Distruge (to destroy) conjugation

52 examples

Conjugation of distruge

Present tense
I destroy
you destroy
he/she/it destroys
we destroy
you all destroy
they destroy
Present perfect tense
am distrus
I have destroyed
ai distrus
you have destroyed
a distrus
he/she/it has destroyed
am distrus
we have destroyed
ați distrus
you all have destroyed
au distrus
they have destroyed
Past preterite tense
I destroyed
you destroyed
he/she/it destroyed
we destroyed
you all destroyed
they destroyed
Future tense
voi distruge
I will destroy
vei distruge
you will destroy
va distruge
he/she/it will destroy
vom distruge
we will destroy
veți distruge
you all will destroy
vor distruge
they will destroy
Conditional mood
aș distruge
I would destroy
ai distruge
you would destroy
ar distruge
he/she/it would destroy
am distruge
we would destroy
ați distruge
you all would destroy
ar distruge
they would destroy
Subjunctive present tense
să distrug
(so that/if) I destroy
să distrugi
(so that/if) you destroy
să distrugă
(so that/if) he/she/it destroy
să distrugem
(so that/if) we destroy
să distrugeți
(so that/if) you all destroy
să distrugă
(so that/if) they destroy
Subjunctive past tense
să fi distrus
(so that/if) I have destroyed
să fi distrus
(so that/if) you have destroyed
să fi distrus
(so that/if) he/she/it have destroyed
să fi distrus
(so that/if) we have destroyed
să fi distrus
(so that/if) you all have destroyed
să fi distrus
(so that/if) they have destroyed
Past impf. tense
I was destroying
you were destroying
he/she/it was destroying
we were destroying
you all were destroying
they were destroying
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu distruge
do not destroy!
nu distrugeți
do not destroy!
Past pluperfect tense
I had destroyed
you had destroyed
he/she/it had destroyed
we had destroyed
you all had destroyed
they had destroyed
Future alternative 1 tense
am să distrug
I am going to destroy
ai să distrugi
you are going to destroy
are să distrugă
he/she/it is going to destroy
avem să distrugem
we are going to destroy
aveți să distrugeți
you all are going to destroy
au să distrugă
they are going to destroy
Future alternative 2 tense
o să distrug
I am going to destroy
o să distrugi
you are going to destroy
o să distrugă
he/she/it is going to destroy
o să distrugem
we are going to destroy
o să distrugeți
you all are going to destroy
o să distrugă
they are going to destroy
Future perfect tense
voi fi distrus
I will have destroyed
vei fi distrus
you will have destroyed
va fi distrus
he/she/it will have destroyed
vom fi distrus
we will have destroyed
veți fi distrus
you all will have destroyed
vor fi distrus
they will have destroyed
Future in the past tense
aveam să distrug
I was going to destroy
aveai să distrugi
you were going to destroy
avea să distrugă
he/she/it was going to destroy
aveam să distrugem
we were going to destroy
aveați să distrugeți
you all were going to destroy
aveau să distrugă
they were going to destroy
Conditional past tense
aș fi distrus
I would have destroyed
ai fi distrus
you would have destroyed
ar fi distrus
he/she/it would have destroyed
am fi distrus
we would have destroyed
ați fi distrus
you all would have destroyed
ar fi distrus
they would have destroyed
Presumptive tense
oi distruge
I might destroy
oi distruge
you might destroy
o distruge
he/she/it might destroy
om distruge
we might destroy
oți distruge
you all might destroy
or distruge
they might destroy
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi distrugând
I might be destroying
oi fi distrugând
you might be destroying
o fi distrugând
he/she/it might be destroying
om fi distrugând
we might be destroying
oți fi distrugând
you all might be destroying
or fi distrugând
they might be destroying
Presumptive past tense
oi fi distrus
I might have destroyed
oi fi distrus
you might have destroyed
o fi distrus
he/she/it might have destroyed
om fi distrus
we might have destroyed
oți fi distrus
you all might have destroyed
or fi distrus
they might have destroyed

