- Jeg vil se dem vaske dem to gange. | - I will see that they wash them twice. |
Nummer to, hele brydeholdet har en kødædende stafylokokinfektion. Så, venner, vask jer grundigt. Inklusive jeres flagermushuler og brombærranker. | the entire wrestling team has come down with a flesh-eating staph infection so, fellas, wash yourselves, and that includes your bat caves and your bramble patches. |
Det minder mig om en cowboy, der ville vaske fødder om foråret... og opdagede, at han havde to par sokker på, han ikke kendte til. | Reminds me of a cowpuncher who went to wash his feet one spring... and found he had two pairs of socks on he didn't know he had. |
Det du så var to mennesker der prøvede at vaske gift af der så viste sig at være pulverfrugtmix. Der. | our underpants what you really saw was two people trying to wash off what we thought was poison but really turned out to be powdered fruit punch. |
Før ambulancen var her fandt jeg de to andre skyllet op på stranden. | By the time the ambulance got here, I had found the other two on the beach, washed up. |