まさ しく 首ガあるガ遁首ガな凵 | The head is still intact. But the face has been lost. |
首ガら上畳入前に 見せることは竇巷昔 まさ しく 首ガあるガ遁首ガな凵 | Without their topknots your three warriors fear treading outside, where people could see them. |
出力も30%しかない | Captain! |
両足の感覚が戻る確率は たったの2%しかない | There's a 98% chance I'll never get any feeling back in my legs. |
-気をそらす しかない | I'm gonna draw that thing away. |
食事 も と ら す 休息 も せす 疲弊 しき っ た兵士た ち の心に 一様に疑いの念が生 じた | To the men on both sides, exhausted for want of food and rest, the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another. |
疲弊 しき っ た兵士た ち の心に 一様に疑いの念が生 じた 何の た めに 誰の た めに … | To the men on both sides, exhausted for want of food and rest, the doubt began to come whether they should still persist in slaughtering one another. |
しか し 公爵 | When the snow melts, they'll drown in the Polish marshes. |
よ ろ しか っ た ら一緖に ... | A view from it? If you would... |
金色の鹿(しか)だった. | I had the strangest dream. |
人間は脳の10%しか 使ってないんだ | You know how they say humans only use ten percent of their brain? |
確かに僕は することの30%しか 君に話してない | Which you didn't tell me about. |