Podeu pregar? | Can you pray?" |
Segons aquesta creença, tots hauríem d'encendre ciris en record dels tibetans que s'han autoimmolat i pregar pel Tibet. | Following their belief, we shall also light for the Tibetans who have self-immolated and pray for Tibet. |
Crec que tots hauríem de... baixar el cap i pregar una mica per agrair la nostra salvació. | I think we should all bow our heads and give a short prayer of thanks. |
Vaig pregar per tú tots els dies Pregant per que arribessis sa i estalvi a casa. | I would not have ever forgiven myself. I prayed for you every day. |
Deixi'm dir-li que tinc molt, molt bona idea... crec, espero, prego, de quin és el codi de retorn. | I have a very good idea, I hope, I pray, of what the recall code is. |
De vegades prego quan les coses no surten bé. | At times I pray... when things don't go well. |
Monsieur, no es burli de mi ara, l'hi prego. | Monsieur, don't mock me now, I pray |
Senyoretes. Senyores i Senyors, prego silenci per escoltar al President; | Milords, ladies and gentlemen... pray silence for your chairman... |
Els prego silenci per escoltar a la Srta. | Milords, ladies and gentlemen... pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher. |
Tot i que jo sé que es queda aterrida a casa quan sóc enmig dels enfrontaments, prega per mi i em dóna suport. | Although I know she stays at home terrified when I am out during clashes, she prays for me and supports me |
“Hiroshima s'enrabia, Nagasaki prega” | “Hiroshima rages, Nagasaki prays” |
Resa per la teva Marius, ell prega per tu. | "Pray for your Marius "He prays for you" |
"Rebre a ella, preguem, en les mansions dels sants. | "Receive her, we pray, into the mansions of the saints. |
Correu. *Salveu els nostres fills de la guerra, us ho preguem.* | Run. ♪ save our sons from war, we pray. ♪ |
Afectuosament esperem, ferventment preguem, què el poderós flagell de la guerra pugui desaparèixer ràpidament. | LlNCOLN: Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. |
Aquí preguem per un nou començament. | Here we pray for new beginnings |
*Gentil Mare,* *font de tota compassió* *salveu els nostres fills de la guerra, us ho preguem.* | ♪ Gentle mother ♪ ♪ font of mercy ♪ ♪ save our sons from war, we pray ♪ |
"He pregat perque trobi la fe.. "però només ha parat quan el Papa li ha foradat el ventre "i li ha posat el carbó a dins. | "I prayed that she might find faith.. "but she only stopped when Papa cut her belly.. "and stuffed the coals in. |
"He pregat perque trobi la fe.. | "I prayed that she might find faith.. |
He encès una espelma i he pregat per la teva mort. | I lit a candle and prayed for your death. |
No han marxat, ni han salpat, com havíem pregat. | They've not removed themselves, nor yet sailed away, as we all prayed. |
Missenyora, pregueu, no teniu temps per a riure? | My Lady, pray, have you no time for laughter? |
Santa Maria, Mare de Déu, pregueu per nosaltres, pecadors, ara i en l'hora de la nostra mort. | Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. |
Santa Maria, Mare de Déu, pregueu per nosaltres, pecadors, ara i en l'hora de la nostra mort. Amén. | Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. |
Santa Maria, Mare de Déu, pregueu per nosaltres pecadors, ara i en l'hora de la nostra mort. | Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, - Now and in our hour of death. |
Perquè pensava que després de tants anys pregant per la seva resurrecció, estaríeu preparats per rebre-la. | Because after years of praying for this l thought you would know how to welcome her |
He estat pregant per la teva ànima. | I've been praying for your soul. |
I, en comptes de pregar a Déu... estic pregant... perquè Déu no existeixi. | And instead of wishing for God... I am praying... That He does not exist. |
T'he vist pregant al teu Déu. | I've seen you praying to your God. |
Moltes vegades me l'he trobat a la capella, plorant i pregant calladament a Déu pel teu retorn sa i estalvi! . | I have often come across her in the chapel, weeping and privately praying to God for your safe and sure return. |