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Ouvrir (to open) conjugation

29 examples

Conjugation of ouvrir

Present tense
I open
tu ouvres
you open
il/elle/on ouvre
he/she/it opens
nous ouvrons
we open
vous ouvrez
you all open
ils/elles ouvrent
they open
Present perfect tense
j’ai ouvert
I opened
tu as ouvert
you opened
il/elle/on a ouvert
he/she/it opened
nous avons ouvert
we opened
vous avez ouvert
you all opened
ils/elles ont ouvert
they opened
Past impf. tense
I was opening
tu ouvrais
you were opening
il/elle/on ouvrait
he/she/it was opening
nous ouvrions
we were opening
vous ouvriez
you all were opening
ils/elles ouvraient
they were opening
Future tense
I will open
tu ouvriras
you will open
il/elle/on ouvrira
he/she/it will open
nous ouvrirons
we will open
vous ouvrirez
you all will open
ils/elles ouvriront
they will open
Past perfect tense
j’avais ouvert
I had opened
tu avais ouvert
you had opened
il/elle/on avait ouvert
he/she/it had opened
nous avions ouvert
we had opened
vous aviez ouvert
you all had opened
ils/elles avaient ouvert
they had opened
Past preterite tense
I opened
tu ouvris
you opened
il/elle/on ouvrit
he/she/it opened
nous ouvrîmes
we opened
vous ouvrîtes
you all opened
ils/elles ouvrirent
they opened
Past anterior tense
j’eus ouvert
I had opened
tu eus ouvert
you had opened
il/elle/on eut ouvert
he/she/it had opened
nous eûmes ouvert
we had opened
vous eûtes ouvert
you all had opened
ils/elles eurent ouvert
they had opened
Future perfect tense
j’aurai ouvert
I will have opened
tu auras ouvert
you will have opened
il/elle/on aura ouvert
he/she/it will have opened
nous aurons ouvert
we will have opened
vous aurez ouvert
you all will have opened
ils/elles auront ouvert
they will have opened
Present subjunctive tense
que j’ouvre
that I open
que tu ouvres
that you open
qu’il/elle/on ouvre
that he/she/it open
que nous ouvrions
that we open
que vous ouvriez
that you all open
qu’ils/elles ouvrent
that they open
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie ouvert
that I have opened
que tu aies ouvert
that you have opened
qu’il/elle/on ait ouvert
that he/she/it have opened
que nous ayons ouvert
that we have opened
que vous ayez ouvert
that you all have opened
qu’ils/elles aient ouvert
that they have opened
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’ouvrisse
that I would open
que tu ouvrisses
that you would open
qu’il/elle/on ouvrît
that he/she/it would open
que nous ouvrissions
that we would open
que vous ouvrissiez
that you all would open
qu’ils/elles ouvrissent
that they would open
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse ouvert
that I had opened
que tu eusses ouvert
that you had opened
qu’il/elle/on eût ouvert
that he/she/it had opened
que nous eussions ouvert
that we had opened
que vous eussiez ouvert
that you all had opened
qu’ils/elles eussent ouvert
that they had opened
Conditional mood
I would open
tu ouvrirais
you would open
il/elle/on ouvrirait
he/she/it would open
nous ouvririons
we would open
vous ouvririez
you all would open
ils/elles ouvriraient
they would open
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais ouvert
I would have opened
tu aurais ouvert
you would have opened
il/elle/on aurait ouvert
he/she/it would have opened
nous aurions ouvert
we would have opened
vous auriez ouvert
you all would have opened
ils/elles auraient ouvert
they would have opened
Imperative mood
let's open!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie ouvert
have opened
ayons ouvert
let's have opened
ayez ouvert
have opened

Examples of ouvrir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Il l'a fait avant de s'ouvrir la tête.Did it before he cut his head open.
" A ouvrir uniquement si un bâtard me déterre.""To be opened in the event some bastard digs me up."
" Seuls les noirs sont des Africains ", une autre affirmation raciste. Donc jour après jour, les prisons dorées continuent à s'ouvrir et à se fermer au son des sirènes qui appellent Blancs et Noirs à travailler ensemble.another racist affirmation. the gilded prisons continue to close and open to the wail of the sirens that call white Africans and black Africans to work together.
" hé Nick, tu pourrais m'aider à ouvrir ce pot ?""Hey, Nick, will you help me open this jar?"
"///le meilleur ami du jeune marié a parlé au nom de nombreux invités quand il a dit : 'Hilary va ouvrir les yeux d'Edward et compléter sa vie/"'...groom's best friend spoke for many guests when he said, "Hilary will open Edward's eyes and round out his life."
" Et quand le Seigneur vit Léa était haïe il a ouvert son ventre "."And when the Lord saw Leah was hated he opened up her womb."
""T out à coup, le pont c"est ouvert."""Suddenly the bridge opened. "
"...ils ont ouvert sa tombe l'autre jour.."♪ They opened up his tomb the other day ♪
"Amar, tu as ouvert votre clinique à l'aéroport elle-même. ""Amar, You have opened Your clinic at the airport itself. "
"Cher Turner, ce sac doit être ouvert au restaurant KFC où on a pris notre dernier dîner en famille."Dear Turner, this bag is to be opened at the KFC restaurant where we had our final meal as a family. Please bring the ashes with you.
" Arrivé à sa hauteur, il ouvre son imper."When he gets up to her, he whips open the coat."
" Etape 2 : continuer de blablater jusqu'à ce qu'il s'ouvre. "Step two: Just keep babbling until he finally opens up.
" Moreira ouvre la porte, prêt pour son dernier combat."The gaucho Moreira opens the door ready for his last fight.
"""Chaque fois j'ouvre mes yeux Je veux voir seulement vous """"Every time I open my eyes I want to see only you"
""Et le matin, je n"ouvre pas les yeux tout de suite,..And the morning I don't open my eyes immediately...
- Eh bien, ouvrons les cadeaux.- Well, let's open them up.
Allez, ouvrons.Come on, let's open up.
Alors, ouvrons-le.Then let's open it.
Dans tout les cas, ouvrons ce placard, hein ?Anyway, let's open this cupboard, eh?
Eh bien, ouvrons-le.Well, let's open it up.
" Maintenant, ouvrez vos bras et de venir. ""Now open your arms and come."
" rentrez à la maison, prenez un coussin contre le sol, ouvrez-le avec un couteau, et revenez-moi! ""I want you to go home, take a pillow up on your roof, cut it open with a knife, and return here to me!"
"Au nom de Dieu, ouvrez cette porte.""In the name of God, open this door."
"Et la deuxième fois que ça vous arrivera "ouvrez la seconde""And when you get yourself into another situation you can't get out of, open the second letter."
"En ouvrant un magasin ici, tu a gagné la plus belle fille""By opening a shop in our village, you won the heart of the most beautiful girl"
"Le bourgeon en s'ouvrant aux cieux conduisait"The opening bud to heaven convey'd--"
- Aujourd'hui. En l'ouvrant, nous avons eu la plus belle des surprises.And on the opening we had the most wonderful surprise.
- En ouvrant les poumons.By opening the lungs.
3 grands-mères ont récupéré la 78e et l'Hermitage en ouvrant une boulangerie.Three grandmothers reclaimed 78th and Hermitage by opening a bakery.

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