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Perdre (to lose) conjugation

70 examples
This verb can also mean the following: miss

Conjugation of perdre

Present tense
I lose
you lose
he/she loses
we lose
you all lose
they lose
Present perfect tense
he perdut
I have lost
has perdut
you have lost
ha perdut
he/she has lost
hem perdut
we have lost
heu perdut
you all have lost
han perdut
they have lost
Future tense
I will lose
you will lose
he/she will lose
we will lose
you all will lose
they will lose
Conditional mood
I would lose
you would lose
he/she would lose
we would lose
you all would lose
they would lose
Past perfect tense
havia perdut
I had lost
havies perdut
you had lost
havia perdut
he/she had lost
havíem perdut
we had lost
havíeu perdut
you all had lost
havien perdut
they had lost
Past impf. tense
I was losing
you were losing
he/she was losing
we were losing
you all were losing
they were losing
Imperative mood
let him/her lose!
let's lose!
let them lose!
Imperative negative mood
no perdis
don't lose!
no perdi
don't let him/her lose!
no perdem
let's not lose!
no perdeu
don't lose!
no perdin
don't let them lose!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria perdut
I would have lost
hauries perdut
you would have lost
hauria perdut
he/she would have lost
hauríem perdut
we would have lost
hauríeu perdut
you all would have lost
haurien perdut
they would have lost
Future perfect tense
hauré perdut
I will have lost
hauràs perdut
you will have lost
haurà perdut
he/she will have lost
haurem perdut
we will have lost
haureu perdut
you all will have lost
hauren perdut
they will have lost
Preterite past tense
I lost
you lost
he/she lost
we lost
you all lost
they lost
Past anterior tense
haguí perdut
I had lost
hagueres perdut
you had lost
hagué perdut
he/she had lost
haguérem perdut
we had lost
haguéreu perdut
you all had lost
haguéren perdut
they had lost
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) lose
(so that you) lose
(so that he/she) loses
(so that we) lose
(so that you all) lose
(so that they) lose
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was losing
(so that you) were losing
(so that he/she) was losing
(so that we) were losing
(so that you all) were losing
(so that they) were losing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi perdut
(so that I) have lost
hagis perdut
(so that you) have lost
hagi perdut
(so that he/she) has lost
hàgim perdut
(so that we) have lost
hàgiu perdut
(so that you all) have lost
hagin perdut
(so that they) have lost
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués perdut
(so that I) had lost
haguessis perdut
(so that you) had lost
hagués perdut
(so that he/she) had lost
haguéssim perdut
(so that we) had lost
haguéssiu perdut
(so that you all) had lost
haguessin perdut
(so that they) had lost
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi perdre
(so that I) lost
vagis perdre
(so that you) lost
vagi perdre
(so that he/she) lost
vàgim perdre
(so that we) lost
vàgiu perdre
(so that you all) lost
vagin perdre
(so that they) lost
Periphastic past tense
vaig perdre
I lost
vas perdre
you lost
va perdre
he/she lost
vam perdre
we lost
vau perdre
you all lost
van perdre
they lost
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver perdut
I had lost
vas haver perdut
you had lost
va haver perdut
he/she had lost
vam haver perdut
we had lost
vau haver perdut
you all had lost
van haver perdut
they had lost

