Fetaħ (to open) conjugation

27 examples

Conjugation of fetaħ

Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
I am opening
you are opening
he is opening
she is opening
we are opening
you all are opening
they are opening
Perfect tense
I have opened
you have opened
he has opened
she has opened
we have opened
you all have opened
they have opened

Examples of fetaħ

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Amministratur Nazzjonali li fetaħ il-kontNat'l Admin that has opened the account
Artikolu 20 Talbiet għal aktar dokumentazzjoni u kjarifiki Wara li l-BĊE jkun fetaħ l-applikazzjonijiet jew l-offerti , jista » jitlob lil kandidati u min jagħmel offerta biex jissupplimentaw id-dokumentazzjoni pprovduta jew biex jiġu kkjarifikati punti speċifiċi .Article 20 Requests for additional documentation and clarification After the ECB has opened applications or tenders , it may request candidates and tenderers to supplement the documentation provided or to clarify specific points .
Barra minn hekk, l-avviż reġa’ fetaħ parzjalment l-investigazzjoni ta’ reviżjoni interim tal-anti-dumping rilevanti dwar l-importazzjonijiet tat-tertuqa PET li toriġina, inter alia, fl-Indja sabiex tiġi implementata s-sentenza ta’ hawn fuq tal-Qorti Ġenerali fir-rigward ta’ MTZ Polyfilms.The notice also partially reopened the relevant anti-dumping interim review investigation concerning imports of PET film originating, inter alia, in India in order to implement the above judgment of the General Court as far as MTZ Polyfilms is concerned.
Bi flus il-Leader+, ilgrupp permanenti fetaħ (u qed jiżviluppa) post ta’ laqgħat f’żona virtwali (www.krommerijnloket.nl), biex jappoġġja inizjattivi ta’ ċittadini uWith Leader+ funding the steering group has opened (and is developing) a virtual area meeting point (www.
Billi jixtieq li l-azzjoni tiegħu tkun magħrufa u mifhuma millpubbliku, il-Parlament Ewropew fetaħ għall-pubbliku s-sessjoni-jiet tiegħu, kif ukoll id-dibattiti tal-kumitati tiegħu.With a view to making its activities known and understood by the public, the European Parliament has opened its plenary sittings and committee meetings to the public.
- Kif appena jdubu, iftaħ l- ampulletti waqt li żżommhom ‘ il bogħod minnek sabiex tipprevjeni• Wear protective gloves and spectacles during the ampoule thawing and opening operations. • Remove from the liquid nitrogen container only those ampoules which are to be used immediately. • Thaw the contents of the ampoules rapidly by agitation in water at 25-30°C.
Biex toħroġ pillola waħda, iftaħ il- pakkett u qaxxar il- fojl minn mal- folja biex tifxef il- pillola.For single tablet removal, open the package and peel back the foil on the blister to expose the tablet.
B’ subgħajk iftaħ il- qartas tal- fojlUsing your fingers, open the foil sachet
Eżatt qabel tibda tiġbed man- nifs, iftaħ il- kontenitur tal- ħġieġ li fih 1ml ta ’ soluzzjoni, li juri tlett ċrieki kkuluriti (roża- aħmar – aħmar) u ttrasferixxi l- kontenut kollu fil- kompartiment tal- medikazzjoni tan- nebulizzatur.Just before you start to inhale, break open the glass container containing 1 ml solution, which shows three coloured rings (pink-red-red), and transfer the complete contents into the nebuliser medication chamber.
Eżatt qabel tibda tiġbed man- nifs, iftaħ il- kontenitur tal- ħġieġ u ttrasferixxi il- kontenut kollu fil - kompartiment tal- medikazzjoni tan- nebulizzatur.Just before you start to inhale, break open the glass container containing 2 ml solution, which shows two coloured rings (white-pink), and transfer the complete contents into the nebuliser medication chamber.
