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Duce (to carry) conjugation

57 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to lead, lead, go, die, to die, to go

Conjugation of duce

Present tense
I carry
you carry
he/she/it carries
we carry
you all carry
they carry
Present perfect tense
am dus
I have carried
ai dus
you have carried
a dus
he/she/it has carried
am dus
we have carried
ați dus
you all have carried
au dus
they have carried
Past preterite tense
I carried
you carried
he/she/it carried
we carried
you all carried
they carried
Future tense
voi duce
I will carry
vei duce
you will carry
va duce
he/she/it will carry
vom duce
we will carry
veți duce
you all will carry
vor duce
they will carry
Conditional mood
aș duce
I would carry
ai duce
you would carry
ar duce
he/she/it would carry
am duce
we would carry
ați duce
you all would carry
ar duce
they would carry
Subjunctive present tense
să duc
(so that/if) I carry
să duci
(so that/if) you carry
să ducă
(so that/if) he/she/it carry
să ducem
(so that/if) we carry
să duceți
(so that/if) you all carry
să ducă
(so that/if) they carry
Subjunctive past tense
să fi dus
(so that/if) I have carried
să fi dus
(so that/if) you have carried
să fi dus
(so that/if) he/she/it have carried
să fi dus
(so that/if) we have carried
să fi dus
(so that/if) you all have carried
să fi dus
(so that/if) they have carried
Past impf. tense
I was carrying
you were carrying
he/she/it was carrying
we were carrying
you all were carrying
they were carrying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu duce
do not carry!
nu duceți
do not carry!
Past pluperfect tense
I had carried
you had carried
he/she/it had carried
we had carried
you all had carried
they had carried
Future alternative 1 tense
am să duc
I am going to carry
ai să duci
you are going to carry
are să ducă
he/she/it is going to carry
avem să ducem
we are going to carry
aveți să duceți
you all are going to carry
au să ducă
they are going to carry
Future alternative 2 tense
o să duc
I am going to carry
o să duci
you are going to carry
o să ducă
he/she/it is going to carry
o să ducem
we are going to carry
o să duceți
you all are going to carry
o să ducă
they are going to carry
Future perfect tense
voi fi dus
I will have carried
vei fi dus
you will have carried
va fi dus
he/she/it will have carried
vom fi dus
we will have carried
veți fi dus
you all will have carried
vor fi dus
they will have carried
Future in the past tense
aveam să duc
I was going to carry
aveai să duci
you were going to carry
avea să ducă
he/she/it was going to carry
aveam să ducem
we were going to carry
aveați să duceți
you all were going to carry
aveau să ducă
they were going to carry
Conditional past tense
aș fi dus
I would have carried
ai fi dus
you would have carried
ar fi dus
he/she/it would have carried
am fi dus
we would have carried
ați fi dus
you all would have carried
ar fi dus
they would have carried
Presumptive tense
oi duce
I might carry
oi duce
you might carry
o duce
he/she/it might carry
om duce
we might carry
oți duce
you all might carry
or duce
they might carry
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi ducând
I might be carrying
oi fi ducând
you might be carrying
o fi ducând
he/she/it might be carrying
om fi ducând
we might be carrying
oți fi ducând
you all might be carrying
or fi ducând
they might be carrying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi dus
I might have carried
oi fi dus
you might have carried
o fi dus
he/she/it might have carried
om fi dus
we might have carried
oți fi dus
you all might have carried
or fi dus
they might have carried

