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Abrir (to open) conjugation

131 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: lya wyler, 2005, deal, to deal

Conjugation of abrir

Present tense
I open
you open
he/she opens
we open
you all open
they open
Present perfect tense
tenho abrido
I have opened
tens abrido
you have opened
tem abrido
he/she has opened
temos abrido
we have opened
tendes abrido
you all have opened
têm abrido
they have opened
Past preterite tense
I opened
you opened
he/she opened
we opened
you all opened
they opened
Future tense
I will open
you will open
he/she will open
we will open
you all will open
they will open
Conditional mood
I would open
you would open
he/she would open
we would open
you all would open
they would open
Past imperfect tense
I used to open
you used to open
he/she used to open
we used to open
you all used to open
they used to open
Past perfect tense
tinha abrido
I had opened
tinhas abrido
you had opened
tinha abrido
he/she had opened
tínhamos abrido
we had opened
tínheis abrido
you all had opened
tinham abrido
they had opened
Future perfect tense
terei abrido
I will have opened
terás abrido
you will have opened
terá abrido
he/she will have opened
teremos abrido
we will have opened
tereis abrido
you all will have opened
terão abrido
they will have opened
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha abrido
I have opened
tenhas abrido
you have opened
tenha abrido
he/she has opened
tenhamos abrido
we have opened
tenhais abrido
you all have opened
tenham abrido
they have opened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have opened
(if/so that) you will have opened
(if/so that) he/she will have opened
(if/so that) we will have opened
(if/so that) you all will have opened
(if/so that) they will have opened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver abrido
I will have opened
tiveres abrido
you will have opened
tiver abrido
he/she will have opened
tivermos abrido
we will have opened
tiverdes abrido
you all will have opened
tiverem abrido
they will have opened
Imperative mood
let's open!
Imperative negative mood
não abras
do not open!
não abra
let him/her/it not open!
não abramos
let us not open!
não abrais
do not open!
não abram
do not open!

Examples of abrir

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" poder abrir os corações livremente."to open their hearts freely.
"A menina quer abrir o castelo em Capri# The missus wants to open up the castle in Capri #
"Diz-me que pernas tenho de abrir"."Tell me which legs I have to open".
"E tirar os reis de sua armadura, para abrir portas diante dele portanto essas portas não se fecharão."and to strip kings of their armor, "to open doors before him "so that gates will not be shut.
"Opto por viver os meus dias, permitindo abrir-me à vida"I choose to inhabit my days to allowing my living to open me
" A seguir vire á direita" Eu abro a porta e o carro diz: " És Judeu?""Up ahead, take a right." I opened the door and the car went, "Are you Jewish?"
" Eu abro os meus lábios para responder ao teu nome"" I open my lips to answer to your name" " Life and death have no meaning"
"Criarei três novas linhas de joalharia, estabeleço uma presença online, abro uma loja em Melbourne."Oh, "I'll create three new lines of jewelry, establish an online presence, open a shop in Melbourne."
"Espere," disse o alemão, "eu abro por dentro."The german said "wait, i'll open it from inside."
"Eu declaro falência e abro uma nova empresa."And he said, "Go right ahead. "I'll just declare bankruptcy, and open a new company."
"Levo-te para trás com uma arma apontada, e abres o cofre"."I will take you in back at gunpoint, "where you will open the vault.
"O teu mais ligeiro olhar facilmente me revelará não obstante me ter fechado como dedos, abres-me sempre pétala a pétala como a Primavera abre"Your slightest look Easily will unclose me Though I have closed myself As fingers You open always Petal by petal myself
"quando abres a porta duma creche..."when you open the door to the nursery
*Quando abres a mente* *podes surpreender-te* *e as coisas mudarem*When you open your mind, you can surprise yourself, and things change.
- Bolas, e quando abres?Oh blimey when do you open?
" O colo do útero abre aproximadamente 10 cm." The cervix opens up to ten centimetres...
"A maior abre a porta maciça que dá para a adega,The large key opens the fortified door to the wine cellar.
"A maçã abre-se.""the apple opens,"
"Aquele que abre muito a boca, planta a sua própria destruição"He that opens his lips too wide, shall bring about his own destruction"
"Está a ver, menina Ventura, por vezes..." "...quando a vida fecha uma porta, abre uma janela."So you see, Miss Ventura, sometimes when life shuts one door, it opens a window.
