Kui ta ei jõua homseks järeldusele, et on nii haige, et peab minema esmaspäva hommikul paariks aastaks ära, kõik osariigi ajalehed, välja arvatud tema omad, annavad välja jutu, mille ma neile annan. Mis jutu? | Unless he decides by tomorrow that he's so sick he has to go away for a year Monday morning, all papers in the state, except his, will carry the story I'll give. |
Nõustun selle argumendiga, sest DNA mida omad pole midagi muud kui alalhoidev programm. | By that argument, I submit the DNA you carry is... ...nothing more than a self-preserving program itself. |
Seppiuse mehed ei kanna Rooma vappi nagu sinu omad. | Seppius' men do not carry the seal of Rome as your men do. |
Ja iga mees kes seda kannab... omab admirali täielikku usaldust! | And any man who carries it... has the admiral's full confidence! |
Millal iganes selline taevalik keha omab sellist veetlust, läheb universum lihtsalt segaseks... | Whenever a heavenly body carries such an intense force of attraction, the universe just goes... bananas. |
Rändav koletis omab seda võimu. | The Questing Beast carries that power. |
Ja ja ja, me omame pornot. | Yeah yeah yeah, we carry porn. |
Kas sa arvad, et gängide liikmed omavad nii suure kaliibriga relva? | I mean, do you think slum gangbangers carry that heavy a caliber? |
Kogutud enne liigi viljatuks tegemist, veri, mis omas arvatavasti imelisi omadusi. | One collected before the sterilization of the species was carried out blood that supposedly possessed miraculous properties. |
"Muide, vesihobu mu kallis sõber kui sul ei ole teisi kiireid toimetusi kas sa ei viiks mind oma seljas üle lahe? | "Incidentally, water horse, my dear friend I'm wondering, if you've no other pressing engagements could I trouble you to carry me across the loch on your back? |
"Muide, vesihobu mu kallis sõber... ...kui sul ei ole teisi kiireid toimetusi... ...kas sa ei viiks mind oma seljas üle lahe? | "Incidentally, water horse, my dear friend... ...I'm wondering, if you've no other pressing engagements... ...could I trouble you to carry me across the loch on your back? |
"Räägi õrnalt, aga näita oma üleolekut." | "Speak softly, and carry a big stick." |
"kuid ma tean oma südames, et laps keda sa kannad on minu oma." | "but I know in my heart that the baby you're carrying is mine." |
- Arvasin, et me ei tohi neid omada. | - He's on his way. - T-DOG: Thought we couldn't carry. |
Kas siin võib relvi omada? | Hey, maybe you are allowed to carry guns out here. |