Agente secreto KO7 Con licencia para rapar. | Secret agent K07 Licence to shave |
Ellos decían: "Queremos rapar la cabeza de Marcel. | They're like, "we want to shave marcel's head. |
¿Está mal rapar a un perro? | Is it wrong to want to shave a dog? |
¿Me van a rapar la cabeza? | Are you going to shave my head? |
¿Puede haber algo mejor para rapar a unos peleles como Uds? | What better to shave the heads of a bunch of pricks like you? |
Esta vez igual me rapo. | Maybe this time I could shave my head. |
Quizá si me rapo la cabeza... | Maybe if I shaved my head... |
Si tu le rapas, yo te rapare a tí, Beaver! | You shave him, I shave you, beaver. |
Cuando salgas de aquí nos rapamos todos como skinheads. | Yeah, I'll tell you what. When you get out of here, we'll all shave our heads and look like a gang of skinheads. |
En Francia, cuando alguien es atrapado cazando avestruces le rapamos la cabeza y lo hacemos correr por el campo. | In France, when a man is caught poaching ostriches we shave his head, and we make him run through the fields. |
Mis compañeros de banda y yo nos rapamos la cabeza para crear conciencia por nuestra banda. | Me and my bandmates, we shaved our heads to raise awareness for our band. |
A veces pienso que nuestras mujeres... tienen razón cuando se rapan la cabeza y se ponen por encima de estas cosas. | Sometimes I think our women... are right when they shave their heads and rise above these things. |
Escuché que te rapan la cabeza. | I heard they shave your head. |
Las rapan, las visten como chicos... y las hacen trabajar como peones durante el día. | They shave their heads, make 'em look like boys... and work 'em like any other stockman during the day. |
Los desnudan... les rapan la cabeza... incluso a las mujeres. | They are stripped, They shave their heads... even women. |
Me rapan con cuidado, totalmente. | They shave my head carefully till they finish the job. |
Asi que me rapé. | So I shaved it. |
Yo sólo me rapé la cabeza, Tim. Sólo eso. | Just shaved head, Tim, that's it. |
Otra queja de un sospechoso, dice que lo rapaste. | There's complaint about you shaved retainer's hair |
- Ricky le rapó todo el pelo. y se lo garabateó con un rotulador negro | - Ricky shaved all his hair off and scribbled it in with black marker. |
Yo quiero jugar con ellos, pero se burlan de mí porque estaba malo y el médico me rapó. | But it does. I want to play with them, but they make fun of me because I was sick and the doctor shaved my head. |
son siempre la la la la Jane me rapó la cabeza. | They're always about lalalalala Jane shaved my head. |
Algunos de la X-c también se raparon. | The other lads have also shaved their heads. |
Cuando me raparon, me encontré. | When she shaved me, I found myself. |
Estaba resentido porque no caíste rendida ante su encanto, y por no sumar puntos con las chicas, le raparon el pelo. | He was bitter because you didn't fall for his charm, and not scoring with the ladies meant getting his head shaved. |
Los monjes raparon mi cabeza, y me dieron ropa para disfrazarme.. | The monks shaved my head and gave me these robes to hide me. |
Me raparon y el Doctor me quemó el cráneo con cigarrillos. | All my hair was shaved off, then the Doctor burned my scalp with cigarettes. |
Si el Sargento se entera te van a rapar al cero. No se atreverá, no raparán a nadie. | - If the sergeant realizes it, he will shave off your hair. |
Entonces...¿cómo se dice? ¿Pelada al rape? | So, uh, "shaved" is the expression ? |
Mejor que te rapes la cabeza si quieres conseguir alguien nuevo. | You'd better shave your head if you want to find someone new. |
Lo he llevado para que le rapen. ¿Vale? | I brought him to get his head shaved. Okay? |
- Te has rapado la cabeza. | - You shaved your head. |
- ¡No! ¿No ves que me he rapado? | Don't you see my head's shaved? |
- ¡Todo rapado! | You're all shaved. |
Al principio de El tesoro de la Sierra Madre su pelo está rapado por detrás y está muy a la moda. | At the beginning of Treasure of Sierra Madre and his hair is all shaved up in the back and he looks really funky. |
Arriba rapado, abajo largo. | - A mullet with the top shaved. |
Porque nos estamos rapando la nuca, que es totalmente un estilo. | big deal... because we're shaving the backs of our necks, which is totally a style. |