they had grown
Conditional mood
je croitrais
I would grow
tu croitrais
you would grow
il/elle/on croitrait
he/she/it would grow
nous croitrions
we would grow
vous croitriez
you all would grow
ils/elles croitraient
they would grow
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais crû
I would have grown
tu aurais crû
you would have grown
il/elle/on aurait crû
he/she/it would have grown
nous aurions crû
we would have grown
vous auriez crû
you all would have grown
ils/elles auraient crû
they would have grown
Imperative mood
let's grow!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie crû
have grown
ayons crû
let's have grown
ayez crû
have grown

Examples of croitre

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Austin ne peut pas, aucun homme ne peut croitre à nouveau.What Austin shaved off, no man can grow that back.
J'ai fait des projections sur ce qui allait se passer. Si les anomalies continuent de croitre à ce rythme.I did some projections of what would happen if the anomalies kept growing at this rate.
Les tempêtes tropicales peuvent croitre d'intensité globale due à l'homme et au réchauffement planétaire induit.Tropical storms may be growing in overall intensity due to human induced global warming.
Mais parfois, les opposés s'attirent et comme un conte de fée entre chiens et chats mutants, l'amour de Munda et Morris n'a cessé de croitre chaque jour.But sometimes opposites attract, and like the fairy tale of face mutant and butt mutant, the love of Munda and Morris has grown stronger every day.
Mes besoins ici vont croitre.My needs here will grow.
- ... montrent un soutien croissant du public pourParrish.- ...show growing public support for Parrish.
- Quoi ? Tu sais que le groupe de sans-abri croissant le plus vite est les enfants ?Do you know, Denny, that the fastest growing segment of homeless in this country is children?
...un désarroi croissant...... growing disenchantment...
Avec son mari, ses deux fils et un groupe croissant de partisans,With her husband and her two sons, and a growing band of adherents,
C'est l'une des jeunes femmes qui travaillent en nombre toujours croissant dans la toute nouvelle industrie londonienne: Le service d'escorte... qui réalise des millions de livres par mois, dont la plus grande partie n'est pas déclarée.She is one of a growing number of young women... who work in London's newest industry... the escort service... grossing several million pounds monthly, most of it tax-free.

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