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Augmenter (to grow) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of augmenter

Present tense
I grow
tu augmentes
you grow
il/elle/on augmente
he/she/it grows
nous augmentons
we grow
vous augmentez
you all grow
ils/elles augmentent
they grow
Present perfect tense
j’ai augmenté
I grew
tu as augmenté
you grew
il/elle/on a augmenté
he/she/it grew
nous avons augmenté
we grew
vous avez augmenté
you all grew
ils/elles ont augmenté
they grew
Past impf. tense
I was growing
tu augmentais
you were growing
il/elle/on augmentait
he/she/it was growing
nous augmentions
we were growing
vous augmentiez
you all were growing
ils/elles augmentaient
they were growing
Future tense
I will grow
tu augmenteras
you will grow
il/elle/on augmentera
he/she/it will grow
nous augmenterons
we will grow
vous augmenterez
you all will grow
ils/elles augmenteront
they will grow
Past perfect tense
j’avais augmenté
I had grown
tu avais augmenté
you had grown
il/elle/on avait augmenté
he/she/it had grown
nous avions augmenté
we had grown
vous aviez augmenté
you all had grown
ils/elles avaient augmenté
they had grown
Past preterite tense
I grew
tu augmentas
you grew
il/elle/on augmenta
he/she/it grew
nous augmentâmes
we grew
vous augmentâtes
you all grew
ils/elles augmentèrent
they grew
Past anterior tense
j’eus augmenté
I had grown
tu eus augmenté
you had grown
il/elle/on eut augmenté
he/she/it had grown
nous eûmes augmenté
we had grown
vous eûtes augmenté
you all had grown
ils/elles eurent augmenté
they had grown
Future perfect tense
j’aurai augmenté
I will have grown
tu auras augmenté
you will have grown
il/elle/on aura augmenté
he/she/it will have grown
nous aurons augmenté
we will have grown
vous aurez augmenté
you all will have grown
ils/elles auront augmenté
they will have grown
Present subjunctive tense
que j’augmente
that I grow
que tu augmentes
that you grow
qu’il/elle/on augmente
that he/she/it grow
que nous augmentions
that we grow
que vous augmentiez
that you all grow
qu’ils/elles augmentent
that they grow
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie augmenté
that I have grown
que tu aies augmenté
that you have grown
qu’il/elle/on ait augmenté
that he/she/it have grown
que nous ayons augmenté
that we have grown
que vous ayez augmenté
that you all have grown
qu’ils/elles aient augmenté
that they have grown
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’augmentasse
that I would grow
que tu augmentasses
that you would grow
qu’il/elle/on augmentât
that he/she/it would grow
que nous augmentassions
that we would grow
que vous augmentassiez
that you all would grow
qu’ils/elles augmentassent
that they would grow
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse augmenté
that I had grown
que tu eusses augmenté
that you had grown
qu’il/elle/on eût augmenté
that he/she/it had grown
que nous eussions augmenté
that we had grown
que vous eussiez augmenté
that you all had grown
qu’ils/elles eussent augmenté
that they had grown
Conditional mood
I would grow
tu augmenterais
you would grow
il/elle/on augmenterait
he/she/it would grow
nous augmenterions
we would grow
vous augmenteriez
you all would grow
ils/elles augmenteraient
they would grow
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais augmenté
I would have grown
tu aurais augmenté
you would have grown
il/elle/on aurait augmenté
he/she/it would have grown
nous aurions augmenté
we would have grown
vous auriez augmenté
you all would have grown
ils/elles auraient augmenté
they would have grown
Imperative mood
let's grow!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie augmenté
have grown
ayons augmenté
let's have grown
ayez augmenté
have grown

Examples of augmenter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Allons augmenter nos forces, pour qu'on puisse chasser en ville.Let us grow our strength, so we can hunt for food in town.
Après des heures de ce qui semble être une violence sans fin, le nombre de blessés et de destructions ne cesse d'augmenter.After hours of seemingly unending violence, the toll of injury and destruction is growing.
Autrement, si cette affaire se poursuit, j'imagine qu'avec les dommages, le prix va continuer d'augmenter.Otherwise, if this case proceeds, I imagine that with damages, that number will continue to grow.
Avec une assiette plus costaud, ça permet d'augmenter l'agressivité par nombres Jusqu'au jour... qu'est ce qui ne va pas chez toi !We feed off one another... on a stronger plate... aggressively growing in numbers... until one day...
B'en alors il va devoir augmenter un peu l'épaisseur de sa cotte de maille s'il veut y arriver dans les rues de New York.Well, he's gonna have to grow a little tougher chain mail then if he's gonna make it on the mean streets of New York.
- Ta faim a-t-elle augmenté ?- Has your hunger grown?
Camarades fan de Mel Gibson, nos rangs ont augmenté et maintenant, ensemble, nous avons le pouvoir de changer le monde!Fellow fans of Mel Gibson, our numbers have grown and now, together, we have the power to change the world!
Ces dernières années le crime dans ce pays a augmenté neuf fois plus vite que la population.In recent years, crime in this country has grown nine times as fast as population.
En 50 ans, l'écart entre les riches et les pauvres a augmenté plus que jamais.In 50 years, the gap between rich and poor has grown wider than ever.
Et en retour, vos revenus ont augmenté en moyenneIn return, the per-capita income of each of you has grown.
"La population mondiale augmente de plus de 70 millions de personnes par an".The global population grows by over 70 million people a year.
"La population mondiale augmente de plus de 70 millions de personnes par an."The global population grows by over 70 million people a year.
- Ces dix derniers mois, mon frère Stewart et moi dévelopions un nouveau biocatalyseur qui augmente la croissance des plantes.- Well, for the last ten months, my brother Stewart and i were developing a new biocatalyst to increase plant growth.
10 millions de facturation, et ça augmente.It's 10 million in billings and growing.
40000, et ça augmente.- Forty thousand and growing.
Elle peut étirer nos repas à n'en plus finir... sa bonne humeur augmentant constamment... son indolence devenant de plus en plus séduisante... son humeur devenant de plus en plus enthousiaste, vivante, brillante.She can drag the meal out interminably, her good humor constantly augmenting, her indolence becoming more and more seductive, her spirits growing keener, livelier, brighter.
La demande mondiale augmentant de 40 % dans les 20 ans, pour nous, chez Churchill Schwartz, Babaco Solar est incontournable.So, with the world energy demand growing 40% in the next 20 years, we at Church believe, Mr. Xu, that Babaco Solar is a cutting-edge no-brainer.
Ça peut se répéter en augmentant de fréquence.Once they start, they can repeat with growing frequency.

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