"A cada minuto nós todos, com paixão o caminho abrimos. Um olho aberto, o outro fechado, e o dedo sobre o gatilho. Ouvidos atentos aos javalis e seus ruídos."At every minute of the day, with fervent hearts we make our way... one eye open, the other closed, finger on the trigger we are posed... with attentive ears we prowl, to hear the boar's growl.
"Nós abrimos um velho campo."We open on an old wooden bench.
"e a minha pastilha elástica de menta, preferida e depois abrimos os presentes"."and my favorite peppermint stick, and then we opened presents."
- Ainda não abrimos o guichê.The box office ain't open yet. Uh, you must be Mr. Goldberg, correct?
- Ainda não abrimos.-We're not officially open yet.
Estás a dizer que abris-te a janela e salvou as nossas vidas... - porque o telemóvel disse?You mean you opened the window that saved our lives because that cellphone told you to?
Já abris-te o presente da Rachel?Have you opened Rachael's gift already?
Porque não abris-te a porta e não me respondes-te?Why didn't you open the door? Why didn't you answer me?
"Corações feridos abrem ao nascer do sol, pois cada ferida está a abrir, e eu estou ferida."Heartbreak opens onto the sunrise "For even breaking is opening "And I am broken
"Estarás á frente enquanto os portões se abrem"You'll sit up front as the gates open wide
"Olá," diz ele, quando o abrem."Hello," it says when you open it up.
"Os meus olhos abrem e fecham"My eyes close and open
"Se o dinheiro é prioridade, os caminhos se abrem. ""If money go before, all ways do lie open."
"E quando abri os olhos, a minha mãe tinha entrado e deixado chá e bolachas.""And when I opened my eyes, I saw that my mother was and leave you some tea and biscuits."
"Esta manhã, abri as persianas..."This morning, I opened the shutters
"Hoje, abri o meu próprio restaurante e estou a começar a ganhar uns cobres."Today I opened my own restaurant and I'm starting to make big bucks.
"Quando abri a janela esta manhã, a brisa romântica anunciou a chegada do Outono.""When I opened the window this morning the romantic breeze signaled autumn coming
"Quando abri a porta, nem quis acreditar no que via.""And when I opened the door, I could hardly believe my eyes.
- Agora abriste o Word; fecha-o.- Now you've opened Word; close it.
- Ainda nem sequer abriste. - Compraste-me uma bicicleta.- You haven't even opened it yet!
- Ainda não abriste?- You haven't opened it?
- Diz-me que abriste aquilo.You didn't... You didn't, did you? Tell me you opened that.
- E abriste-a?And you opened it?
! Ela abriu uma conta bancária!She opened up a bank account, Jesse!
" l abriu minha mão, e havia só cinza ""i opened my hand, and there was only ash"
"Assim que a porta abriu, uma rajada de vento levantou uma dançarina de papel... e empurrou-a para o forno."Just as the door opened, a gust of wind picked up the little paper dancer... and blew her into the stove.
"Atreyu lentamente abriu os olhos...""... Atreyu slowly opened his eyes...
"Como Presidente, jamais abriu os seus lábios sem ameaças ou repreensões.As president, he has never opened his lips without threatening or scolding.
"As forças de defesa cubanas abriram fogo a 650 metros."Cuban defense forces opened fire at 700 yards.
"Eles abriram o chão e cobriram os teus sinaisThey opened the ground, and covered your signs
"Nova iorquinos sofisticados como os Kittredges, que abriram as suas casas a um jovem, descobriram que tinham sido burlados por um vigarista procurado pela polícia."Smart, sophisticated, tough New Yorkers, such as the J Flanders Kittredges, who opened their homes and pocketbooks to a young man, learned yesterday they had been boondoggled by a confidence man now wanted by police."
"Os nossos guardas do Palácio abriram fogo, Sr. Presidente"."Our palace guards have opened fire Mr. President."
"Três cortes abriram a graganta, peito e barriga.""Three cuts opened throat, chest and belly."
Abre a tua mente, E abrirei a tua porta♪ Open up your mind, I will open up your door ♪
Acredito que abrirei um negócio lá.I think I will open trade there.
