Atârna (to hang) conjugation

46 examples

Conjugation of eiti

Present tense
I hang
you hang
he/she/it hangs
we hang
you all hang
they hang
Present perfect tense
am atârnat
I have hung
ai atârnat
you have hung
a atârnat
he/she/it has hung
am atârnat
we have hung
ați atârnat
you all have hung
au atârnat
they have hung
Past preterite tense
I hung
you hung
he/she/it hung
we hung
you all hung
they hung
Future tense
voi atârna
I will hang
vei atârna
you will hang
va atârna
he/she/it will hang
vom atârna
we will hang
veți atârna
you all will hang
vor atârna
they will hang
Conditional mood
aș atârna
I would hang
ai atârna
you would hang
ar atârna
he/she/it would hang
am atârna
we would hang
ați atârna
you all would hang
ar atârna
they would hang
Subjunctive present tense
să atârn
(so that/if) I hang
să atârni
(so that/if) you hang
să atârne
(so that/if) he/she/it hang
să atârnăm
(so that/if) we hang
să atârnați
(so that/if) you all hang
să atârne
(so that/if) they hang
Subjunctive past tense
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) I have hung
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) you have hung
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) he/she/it have hung
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) we have hung
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) you all have hung
să fi atârnat
(so that/if) they have hung
Past impf. tense
I was hanging
you were hanging
he/she/it was hanging
we were hanging
you all were hanging
they were hanging
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu atârna
do not hang!
nu atârnați
do not hang!
Past pluperfect tense
I had hung
you had hung
he/she/it had hung
we had hung
you all had hung
they had hung
Future alternative 1 tense
am să atârn
I am going to hang
ai să atârni
you are going to hang
are să atârne
he/she/it is going to hang
avem să atârnăm
we are going to hang
aveți să atârnați
you all are going to hang
au să atârne
they are going to hang
Future alternative 2 tense
o să atârn
I am going to hang
o să atârni
you are going to hang
o să atârne
he/she/it is going to hang
o să atârnăm
we are going to hang
o să atârnați
you all are going to hang
o să atârne
they are going to hang
Future perfect tense
voi fi atârnat
I will have hung
vei fi atârnat
you will have hung
va fi atârnat
he/she/it will have hung
vom fi atârnat
we will have hung
veți fi atârnat
you all will have hung
vor fi atârnat
they will have hung
Future in the past tense
aveam să atârn
I was going to hang
aveai să atârni
you were going to hang
avea să atârne
he/she/it was going to hang
aveam să atârnăm
we were going to hang
aveați să atârnați
you all were going to hang
aveau să atârne
they were going to hang
Conditional past tense
aș fi atârnat
I would have hung
ai fi atârnat
you would have hung
ar fi atârnat
he/she/it would have hung
am fi atârnat
we would have hung
ați fi atârnat
you all would have hung
ar fi atârnat
they would have hung
Presumptive tense
oi atârna
I might hang
oi atârna
you might hang
o atârna
he/she/it might hang
om atârna
we might hang
oți atârna
you all might hang
or atârna
they might hang
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi atârnând
I might be hanging
oi fi atârnând
you might be hanging
o fi atârnând
he/she/it might be hanging
om fi atârnând
we might be hanging
oți fi atârnând
you all might be hanging
or fi atârnând
they might be hanging
Presumptive past tense
oi fi atârnat
I might have hung
oi fi atârnat
you might have hung
o fi atârnat
he/she/it might have hung
om fi atârnat
we might have hung
oți fi atârnat
you all might have hung
or fi atârnat
they might have hung

