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Offrir (to offer) conjugation

26 examples

Conjugation of offrir

Present tense
I offer
tu offres
you offer
il/elle/on offre
he/she/it offers
nous offrons
we offer
vous offrez
you all offer
ils/elles offrent
they offer
Present perfect tense
j’ai offert
I offered
tu as offert
you offered
il/elle/on a offert
he/she/it offered
nous avons offert
we offered
vous avez offert
you all offered
ils/elles ont offert
they offered
Past impf. tense
I was offering
tu offrais
you were offering
il/elle/on offrait
he/she/it was offering
nous offrions
we were offering
vous offriez
you all were offering
ils/elles offraient
they were offering
Future tense
I will offer
tu offriras
you will offer
il/elle/on offrira
he/she/it will offer
nous offrirons
we will offer
vous offrirez
you all will offer
ils/elles offriront
they will offer
Past perfect tense
j’avais offert
I had offered
tu avais offert
you had offered
il/elle/on avait offert
he/she/it had offered
nous avions offert
we had offered
vous aviez offert
you all had offered
ils/elles avaient offert
they had offered
Past preterite tense
I offered
tu offris
you offered
il/elle/on offrit
he/she/it offered
nous offrîmes
we offered
vous offrîtes
you all offered
ils/elles offrirent
they offered
Past anterior tense
j’eus offert
I had offered
tu eus offert
you had offered
il/elle/on eut offert
he/she/it had offered
nous eûmes offert
we had offered
vous eûtes offert
you all had offered
ils/elles eurent offert
they had offered
Future perfect tense
j’aurai offert
I will have offered
tu auras offert
you will have offered
il/elle/on aura offert
he/she/it will have offered
nous aurons offert
we will have offered
vous aurez offert
you all will have offered
ils/elles auront offert
they will have offered
Present subjunctive tense
que j’offre
that I offer
que tu offres
that you offer
qu’il/elle/on offre
that he/she/it offer
que nous offrions
that we offer
que vous offriez
that you all offer
qu’ils/elles offrent
that they offer
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie offert
that I have offered
que tu aies offert
that you have offered
qu’il/elle/on ait offert
that he/she/it have offered
que nous ayons offert
that we have offered
que vous ayez offert
that you all have offered
qu’ils/elles aient offert
that they have offered
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’offrisse
that I would offer
que tu offrisses
that you would offer
qu’il/elle/on offrît
that he/she/it would offer
que nous offrissions
that we would offer
que vous offrissiez
that you all would offer
qu’ils/elles offrissent
that they would offer
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse offert
that I had offered
que tu eusses offert
that you had offered
qu’il/elle/on eût offert
that he/she/it had offered
que nous eussions offert
that we had offered
que vous eussiez offert
that you all had offered
qu’ils/elles eussent offert
that they had offered
Conditional mood
I would offer
tu offrirais
you would offer
il/elle/on offrirait
he/she/it would offer
nous offririons
we would offer
vous offririez
you all would offer
ils/elles offriraient
they would offer
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais offert
I would have offered
tu aurais offert
you would have offered
il/elle/on aurait offert
he/she/it would have offered
nous aurions offert
we would have offered
vous auriez offert
you all would have offered
ils/elles auraient offert
they would have offered
Imperative mood
let's offer!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie offert
have offered
ayons offert
let's have offered
ayez offert
have offered

Examples of offrir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Cher monsieur Holmes, Je suis très impatiente de vous consulter afin de savoir si je dois accepter un poste de gouvernante qu'on vient de m'offrir."Dear Mr. Holmes: I am very anxious to consult you as to whether I should or should not accept a situation which has been offered to me as a governess.
"Batman, permets-moi de t'offrir ce cercueil."Batman, I offer you this coffin as a gift.
"Cette fille a tant à offrir au monde."this girl has so much to offer the world.
"Dans le but de lui offrir "une période de refroidissement, avant la reprise des cours, "nous l'envoyons passer sa dernière semaine de vacances chez vous.ln order to offer her a cooling-off period before classes resume, we are having her spend her last week's vacation with you.
"De quel état Einstein se vit offrir ... la présidence en 1952 ?"Of what country was Albert Einstein... offered the presidency in 1952?
"Dans un développement incroyable au sommet de Genève, les diplomates iraniens ont offert aux inspecteurs de l'IAEA un accès complet et illimité aux sites nucléaires du régime en échange de la levée des sanctions économiques.""In a stunning development at the Geneva summit, Iranian diplomats have offered IAEA inspectors full and unfettered access to the regime's nuclear sites in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions."
"Et aujourd'hui, une fille t'a offert et tu bois !"And today a girl offered you a drink and you drank it.
"J'ai offert de l'amour..."- "I offered you love, I got kicked."
"J'aurais offert un millionI'd have offered a million? ?
"Je n'ai fait que prendre ce qui m'était offert.All I did was take what was offered.
! C'est une super offre !I'm offering you a deal.
" L'offre nous agrée. Tout sera partagé.We happily accepted this offer
" Michael refuse d'accepter... " mon offre... " aussi longtemps qu'il travaillera pour vous.Michael will not accept our offer, while he works for you".
"""À chacun à cette réunion(cueillette), J'offre mes salutations """"To everyone at this gathering, I offer my salutations"
"A vos pieds, Radha offre des fleurs. Oh krishna.""at Your feet, Radha offers flowers, O Krishna"
Alors offrons leurs d'autres moyens de s'amuser.So let's offer them other ways to have fun.
"Quelles boissons offrez-vous à vos informaticiens?""What kind of beverages do you offer your programmers?" - Oh, come on!
$1000, c'est tout ce que vous offrez à ma soeur pour une utilisation illimitée de sa chanson ?And a thousand dollars is all you're offering my sister for unlimited use of her song?
- C'est tout ce que vous offrez ?- Is that all you're offering?
- Combien voulez-vous ? - Que m'offrez-vous ? 55 000 dollars.-I'm prepared to offer you $49,000.
- En offrez-vous ?- Are you offering it?
"De l'autre côté des plaines se trouvait le monastère Saint-lgnace," "lui offrant l'espoir et l'opportunité" "d'effacer ses blessures de guerre."Out across the plains was the monastery of St. Ignatius, offering him hope and a chance to wash away the wounds of war that had brutalized him.
"Le FBI ne chasse pas seulement des psychopathes, il chasse leurs têtes aussi, en offrant un salaire compétitif et des avantages dans l'espoir d'utiliser un esprit dément ... " Continuez."The FBI isn't just hunting psychopaths, "they're headhunting them too, offering competitive pay and benefits "in the hopes of using one demented mind..."
"offrant aux hommes une solution à leurs problèmes"offering men an apparent solution to their problem
- Je viens, en offrant...- I come offering...
30 heures plus tard, ils ont reçu un e-mail chiffré, offrant de réparer ça à un certain coût.30 hours later, they received an encrypted e-mail, offering to fix it for a price.

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