Examples of distruge

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! Bomba care va exploda în 5 minute şi va distruge întregul tren, toţii lujerii-spirit şi totul pe o rază de câteva sute de metri.The bomb that's going to explode in five minutes and destroy this entire train, all of the spirit vines, and everything else within a few hundred yards.
! Închide chestia aia înainte de a te distruge tot...Shut that thing down before you destroy the whole...
" Aş fi putut trăi în acel abis al amărăciunii. " Dar acest lucru te poate distruge mai mult decât orice.I could've lived in that abyss of bitterness, but that will destroy you like nothing else.
" distruge treptat sentimentul de compasiune"gradually destroys the sense of compassion
" și Petru știa că fi trimis pentru a distruge"and Peter knew he was being sent to destroy
"Dacă Son Goku câştigă, n-o să distrug Pământul dar dacă câştig eu..."If Goku won, then I wouldn't destroy the Earth... But if I won...
"Dar ca să-i distrug pe aceşti trădători, sunt dispus să ocolesc legea."But to destroy these traitors, I'd even flout the law.
"Iesiti din viteza Warp.." "..sau va distrug nava."Drop out of warp, or we'll destroy your ship!
"Intenţionez să descopăr "cuibul" acestor sălbatici în peşteri şi să îl distrug în totalitate." Da?"I intend to discover this nest of savages in the caves and destroy it utterly."
"O să îl distrug pe Tai Lung."I'll destroy tai lung.
"'Uh, tată, te implor să nu distrugi, fata asta palidă... Până nu ştii dacă el şi oamenii lui au venit ca prieteni sau duşmani."'"'Uh, Father, I beg of you, do not destroy this paleface... until you know whether he and his people come to us as friend or foe."'
"... trebuie să distrugi această scrisoare după ce o citeşti.""you must destroy this letter after reading it."
"Dar nu poţi să fugi de acasă fără să distrugi lumea cuiva""But you can't run away from home without destroying somebody's world."
"Maniacule! O sa distrugi planeta! ""You maniac, you're going to destroy the planet!"
"Minţi şi distrugi vieţile oamenilor.""Your lie can destroy a person's life!"
"Ah, şi s-ar putea să trebuiască să-ţi distrugem iubita"."Oh, and we might have to destroy your girlfriend."
"De ce să distrugem aceste magnifice palate?"Why they want to destroy those nice noble palaces,?
"şi nu urmărim să vă distrugem ţara.""and do not at all want to destroy your country.
- Adică să îl distrugem?You mean destroy him? Hmm.
- Ai probleme, pasează la mine. Cu mâinile tale şi înălţimea mea, îi distrugem!With your hands and my height, we'll destroy them.
! - Femeia a cărei viaţă ai distrus-o.The woman whose life you destroyed.
! Acestea sunt Ai distrus vie? i nevinovate, Messner!Those are innocent lives you destroyed, Messner!
! Cu ce drept mi-aţi distrus casa?By what right have you destroyed my home?
! Tocmai ai distrus Alderaan!You just destroyed Alderaan.
! Vechiul regim a fost distrus la Canary Wharf.The old regime was destroyed at Canary Wharf.
Conspirați împreună cu Ryland și Cliff Barnes să distrugeți compania Ewing Energies.Colluding with Harris Ryland and Cliff Barnes to destroy Ewing Energies.
Misiunea voastră e să-l distrugeți.Your mission is to destroy it.
Prioritățile sunt să distrugeți toate tuburile-zeta sau platformele și să căutați oameni pe care krolotenii se poate să-i fi răpit.Your priorities are to destroy all Zeta-Tubes or platforms and search for any humans the aliens may have abducted.
"Am lăsat în urmă câmpuri distruse şi, pentru viitorul imediat, foamete.Behind us we leave destroyed fields, and, for the immediate future, starvation.
"Ei au crezut că înregistrările tranzactiilor lor nu ar putea fi regăsite după ce unitătile centrale fuseseră distruse."" They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed."
"Exista un politist in interiorul tuturor capetele noastre - el trebuie sa fie distruse".'There's a policeman inside all our heads - he must be destroyed'.
"Urmele de la fata locului au fost distruse cu un exploziv foarte inflamabil""Trace evidence destroyed at the scene with a highly flammable explosive. "
"Vor rămâne vii, chiar după ce au fost distruse.""It will stay alive, even after being destroyed."
Şi te-a ajutat... până şi-a dat seama că distrugeai sălbăticia.And she... helped until she realized that you were destroying this wilderness.
- Când ne distrugea vieţile noastre.When he was destroying our lives.
A zis că Franklin distrugea probele... şi Peter îl ajuta să fugă.He said that Franklin was destroying evidence... and that Peter helped him flee.
Afurisitul de caz Kellog te distrugea.That damn Kellogg case was destroying you.
Asta înseamnă că Jacob distrugea probe, cu o zi înainte să fie ucis.But that means Jacob was destroying evidence the day before he was killed. Why?
De parcă Insula îl distrugea, din depărtare.It was like the island was destroying him from afar.
30 de ani după ce au dat imaginea jos din palat, iconoclaştii, oamenii care distrugeau icoanele, au intrat în biserica mare.Thirty years after they took the picture down from the palace the iconoclasts that is the people who were destroying the images went through the great church itself.
A simţit că ar putea deveni cumva un cobai, că ar putea ajuta la descoperirea a ceea ce cauzează ororile care distrugeau insula noastră, transformând-o într-un pustiu al terorii.He felt that he could in some way become a guinea pig, that he could help in discovering what was causing the horrors that were destroying our island, transforming it into a wasteland of terror.
Eram în trecere când muncitorii distrugeau cuibul şi cu ceva noroc am reuşit să salvez cuibul.Was going on when the workers were destroying the nest And fortunately I was able to rescue the nest away.
Ploua cu un fel de noroi alb, ...si marionetele distrugeau totul.It was raining a kind of white slush and puppets were destroying everything.
tarile capitaliste se distrugeau intre ele.The capitalist countries were destroying each other.
Doar după arestarea mea am realizat că distrusesem singurele probe care m-ar fi putut dezvinovăţi.It was only after my arrest I realized I had destroyed the only evidence that could clear my name.
Nu puteam veni fără cizmele mele. M-am furisat la mama să le iau si am descoperit că le distrusese.so we decided we wanted to stay with him, but, of course, I couldn't make it without my boots, so I snuck back to my mom's to get them, only to find out that she had destroyed them.
Înainte să ajungă acolo, servitoarea aia blestemată distrusese toate hârtiile !By the time they got there, her blasted maid had destroyed all her papers.
- Dar au făcut şi mult rău... aproape distrugând lumea şi pe ei înşişi.- But they also did great harm... almost destroying the world and themselves.
- Iar James va încerca să facă realitatea asta permanentă distrugând peria.And James is going to try to make this reality permanent by destroying the brush.
- În esenţă, distrugând-o.- Essentially destroying it.
-Sigur, distrugând o întreaga tara.Sure, by destroying the country.
.....au izbucnit peste tot în lume distrugând mii de case, şcoli,These quakes have erupted along the major falt-lines around the world destroying thousands of home, schools

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