- Tendré que fregar el suelo. | - I'll have to wash the floor. |
-De todas formas, es tarea mía fregar. | - So anyway, it's my job to wash up and that. |
-Y ¿tú mismo vas a fregar? -Sí, ¿qué tiene de malo? | ~ And you're going to wash up yourself now? |
Al publico le encanta ¿A quién le toca fregar los platos? | The crowd is loving it. It's the bottom of the 8th inning, and so far... Whose turn is it to wash the dishes? |
Deseas fregar los suelos. | You get so you want to wash the floors. |
- La vajilla la friego. | - I'll wash the dishes. |
- ¿Lavo o friego algo? | - Would you like me to wash anything up? |
A buscar cera, primero friego, luego doy cera. | To fetch the wax. I wash first, then I wax. |
Antes tú decías: "Después friego". | Before, you'd say, "I'll wash them later." |
Bueno, friego sacando las manchas de tu camisa... y lucho para poner tus medias y canzoncillo en la lavadora... pero me pregunto si es más un trabajo o una aventura. | Well, I do sandpaper the stains out of your shirts and battle your socks and underwear into the washing machine, but I guess that is more of an adventure than a job. |
- ¿Alguna vez friegas? | - Do you ever wash up? |
Lavas los platos, friegas el suelo, sacas la basura. | You wash dishes, mop the floor, take out the trash. |
Voy a poner el sartén en remojo, tú comete los huevos, friegas la sartén y la guardas, ¿vale? | I'm gonna put the pan in to soak, you eat your eggs, then you wash the pan and put it away, all right? |
¿Por eso no friegas los platos, para alimentarlas? | Is that why you don't wash the dishes? Cause the roaches are hungry? |
¿Por qué friegas los platos? | Why are you washing utensils? |
No pienso volver a ser una ama de casa que friega platos y cuida a los niños y a su marido. | I'll never again be some bloody housewife... who washes dishes, looks after the kids... and waits on some spoiled man. |
- Tu y yo fregamos esta noche. | - You and I are washing up tonight. |
- ¿Y si fregamos los platos? | - How about the washing up? |
¡Ya fregamos esto cinco veces! | Already washed five times! |
Sr. Aouny, las escaleras sólo se friegan por la noche... | Mr. Ali, the stairs can only be washed at night, people won't be using it |
- Yo fregué anteayer. - No es verdad. | I washed up the day before. |
- Yo fregué ayer. | - I washed up yesterday. |
Ordené la casa, fregué el suelo, hice la cama. | Oh, I've cleaned all the mess, I washed the floor, I made the bed. |
Traje cigarrillos y vino, barrí el suelo, fregué los platos. | I'd bring cigarettes and wine, swept the floor and washed dishes. |
Tú, no te estés haciendo pato. Pues ya fregué los vidrios de aquel lado. | Well, I washed the windows on that side. |
Realmente fregaste todo. | You actually washed up everything. |
Deje los platos, los fregaré yo esta noche. | I will wash the dishes tonight. |
Mason. No me dejes ese cuenco sucio para que lo friegue yo. | Mason, please, don't leave me that dirty dish to wash. |
Me pagas para que aspire, friegue y limpie las ventanas. | I get paid to vacuum, mop, and wash the windows. |
Se le pedirá que lave platos, friegue suelos, barra pasillos. | You will be asked to wash dishes... scrub floors, sweep corridors. |
Será mejor que friegue los platos. | I'd better get these dishes washed. |
Siempre me hace falta alguien que friegue los platos. | I can always use a good... dishwasher! |
Deja que freguemos antes de comer. | Let us both wash up before we break bread. |
-Has fregado. | - Washed dishes. - I washed dishes. |
El sabor es por la vieja sartén, nunca la he fregado. | Well, a lot of the taste comes from this old skillet. I've never washed it. |
Habría lavado, planchado, fregado y hecho cualquier cosa que ella quisiera aunque no me hubiese pagado. | I would have washed, ironed, scrubbed... done everything she wanted of me, whether she paid me for it or not. |
Hola, Hanna. ¿No lo habías fregado ya? | Hey, hanna. Haven't you washed that already? |
Le he dado el puré, he lavado los platos... he fregado la cocina y he zurcido tres calcetines. | Gave him the prune stuff, washed the dishes... mopped the kitchen, darned three pair of socks. |
-Así que estaba fregando... | - So I'm washing up... |
...porque nunca serás más que un vulgar adefesio cuyo padre se ganaba la vida en un ultramarinos y su madre fregando suelos. | ...because you'll never be anything but a common frump whose father lived over a grocery store and whose mother took in washing. |
Caballeros, hoy me ven fregando vasos y haciendo la cama a todos. | Gents, you see me washing the glasses And making your beds without squawking |
Cuando estábamos fregando los platos, tú, Sepideh, dijiste algo y Shohreh dijo: | When we were washing up, Sepideh, you said something, and Shohreh said: "No need to work, we already like you." |
Empecé fregando platos en un restaurante de Nueva York. Después trabajé en Yellow Cab como taxista. | I, uh, first started on washing dishes... in a restaurant in New York... and then went to yellow cab. |