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Finnast (to feel) conjugation

34 examples
This verb can also mean the following: think, find

Conjugation of finnast

Present tense
I feel
you feel
he/she/it feels
we feel
you all feel
they feel
Past tense
I felt
you felt
he/she/it felt
we felt
you all felt
they felt
Future tense
mun finnast
I will feel
munt finnast
you will feel
mun finnast
he/she/it will feel
munum finnast
we will feel
munuð finnast
you all will feel
munu finnast
they will feel
Conditional mood
mundi finnast
I would feel
mundir finnast
you would feel
mundi finnast
he/she/it would feel
mundum finnast
we would feel
munduð finnast
you all would feel
mundu finnast
they would feel
Present continuous tense
er að finnast
I am feeling
ert að finnast
you are feeling
er að finnast
he/she/it is feeling
erum að finnast
we are feeling
eruð að finnast
you all are feeling
eru að finnast
they are feeling
Past continuous tense
var að finnast
I was feeling
varst að finnast
you were feeling
var að finnast
he/she/it was feeling
vorum að finnast
we were feeling
voruð að finnast
you all were feeling
voru að finnast
they were feeling
Future continuous tense
mun vera að finnast
I will be feeling
munt vera að finnast
you will be feeling
mun vera að finnast
he/she/it will be feeling
munum vera að finnast
we will be feeling
munuð vera að finnast
you all will be feeling
munu vera að finnast
they will be feeling
Present perfect tense
hef fundist
I have felt
hefur fundist
you have felt
hefur fundist
he/she/it has felt
höfum fundist
we have felt
hafið fundist
you all have felt
hafa fundist
they have felt
Past perfect tense
hafði fundist
I had felt
hafðir fundist
you had felt
hafði fundist
he/she/it had felt
höfðum fundist
we had felt
höfðuð fundist
you all had felt
höfðu fundist
they had felt
Future perf.
mun hafa fundist
I will have felt
munt hafa fundist
you will have felt
mun hafa fundist
he/she/it will have felt
munum hafa fundist
we will have felt
munuð hafa fundist
you all will have felt
munu hafa fundist
they will have felt
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa fundist
I would have felt
mundir hafa fundist
you would have felt
mundi hafa fundist
he/she/it would have felt
mundum hafa fundist
we would have felt
munduð hafa fundist
you all would have felt
mundu hafa fundist
they would have felt
Imperative mood

Examples of finnast

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
Ég veit að þér hlýtur að finnast brottför mín núna það versta sem gæti komið fyrir.And I know for me to leave you now... ...it must feel like the worst thing in the world.
Því hefði mér átt að finnast það?Why would I feel like a loser?
Fær það þig enn til að finnast þú sérstakur, Ralf minn?Does it still make you feel special, Ralf dear?
Ég veit að þér finnst mikilvægt að finnast þú aldrei hafa gefist upp.I know it's important for you to feel like you never gave up.
- Þér hlýtur að finnast það...- That must feel...
"ađ vera ekki endilega sterkur heldur finnast mađur sterkur."not necessarily to be strong, but to feel strong,
Hversu margar manneskjur láta þér þú finnast vera merkilegur?How many people can make you feel... extraordinary?
Mig langar að halda í og finnast ég tilheyra öðrum.Want to hold on and feel I belong Whoa!
Mig langar ađ halda í og finnast ég tilheyra öđrum.Want to hold on and feel I belong
Ég veit að þér hlýtur að finnast brottför mín núna það versta sem gæti komið fyrir.And I know for me to leave you now... ...it must feel like the worst thing in the world.
Mér finnst sem Þú sért ekki sà sem Þú virðist vera. þú ilmar vel.You know, I have a feeling that you're not what you appear to be. You smell nice.
Fólk sem finnst það eiga einhverju ólokið.People who feel they have some unfinished business to take care of.
Mér finnst ég varla Ūekkja Ūig.I feel like I don't know you.
Nei, mér finnst ég svo heil.Not from being pregnant. No, I feel so whole.
Þér finnst þú loddari.Makes you feel like a fake.
Það er betra að vera áfram vinir. Ekki að mér finnist ég ekki nógu góður fyrir hana!It's better if we just stay friends. ...not that I feel like I'm not good enough for her!
"Ætli Phil finnist hann vera heppin?"" Does Phil feel lucky?"
Ekki ađ mér finnist ég ekki nķgu gķđur fyrir hana!...not that I feel like I'm not good enough for her!
Svo ađ ykkur finnist ūiđ vera aIvörukarImenn?Why? What, so you can feel like real men?
Ég vil ekki rangtúlka ūig en mér fannst viđ ná samkomulagi.I don't wanna put words in your mouth. - It felt to me as if we had a deal.
Mér fannst réttast ađ votta Grínistanum virđingu mína.l just felt l should pay my respects to the Comedian.
Áðan fannst mér ég finna aðra hendi á rassinum á mér.I thought I felt another hand on my ass a while ago.
Í lok hennar fannst mér ég eiga nũtt heimili.At the end of dinner, l felt like l had a new home.
Mér fannst ég verða að gera Það.I just... It´s something I felt like I had to do. It´s hard to explain.
ūađ hefur komiđ fyrir ađ mér hefur fundist ég heppinn ađ sleppa lifandi.There have been times when I've felt lucky to get out of that bath alive.
Ūađ hljķmar undarlega en mér hefur alltaf fundist eins og ég lifi ekki lengi og ūess vegna vil ég takast á viđ ölduna.I know this sounds strange, but I've always felt like I wouldn't be around for very long, which is why I want to take that drop.
"Hefur þér nokkurn tímann fundist þú aleinn?"Have you ever felt completely alone?
Ūér hefur fundist ūú vera klárari en ég síđan ūú varst 1 4.You've felt you were my intellectual superior since you were 1 4 years old.
Hefur ūér fundist ūú hafa veriđ notuđ ä einhvern hätt?Have you felt yourself to be exploited in any way?
Ég vildi að þér fyndist þægilegra að tala við mig.I wish you felt more comfortable talking to me.
Ég hélt ađ okkur fyndist ūađ sama:I thought we felt the same way:
En enginn spurđi hvađ Mammy fyndist um ūađ.But nobody ever asked Mammy how she felt about it.
Ég vildi ađ ūér fyndist ūægilegra ađ tala viđ mig.I wish you felt more comfortable talking to me.
Ég hélt að okkur fyndist það sama:I thought we felt the same way:

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