Poġġi l- kontenituri l- oħra li m’ intix ser tuża lura fil - pakkett tal- fojl. • Żomm mera fil- viċin u aħsel idejk • Żomm il- kontenitur min- naħa t- twila u ċatta bejn subgħajk il- kbir u l- werrej, u iftħu billi ddawwar in- naħa l- oħra (stampa 2). • Itfa ’ rasek lura.Put the others back in the foil wrapper. • Make sure you have a mirror handy and wash your hands. • Hold the long flat end of the container between your thumb and forefinger and open it by twisting off the other end (picture 2).
Din is-sena u għat-tieni darba fil-bini l-ġdid tiegħu, il-Kumitat qiegħed jiftaħ il-bibien tiegħu għall-pubbliku nhar is-6 ta’ Mejju mill-10 a.m. sas-6 p.m.This year, already for the second time in its new building, the Committee is opening its doors to the public on 6 May, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
L-Ombudsman sab bażijiet suffiċjenti biex jiftaħ investigazzjoni fuq ilkwistjoni u, fl -itt ra tal-ftuħ tiegħu lillKummissjoni, staqsieha espressament jekk kinitx lesta li taċċetta l-proposta tiegħu għal formulazzjoni alternattiva speċifika tal-punt kruċjali ta’ l-abbozz ta’ ftehim ta’ arbitraġġ.The Ombudsman found su cient grounds for opening an inquiry into the ma4 er and, in his opening le4 er to the Commission, expressly asked it whether it was willing to accept his proposal for a specific alternative formulation of the crucial point of the dra arbitration agreement.
Fid-dinja diġitali, l-ispettaturi huma indirizzati b’mod iktar frekwenti permezz ta’ kanali speċjalizzati tal-ispettaturi, u TV2 tgħid li l-kompetituri tagħha qed jiftħu kanali ġodda matul dan il-perijodu.In the digital world, viewers are more frequently addressed via specialised viewer channels, and TV2 points out that its competitors are opening new channels during this period.
Għandek twaħħal Neupro fuq il- ġilda tiegħek hekk kif tkun ftaħt il- qartas u neħħejt l- inforra protettiva.You should stick Neupro onto your skin as soon as you have opened the sachet and removed the protective liner.
La darba ftaħt il- flixkun tal- mistura, ma tistax tużaha għal iżjed minn 4 ġimgħat.Once you have opened the syrup bottle, you must not use it longer than 4 weeks.
Tużax Arixtra: • wara d- data ta ’ skadenza li tidher fuq it- tabella u l- kaxxa. • jekk tara xi frak fis- soluzzjoni jew jekk is- soluzzjoni titlef il- kulur • jekk tara illi s- siringa għandha xi ħsara; • jekk ftaħt siringa u ma tużahiex minnufih.Do not use Arixtra: • after the expiry date stated on the label and carton • if you notice any particles in the solution, or if the solution is discoloured • if you notice that the syringe is damaged • if you have opened a syringe and you do not use it straightaway.
Tużax Arixtra: • wara d- data ta ’ skadenza li tidher fuq it- tabella u l- kaxxa. • jekk tara xi frak fis- soluzzjoni, jew telf ta ’ kulur tas- soluzzjoni • jekk tara illi s- siringa għandha xi ħsara • jekk ftaħt siringa ma wżajtiex minnufihDo not use Arixtra: • after the expiry date stated on the label and carton • if you notice any particles in the solution, or if the solution is discoloured • if you notice that the syringe is damaged • if you have opened a syringe and you do not use it straightaway.
Tużax Quixidar: • wara d- data ta ’ skadenza li tidher fuq it- tabella u l- kaxxa • jekk tara xi frak fis- soluzzjoni jew jekk is- soluzzjoni titlef il- kulur • jekk tara illi s- siringa għandha xi ħsara; • jekk ftaħt siringa u ma tużahiex minnufih.if you notice any particles in the solution, or if the solution is discoloured • if you notice that the syringe is damaged • if you have opened a syringe and you do not use it straightaway.
Amministrazzjoni Nazzjonali jew Ċentrali li tkun fetħet il-kontNational administrator or central administrator that has opened the account