Eu abrirei Qarth ao mundo, tal como a forcei a abrir-se a mim.I will open Qarth to the world as I have forced it to open itself to me.
Eu abrirei as portas do céu.l will open the doors to heaven.
Eu ordeno que larguem as armas... ou abrirei fogo!I commandyou to lay down your arms, or I will open fire! [ Gasps ]
Mais cedo ou mais tarde, abrirás os olhos.Sooner or later you will open those eyes.
O melhor amigo do noivo, falou para os muitos presentes, quando exclamou... Hillary, tu abrirás os olhos ao Edward... E Henrique será a tua vida...groom's best friend spoke for many guests when he said, "Hilary will open Edward's eyes and round out his life."
"A câmara abrirá esta noite"."The chamber will open tonight."
"Puxe a corda e a porta abrirá"."Pull the string and the door will open up".
"e a passagem abrirá, precisamente à meia-noite."and the passage will open at precisely midnight.
- A pequena contém a chave que a abrirá.- The small one, the key that will open it.
- Aqui, o futuro se abrirá as nuvens revelarão a sua glória.From here the future will open, the clouds will part to reveal its glory.
Abaixa-te ou abriremos fogo.Stand down now, or we will open fire.
Amanhã abriremos outro buraco, eu prometo!Tomorrow we will open another hole, I promise!
Dentro de alguns instantes, abriremos os portões, preparem-se.In a few moments, we will open the gates.
Depois do jantar, abriremos a pista de dança.So then after dinner we will open up the dance floor
E quando recuperarmos a seta, abriremos o túmulo de Athena e encontraremos o caminho para a Terra.And when we retrieve the Arrow, we will open the Tomb of Athena, and we will find the road to Earth.
As cinzas abrirão um portal, mas para descobrir a vossa terra, precisa de mais.The ashes will open a portal, but to find your land, she needs more.
Diz a tradição... que as chaves abrirão o Cofre Celeste.According to lore, these will open the Vault of Heaven.
E as vidraças levantar-se-ão e todas as portas se abrirão e então nunca mais se sentirá só.And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never be lonely, ever again.
Enquanto tiver esta murta na mão, todas as portas se abrirão para si.As long as you hold this myrtle, all doors will open for you.
Os centros de teste abrirão à meia noite de hoje por todo o país.The testing centers will open this evening at midnight across the country.
A bexiga se abriria como o Mar Vermelho.His bowels would open up like the Red Sea.
Assim que o pobre Savage se convenceu que o ópio abriria a porta aos mistérios da poesia,Once poor Savage had been convinced that opium would open the door to the mysteries of the poetic craft,
Disse que a China se abriria ao comércio com o ocidente.You said China would open up to Western trade.
Disse que se ele se dedicasse à música totalmente, se desse tudo de si, que o mundo inteiro se abriria para ele.I said that if he made a full commitment to music, if he really, really gave it all he had, the whole world would open up to him.
Disse que tinha encontrado uma chave e que me abriria a porta.He said he'd found a key and that he would open the door for me.
Pensei que abriríamos a nossa agência de detectives na cidade.I thought we would open up our own detective agency in town.
Você acha que essas chaves que você achou abririam o apartamento do Sr. C?Do you think those keys you found would open Mr. C's apartment?
""Antes de abrir seu coraÇão, abra os olhos da raZão.""BeFore opening your heart, open your eyes.
"Abra esta maldita porta, pode ser?" "Eu não sei quem você é, mas abra esta porta."I don't know who you are, but open this door.
"Ai daquele que abra uma das sete portas do inferno". "Porque através daquela entrada, o mal invadirá o mundo".Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to hell, ...because through that gateway, ...Evil will invade the world...
"Ajoelhe-se, abra bem.""Kneel down, open wide."
"Quando se encontrar numa outra, abra a segunda.""And when you get yourself into another situation you can't get out of, open the second letter."
"Não abras a porta!""Don't open the door!"
- Adrian, não abras.Adrian, don't open that.
- Então é bom que a abras.-You better get it open.
- Espera, não abras!- Wait, don't open it.
- Nem sequer a abras...- Don't even open it...
- Importa-se que as abramos?- You mind of we open them?
- Queres que abramos as portas?- You want us to open the doors?
