Kastan oma käe natuke märjaks... ja kompan. | Wet my hand a bit... and feel. |
Ma kompan nüüd natuke, et oleks kindel, et kõik on nii nagu peab, siis laseme seebivee sisse, nii et kõik lõtvub. | Now, what I'm going to do is have a little feel, Make sure everything's as it should be and then we'll get the soapy water inside, - so you go all floppy for me. |
Kui ehtne on see, mida sa kompad, haistad, maitsed, näed, siis on ehtsus aju poolt tõlgendatud elektriimpulsid. | If you're talking about what you can feel... ...what you can smell, taste and see... ...then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. |
Tean, et jätkuvalt kompad meid, kuid olen rõõmus, et tulid. | Listen, I know you're still feeling us out, but I'm gla you came. |
Niisiis kompa ta läbi, vaata mis tal on. | So feel 'im out, see what he's got. |
Nagu pime mees orgial, pidin ma asju kompama. | Like a blind man at an orgy, I would have to feel things out. |
D'Argo, ega see, et mingile iidsele lukslasele ei meeldi sinu põrna kombata, ei tähenda, et tal on õigus mu sõpra petiseks kutsuda! | D'argo, just because some ancient Luxan doesn't like the feel of your spleen, does not mean she has the right to call my friend a fraud! |
Ma olen ringi käinud ja teisi kohti ka vaadanud ja... kombanud mõningaid inimesi... | I've gone out and checked some other places out and felt some people out and-- |