私達 ここにいるのよ なぜか わからないけど 感じる | I don't know why, but I have this feeling that... |
騒がしさを 感じる | There's a certain stridency at work here. |
絶望の底で 感じる | Feel, in the depths of despair |
- 孤独に感じない? - 感じる | I've always worked alone. |
感じる... | Forgive me, brother. I feel... |
♪ そんなこと 感じない | ! l really don't feel that way ! |
全然 感じない | No, not a bit. |
足がヘん 感じない | I can't feel my legs! I can't feel my legs! |
感じない? | - Not in the mood anymor e? |
- 感じない - モルヒネを少し | Gonna give you some morphine. |
不利益の申し立てをする 機会が与えられますか? 血塗られた 怨恨の 悪意を 感じます! | Your Honor, are we to have an arraignment in accord with the laws of this nation or is the State to be permitted to incite an atmosphere of prejudice? |
長い年月 此処に居るのに 部外者のように 感じます | All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here. |
血塗られた 怨恨の 悪意を 感じます! | The very air reeks with the bloody rancor of intolerant malice! |
感じます | Yes, I.... |
感じます? 何も感じないぞ。 | Feel that? |
ああ、感じた? | Whoa! Did you feel that? |
感じた... - 私はあんたはアホと感じる | Oh, I feel like you're an asshole. |
リグはジグソウを通して 見て 感じた | He wants him to feel what he feels. |
感じた | Somehow you... you still felt... powerful. |
何かの力を・・ 感じた | Somehow you... you still felt powerful. |
彼らは生きて 感じて 夢見ていた すべての武道を | They lived, breathed and dreamed all things martial arts. |
感じて | Feel... |
見て 感じて 味わつて 触れる | To see everything, to feel everything, to taste everything, to touch everything. |
感じて 音のウェーブを | Feel the wave of sound |
私は愛や色んな事を 感じられる | Um no yeah, I am capable of love and other stuff. Ted? |
芳しい。 芳醇で... その内部に 感じさせる 母親の... | Aromatic, oaky, with an undertone of a mother's... |
春の日の 暖かさに包まれた 母親の笑顔を その内部に 感じさせる? | With an undertone of a mother's smile on a warm spring day? |
典型的じゃないが... 感じ | I mean not in a classical... sense. |
"感じ"なの | Just an impression. |
tell me now how do i feel ? 今 どのようにがiをするかと私に言いなさい 感じ ? | Tell me now how do I feel? |