Examples of perdre

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
No se li acudí res per una estoneta, i després es recorda d'haver sentit com parlava el doctor d'una certa cosa que obliga a estar-se al llit a un pacient per espai de dues o tres setmanes i havia amenaçat de fer-li perdre un dit.Nothing offered for some little time, and then he remembered hearing the doctor tell about a certain thing that laid up a patient for two or three weeks and threatened to make him lose a finger.
Es deixa caure en terra, i esclata en un plor tan frenetic, que a Tom l'astora la idea que Becky pogués morir o perdre el seny.She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.
T'has preguntat mai què significa perdre un familiar proper en un conflicte, o perdre tots els teus béns i ésser desarrelat del teu lloc d'origen?Did you ever think what it means to lose close family members in conflict, lose all your belongings and to be uprooted from your place of origin?
El poble belga no ha oblidat tampoc l'afer de l'any 2007 en què el príncep Llorenç de Bèlgica, fill menor del rei, va estar involucrat per malversació de fons destinats a l'armada, d'on va emprar una part per moblar la seva casa nova, ni tampoc el seu viatge no autoritzat a la República del Congo, que de poc li fa perdre la designació oficial.Belgian people haven't forgotten that in 2007, Prince Lorenz, the king's youngest child, was involved in a embezzlement case of Navy funds , part of which were used to furnish his new house, or his non-authorized trip to Republic of the Congo , that almost caused him to lose his official assignement.
Molts russos han tirat endavant els plans perquè no es poden permetre perdre les vacances, especialment si no els garanteixen que els tornin els diners.Many Russians are going through with their plans because they cannot afford to lose their vacations — especially since they are not guaranteed their money back.
Si perdo et quedes amb el meu cotxe.If I lose, you get my car
Aquest passerell no me'l perdo.I'll probably lose him for life.
I què passa si perdo?- And if I lose?
I quan em perdo, tanco els ulls i ell m'ha trobat.And when I lose my way I close my eyes
I si et perdo a tu també, què?And what if I lose you too?
Si tens gana, perds la raó. Si penses, t'oblides del cor. I si parla el cor...If you are hungry, you lose the reason of it, if you think, you forget some your heart and if your heart expresses itself!
I què passa si perds?But what if you lose?
Si tens gana, perds la raó. Si penses, t'oblides del cor. I si parla el cor...If you are hungry, you lose the reason of it, if you think, you forget some your heart and if your heart expresses itself!
- perds...- you lose...
Si perds, el teu pare morirà, les teves germanes moriran, nosaltres morirem.lf you lose, your father dies, your sisters die, we die.
No m'importa gaire si Navalni perd la llicència o no.I don't really care if Navalny loses his accreditation or not.
"Aquesta nit #Iran perd a un dels millors; dels millors a mentir. #AhmadiByeBye", escriu @rezayekhali — Hadi Nili (@HadiNili) August 2, 2013"Tonight #Iran loses one of its bests; the best in lying. #AhmadiByeBye", writes @rezayekhali — Hadi Nili (@HadiNili) August 2, 2013
BBC News - Malaysia Airlines perd el contacte amb un avió que es dirigia a Pequín.BBC News - Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane flying to Beijing — Stephen Chimalo (@SChimalo) March 8, 2014
Per exemple, el Kirguizistan perd un terç de la riquesa hídrica a causa del deteriorament dels seus sistemes d'irrigació.Upstream Kyrgyzstan, for instance, loses a third of its water wealth through holes in decaying irrigation networks.
Al principi perd al seu marit a la revolució de 1979, aleshores perd el seu fill a la guerra Iran-Iraq, i després perd altres parents, víctimes de diversos altercats polítics i socials.She first loses her husband in the 1979 Revolution, then her son in the Iran-Iraq war, and then other relatives who becomes victims of various social and political upheavals.
No perdem ni un moment.We have not a moment to lose.
Diuen que tots perdem 21 grams... En el moment exacte de la nostra mort.They say we all lose twenty-one grams... at the exact moment of our death.
En quin moment perdem 21 grams?when do we lose twenty-one grams?
I si perdem la casa, en Billy se sentirà desemparat, i el dia que sigui gran serà incapaç de tenir relacions amb ningú, i romandrà sol, tota la vida serà sol, sense ningú, sol com un mussol, com un desgraciat, com un...If we lose the house... ...then Billy loses all sense of security and later, never have a relationship... ...so he'll just spend his whole life just alone. There he'll be, just alone, nobody with him, just like a bum. Hon?
No perdem més temps.Let's not lose any more time.
La bonior de l'escola cessa; els alumnes es preguntaren si aquell minyó insensat havia perdut el seny.The buzz of study ceased. The pupils wondered if this foolhardy boy had lost his mind.