Examples of atârna

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
" dacă blocați coarne cu mine, te voi atârna cu capul în jos. ""if you lock horns with me, I'll hang you upside down."
"... o mare explozie, si dintr-o dată liftul a explodat, fum, am târât omul afară, pielea îi atârna, si l-am târât afară si l-am dus la ambulantă."" ...big explosion happened, all of a sudden the elevator blew up, smoke, I dragged the guy out, his skin was hanging off, " " and I dragged him out and I helped him to the ambulance. "
"Atârna si atârna. si apoi m-am uitat la fata sa si îi lipseau părti din fată.""Hanging and hanging. And then I looked at his face and he was missing parts of his face. "
"Bătrânul Jim atârna de un copac, iar viaţa îi părăsise demult trupul."".. Old Jim was hanging from a tree, the force of life having long since departed his body."
"De la umăr până la vârful degetelor. si atârna de la ambele brate."" All the way to the top of the fingertips. And it was hanging from both arms. "
"O să-ţi atârn ochii de oglinda retrovizoare."I'm gonna hang your eyes from my rearview mirror."
"Pot să-mi atârn..."I can hang my heart...
"Îţi jupoi tatuajele şi-ţi atârn pielea pe perete"?"I'll skin those tattoos off you and hang 'em on my wall"?
- Am sa atârn pentru tine sau pentru nimeni altul.-I hang for you or for no one at all.
- Dar tu ai vrut sa atârn o pictură în ulei în stil baroc cu mine de parca as fi un dictator nord-coreean.But you would have me hang a baroque oil painting of myself like I'm a north Korean dictator. What?
- Ai avea un loc unde să o atârni.- You'd have a place to hang it.
- Ai să atârni acolo tot timpul - sau îmi arunci pistolul ?Are you gonna hang on forever, or throw me your gun?
- Cum ai putut să atârni invers şi să repari motorul ?- How could you hang upside down
- De ce nu-ţi atârni lucrurile pe aici pe undeva?- Why don't you hang your stuff down here somewhere?
- Deci unde ai s-o atârni?So where you gonna hang it? Like, here?
" atârnă o pânză radiant"hangs a radiant canvas
"Aici atârnă brokerul David Niousater"."Here hangs stockbroker David Neustadter.
"De pe fruntea ta, atârnă podoabele...""From your forehead, hangs the adornment..."
"Nici tămâia fină ce-atârnă din ramuri""Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs
"Nimeni nu atârnă o poză cu un vas petrolier pe peretele lor, nu-i aşa?""Nobody hangs a picture of an oil tanker on their wall, do they?"
A trebuit să atârnăm pe unul de balcon, ca să aflăm de unde îşi ridică marfa.We had to hang one of his dealers off a balcony just to find out where he collects his gear.
Acolo atârnăm noi animalele dăunătoare.Where we hang the vermin.
Ajunge, haideţi, să le atârnăm.- Hey, we've got enough. - Come on, let's go hang them up.
Alergăm greieri sau, atârnăm împreună?Ha-ha-ha! We chasing crickets, or are we just hanging out?
Ar trebui să atârnăm un clopot de gâtul băiatului asta.We oughta hang a bell around this boy's neck.
Acum atârnam bine cu ambele axe.Now I was hanging with both axes, right.
Eu atârnam de bara transversală.I was hanging on the crossbar.
Eu atârnam pe un stâlp şi ea era dedesubt.l was hanging off the pole and she was below.
Da. Îti atârnai "sobolanul" în chiuveta din toaleta femeilor.You were hanging your rat in the ladies' hand sink.
Dacă atârnai de un balon ce se intalta, eşti pus în situaţia de a lua o decizie dificilă... să îţi dai drumul înainte să fie prea târziu ?If you were hanging on to a rising balloon, you're presented with a difficult decision... let go before it's too late?
Northman, când atârnai acolo, de coloanele alea turceşti din marmură, te-ai întrebat de ce nu te-am ucis, când o puteam face atât de uşor?When you were hanging up there on one of those very proud unhoned Turkish marble columns, did you ever stop to wonder why I didn't kill you when I could have so easily?
- Alea atârnau de fereastră.Those were hanging from the window.
- Şi panglicile atârnau...-And the straps were hanging down...
Era întinsă afară, în noroi... Intestinele îi atârnau pe afară.She was lying out there... in the dirt and her intestines were hanging out.
Le atârnau limbile !Tongues were hanging out!
Pantalonii atârnau pe el.Oh, his pants were hanging off him.
"Am stat atârnat de un copac înalt timp de nouă nopţi, rănit de o suliţă, dedicată lui Odin, acel copac căruia nimeni nu-i cunoaşte rădăcinile.""I hung from a windy tree for nine long nights, "wounded by a spear, "dedicated to Odin,
"Cine a retezat capul iubitei mele şi l-a atârnat acolo sus?"Who cut my dearest's head and hung it up there?
"Eu sunt o persoana care de multe ori devine atârnat la uscat de către toți cei din jurul meu.""I am a person who often gets hung out to dry by all those around me."
"La sfârșitul zilei, sabia de performanță este atârnat deasupra ta.""At the end of the day, the sword of performance is hung above you."
- Am atârnat ieri pe lângă ea.- I hung out with her yesterday.
" El a găsit-o atârnând de o frânghie "♪ He found her hanging by a rope ♪
"A fost văzut atârnând în vestiarul fetelor la Liceul Angel Beach "."It was last seen hanging out in the girls' locker room at Angel Beach High School."
"Acum am ruşine atârnând peste mine."I said. "Now I got the embarrassment hanging over me."
- A fost găsit mort atârnând de un pom la mai puţin de 300 m de aici în pădure.He was found shot, hanging on a tree less than a quarter of a mile from here in the woods.
.. ei au gasito atârnând de un laţ...they found her hanging from the ceiling.

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