Amministrazzjoni Nazzjonali li tkun fetħet il-kontNational administrator that has opened the account
Barra minn hekk, hi fetħet, fir-rappreżentanzi tagħha flIstati Membri, “uffiċċji lokali għall-multilingwiżmu” li jippreżentaw il-messaġġi talUnjoni Ewropea b’mod ċar, billi tqiegħed it-tagħrif f’kuntest lokali.In addition, it has opened ‘field offices for multilingualism’ within its representations in the Member States, which present the European Union’s messages in a clear manner by adapting the information to the local context.
Fl-2004, il-Ġermanja, il-Polonja u l-Ungerija nnotifikaw lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea l-pjanijiet għar-ristrutturazzjoni tagħhom għas-snin li ġejjin. IlKummissjoni Ewropea fetħet il-proċedura formali r-rigward tal-pjan tar-ristrutturar għall-industrija Spanjola tal-faħam.Germany, Poland and Hungary notified their restructuring plans for the coming years to the Commission. e Commission has opened the formal procedure regarding the restructuring plan for the Spanish coal industry.
Il-punt 4.4 tal-Linji gwida msemmijin hawn fuq jistipula li: “Fir-rigward tas-settur agrikolu, dawn il-Linji gwida għandhom jidħlu fis-seħħ fl-1 ta’ Jannar 1998 għal għajnuniet ġodda mill-Istat. Għal dawk eżistenti, id-dħul fis-seħħ għandu jkun fl-istess data jew, f’każ li l-Kummissjoni tkun fetħet il-proċedura skont l-Artikolu 93(2) tat-Trattat [KE] kontra Stat Membru wieħed ieħor jew aktar f’dan l-kuntest, wara li l-Kummissjoni tkun adottat deċiżjoni finali vis-à-vis l-Istat Membru/l-Istati Membri konċernat(i) skont l-Artikolu 93(2) tat-Trattat [KE].”Point 4.4 of the aforementioned Guidelines stipulates that: ‘As regards the agricultural sector, these Guidelines will enter into force on 1 January 1998 for new State aids. For existing ones, entry into force will be on the same date or, in the event that the Commission has opened the procedure pursuant to Article 93(2) of the [EC] Treaty against one more or more Member States in this context, once the Commission has adopted a final decision vis-à-vis the Member State(s) concerned pursuant to Article 93(2) of the [EC] Treaty.’
Billi l-libertà tal-moviment hija wieħed mill-prinċipji prinċipali ta’ l-integrazzjoni Ewropea, il-Kummissjoni laqgħet b’merħba l-fatt li ħafna Stati Membri fetħu s-swieq taxxogħol tagħhom kompletament sa mit-tkabbir f’Mejju 2004 u li Stati Membri oħrajn issimplifikaw is-sistemi jew proċeduri eżistenti ta’ l-aċċess nazzjonali figradi differenti. erenti.As freedom of movement is one of the key principles of European integration, the Commission welcomed the fact that many Member States have opened their labour markets completely since the enlargement in May 2004 and that other Member States have sim-plifi ed their existing national access regimes or procedures to varying degrees.
Kif indikat fis-sentenza tagħha Altmark [31], mill-1995 bosta Stati Membri fetħu xi swieq tat-trasport urban, suburban jew reġjonali għall-kompetizzjoni minn impriżi minn Stati Membri oħra u hemm diversi eżempji ta’ impriżi tat-trasport ta’ Stat Membru li jeżerċitaw attivitajiet fi Stat Membru ieħor.As reflected in the Altmark judgment [31], since 1995 several Member States have opened certain transport markets to competition from undertakings established in other Member States, so that a number of undertakings are already offering their urban, suburban or regional transport services in Member States other than their state of origin.
Mill-2002 ’l hawn, speċjalment fil-pajjiżi li fetħu s-swieq tagħhom għall-kompetizzjoni.Since 2002, particularly in those countries which have opened up their markets to competition.

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