Examples of duce

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Ascultă, tu vei duce mesaje pentru guvernul francez.""Listen, you'll carry messages to the French government."
"Dar mirii curajoşi, miresele-şi vor duce cât mai departe ""But the braves will carry their brides away"
"Dar mirii curajoşi, miresele-şi vor duce cât mai departe...""The braves will carry their brides away..."
"Dormim în ceea ce putem duce cu noi.""We sleep in what we can carry."
"Elizabeth" duce patru sute patru sute de kilograme de batog la Wilhelmshaven."The Elizabeth" is carrying four hundredweight of cod to Wilhelmshaven.
! Crezi c-am să-ţi duc Cărţile afurisite peste munte?Do you think I'll carry your goddamn books over the mountain?
"Atunci ii voi spune doctorului, ca imi duc mireasa acasa imediat""Then I'll tell the doctor, I'm carrying my bride home right away"
"Dacă te duc o să mă înţepi de moarte."If I carry you, y-you'll sting me to death."
"Dra Starr, dra Alva Starr, te iubesc si o sa te duc departe""Miss Starr, Miss Alva Starr, I love you and I'm gonna carry you away
"Mă rog să am curajul s-o duc până la capăt.""I pray I have the nerve to carry it out.
" Vreau să te întorci şi să mă duci acasă " " Departe de aceste nopţi lungi, singuratice "* I want you to come back and carry me home * * away from these long, lonely nights *
"Vreau să mă duci acasă""Comin' for to carry me home"
"Vreau să mă duci acasă"Comin' for to carry me home
"intamplator, calule de apa, dragul meu prieten ma intreb, daca nu ai alte angajamente presante te-as putea deranja sa ma duci pe partea cealalta a lacului in spinare?"Incidentally, water horse, my dear friend I'm wondering, if you've no other pressing engagements could I trouble you to carry me across the loch on your back?
* Vino să mă duci acasă *# Coming for To carry me home #
"Ar fi mai bine s-o ducem pe bunica pe munte.""It's better to carry grandma to the mountain"
"Sa ducem revolutia in secolul 21.""To carry the revolution into the 21st century."
- Crezi că am putea să o ducem?- Think we could carry it?
- Hai să ducem cutia aia în maşină.- Let's carry that to the car.
- Passepoil, să-l ducem la adăpost.- Passepoil, let us carry him.
" De asemenea urmăriţi binele cetăţii în care v-am dus în robie.'"Also, seek the prosperity of the city '"to which I have carried you into exile.
"Când m-ai luat pe sus şi m-ai dus în maşina ta,""When you picked me up and carried me into your van,"
"Daca as veni, m-as putea lasa dus de spiritul de integritate academica..."If I came, I might get carried away by the spirit of academic integrity...
"Era doar un singur rând de urme de picioare pe nisip în momentele cele mai grele ale vieţii tale, pentru că Eu te-am dus în braţe.""There was only one set of footprints in the sand during the worst times of your life, because I carried you."
"Eram dus de val, eram nebun.""I was carried away, I was insane"
- N-ar trebui să-l duceți sus- Should you guys carry him upstairs
A venit timpul să vă duceți poverile.The time has come to carry your personal load
"Nu pot fi duse de cineva."They cannot be carried home.
- Poate ne-am lăsat duse de val.Maybe we got little carried away.
- Să nu ne lăsăm duse de val.Let's not get too carried away.
Aceste jucării de plastic au fost duse de curenţi mii de kilometri de-a latul a trei oceane datorită puterii curenţilor de suprafaţă care şi azi fac acelaşi lucru.You know, these tough little plastic toys had been carried for thousands of kilometres across three different oceans, simply by the power of those surface currents, and are still turning up today.
Acolo unde plăcile se lovesc rocile ce conţin carbon de la planctonul mort sunt duse în mantauă.Where the plates collide, the rock on the sea floor containing carbon from the dead plankton is carried deep into the Earth.
Am avut o discuţie lungă cu Homer Simpson ieri. Şi când îl duceam acasă, am avut mult timp de gândit.Edna, I had a long talk with Homer Simpson yesterday, and as I was carrying him back home,
Am mult tupeu, ştiu parcă era ieri vremea, cănd îmi duceam singur povara.Seems like only yesterday I was carrying my own weight. Thanks, Devon.
Când eram de vârsta ta deja duceam pe umeri greul domniei!At your age I was carrying the burdens of a ruler!
Dle, a avut o urgenţă acasă, iar eu duceam costumele... şi m-a rugat să-l înlocuiesc.Well, sir, he had a little emergency come up at home. I was carrying out your suits and he asked me if I could just cover for him.
Eu duceam asta.I was carrying this.
Poţi să ne spui ce-ţi aduci aminte de când o duceai de acasă pe Sophie?Can you tell us about what you remember from when you were carrying Sophie away from her home?
- Ai văzut ce ducea în braţe ?Did you see what she was carrying? No.
- Caruta ducea butoaie de piatra.The wagon was carrying an amount of stone jars.
- El ducea un portret al lui Hruşciov.He was carrying a picture of khrushchev.
A vorbit despre culoarea ghetrelor lui, despre faptul că ducea un colet acoperit cu stofă americană. Şi-a adus aminte şi de mănuşile de culoare maro. Toate astea la 2:00 dimineaţa, într-un pasaj neluminat?He talked about the colour of the man's spats, the fact that he was carrying a parcel covered in American cloth, he remembered brown kid gloves - all at 2:00am, by an unlit passageway?
Agentul ducea un pachet.The orderly was carrying an appendage dowstairs.
- Îl duceau împreună pe Felix.They were carrying Felix together.
A murit în timp ce Erin şi Sims îl duceau la elicopter.Died while erin and sims were carrying him to the chopper.
Am stiut tot timpul Bev si Mattie Fae duceau pe .I knew the whole time Bev and Mattie Fae were carrying on.
Îi duceau prin zăpadă.They were carrying them in the snow.
"Fa-l sa fie mandru,du inainte familia""Make him proud, carry forth the family"
"Ridică-mă şi du-mă departe..."You lift me up and carry me aWay...
- Apoi du-l în submarin!- Then carry him to the submarine!
- Eu mă duc să fac un pipi. - Du- te şi fă asta.He doesn't trust people who carry badges.
-Ia acel sac de carbune si du-l potcovarului din Turnul Nona.Take the sack full of coal, and carry it to the farrier of Tordinona.
- Aţi văzut un bărbat ducând o pătură?- Yeah, but I know what I saw. - You saw - a man carrying a blanket?
45 de ani, în majoritatea timpului ducând poverile altora.Forty-five years, and most of the time carrying other people's burdens.
A fost omorât ducând această armă pe Iwo Jima.He was killed carrying that weapon on Iwo Jima.
A fost văzut intrând în clădire la 9:30 în dimineata asta... ducând două canistre de benzină.Well, he was seen entering the building at 9:30 this morning... carrying two jerry cans.
Acela e împăratul, Ioan cel Bun, îmbrăcat în hainele de duminică, şi ducând un sac de aur pentru biserică.That's the emperor, John the Good up there, all decked out in his Sunday best and carrying a bag of gold for the church.

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