Desde que não a abramos estaremos a salvo.As long as we don't open it, we're fine.
Em 30 de outubro, dia da coleta, abramos nossos corações e nossas carteiras porque todo mundo merece ter um teto.On October 30th, fund raising day, we all open our hearts and wallets. Because everyone deserves a roof over their heads.
Então, não se importa que a abramos.- Then you won't mind if we open it.
Barrai as portas, e não as abrais a ninguém que não conheçais.Bar the doors and do not open them for anyone you do not know.
Em nome do Cardeal Perazzo, ordenamos que abrais.By word of Cardinal Perazzo, we demand you open up. Quick, to my carriage.
Ordeno-vos, em nome dos cavaleiros de Camelot... que abrais as portas deste castelo sagrado... ao qual o nosso Senhor nos guiou!l command you, in the name of the knights of Camelot to open the doors of this sacred castle to which God himself has guided us.
Para vos pedir... que abrais os vossos portões, meu senhor. Para que o meu filho e os seus porta-estandartes possam atravessar o Tridente e seguir o seu caminho.To ask you to open your gates, My Lord, so my son and his bannermen may cross the Trident and be on their way.
"Façam o que fizerem não abram o armário"."Whatever you do, do not open the closet."
"Não abram a porta!""Don't open the door."
- Abram-na, abram-na.- Open it, open it.
- Agora abram-no.- Now open it.
- Agora abram.Now open it.
"O oblívio recua, abrindo-se o abismo. "A sujidade gritante do caos a cegar."Oblivion receding, the abyss opening, the screaming dirt of chaos blinding.
- abrindo-a?So could someone please explain to me why we can't confirm our blessed fortune by simply opening it?
-Estou abrindo as fechaduras.- I'm opening the locks.
-Estou abrindo.- I'm opening it.
-Sim, está abrindo agora.Yeah, it's opening... it's opening now.
Acabai o chocolate antes de abrirdes outro.Go there. Maybe finish this candy bar before you open another one!
E se lhe abrirdes o vosso coração, ele guiar-vos-á no vosso caminho.And if you open your heart to Him... He will guide you through it.
Se abrirdes essa porta, morrereis. Morreremos todos.If you open that door, you will die, we will all die.
Se abrirdes os vossos corações, talvez possamos provarIf you open your hearts, we may try
"Matará todos os que abrirem este baú... "e assimilará todos os seus órgãos e fluidos... "e, ao fazê-lo, regenerar-se-á..."He will kill all who open this chest... and assimilate their organs and fluids... and in so doing, he will regenerate... and no longer be the undead... but a plague upon this Earth."
"tinham-se fechado às luzes deste mundo "seis meses antes de os meus se abrirem.Six months when mine opened on it."
- Antes de abrirem o bar, trabalharam para a firma Telhados Overhead.Yeah, right before they opened the bar, they worked for Overhead Roofing. I took the addresses of all the jobs
- Comunique-me quando o abrirem.-Let me know when they open it.
- E, Bellicec, viu os olhos abrirem-se.- And, Bellicec, you saw its eyes open.
"Bem,se abrires a janelas vai entrar mais água cá dentro."If you open the window more water gets in!
"Mas agora, se o abrires e deres uma olhada"But now if you open it up and take a look
"Se abrires o teu coração"If you open your heart,
- Abre a porta, se achas que esse laboratório é sujo, espera até veres a tua cela, que é para onde vais se não abrires a porta.- Open the damn door, because if you think this lab's dirty, wait until you're in a prison cell, which is where they will take you if you don't open the door.
- Agradeci-te ultimamente por abrires a tua matraca sobre a Renee?Hey, have I thanked you lately for opening your trap about Renee?
"Porque não abrirmos a nossa própria loja de roupa?""why not open up our own dress shop?" You know.
- Bem, não te queria acordar. Tenho algumas coisas para tratar, antes de abrirmos.Just a few things to take care of before we open.
- Eu sei, mas até o abrirmos, posso divertir-me com ela.I know, but until we open that tomb, I got her to play with.
- Não saberemos enquanto não abrirmos.- Well, we won't know until we open it up.
- O que acontece se não abrirmos?What happens if we just don't open it?
"como se os céus se abrissem""as if the skies were opening"

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