Si enterraveu una bala amb certs necessaris encantaments i la deixaveu tota sola per una quinzena, i després obríeu el lloc amb l'encantament que ell havia dit, trobaríeu que totes les bales que havíeu perdut s'hi haurien acoblat, per més escampadament que haguessin estat separades.If you buried a marble with certain necessary incantations, and left it alone a fortnight, and then opened the place with the incantation he had just used, you would find that all the marbles you had ever lost had gathered themselves together there, meantime, no matter how widely they had been separated.
I ara vegeu: n'estigueren contents, d'haver anat a raure al salvatgisme, perque hi havien guanyat quelcom: descobriren que ara podien fumar una mica sense haver d'anar a cercar un ganivet que haguessin perdut; no es marejaren prou per a anguniar-se'n seriosament.And behold, they were glad they had gone into savagery, for they had gained something; they found that they could now smoke a little without having to go and hunt for a lost knife; they did not get sick enough to be seriously uncomfortable.
Amy anava parlotejant alegrement, mentre caminaven, perque tot el seu cor cantava; pero la llengua de Tom havia perdut el seu ofici.Amy chatted happily along, as they walked, for her heart was singing, but Tom's tongue had lost its function.
Cada noi que topava afegia un nou pes a la seva depressió. I quan, desesperat, corregué finalment a refugiar-se en el sí de Huckleberry Finn, i hi fou rebut amb una cita de les Escriptures, es fica a casa i al llit, dant-se compte que només ell en tota la ciutat estava perdut per a sempre, per a sempre més.Every boy he encountered added another ton to his depression; and when, in desperation, he flew for refuge at last to the bosom of Huckleberry Finn and was received with a Scriptural quotation, his heart broke and he crept home and to bed realizing that he alone of all the town was lost, forever and forever.
"Si perdeu l'esperança, si esteu cansats els dies d'angoixa... la vostra fortalesa es veurà disminuïda".lf thou lose hope, being weary in the days of distress. . . . . .thy strength shall be diminished.
I no us perdeu de vista l'un de l'altre.And don't lose sight of each other.
El Fons Europeu d’Adaptació a la Globalització (FEAG) ajuda directament els treballadors que perden la feina a causa dels canvis estructurals que es produeixen en el comerç mundial.The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) directly helps workers who lose their jobs as a consequence of changes in global trade patterns.
En aquests moments hem de recolzar els atletes, guanyen o perden.In this moment we have to support the athletes whether they win or lose.
Si perden, tornaran a dir que va ser culpa nostraIf you lose, they'll say it'll be our fault again.
Vinga, algunes batalles es guanyen, d'altres es perden.Come on, some battles you win, some battles you lose.
Perd un joc o dos i abans que ho sàpigues, comença el joc i perden fins i tot la camisa.I throw a game or two, and before you know it, the gouging starts and you lose your shirts.
En Durrant perdrà la feina i tu et quedaràs aquí cinc anys més.Durrant will lose his job and you will stay here five years longer.
Segons els experts el segrestat en Bjørn Rasmusen.. perdrà el coneixement en les pròximes hores.According to experts the kidnapped Bjørn Rasmusen ... will lose consciousness in the next hour.
Ni per allò que hem perdut, ni per allò que perdrem”.Neither for what has been lost, nor for what we will lose".
Creu-me, si aquests ISP bloquegen tot el web, mentre que altres ISP sols bloquegen pàgines específiques, els que bloquegen tota la Wikipèdia perdran clients molt, molt ràpidament.Believe me, if those ISPs block the entire site, while other ISPs only block specific pages, the ones which block all of Wikipedia will lose customers very very quickly.
Tot i això, el seu pressupost és limitat, de manera que certs mitjans de comunicació perdran ingressos de publicitat.But they have a limited budget, so certain media will lose advertising revenue.
*pagant qualsevol cosa per a sortir endavant* *una vegada més* *alguns guanyaran, altres perdran* *alguns han nascut per a cantar blues* *la pel·lícula no acaba mai *segueix, segueix*♪ Paying anything to roll the dice ♪ ♪ Just one more time ♪ ♪ Some will win, some will lose ♪
Igualment, va amenaçar-me mencionant la meva filla: va dir que la perdria.She also threatened me by mentioning my daughter. She said that I would lose them.
Aniria a la presó, moriria, ho perdria tot abans de trair el meu país.I would go to jail, I would die, I would lose everything before I would betray my country.
El destrossaria i el perdria per sempre.It would break him and I would lose him forever.
A més a més, el mateix dia un matrimoni de jubilats de Mallorca es va suïcidar després de saber que perdrien casa seva.Also, recently, a retired couple from Mallorca committed suicide after learning they would lose their home.
Fins i tot quan era obvi que el Japó perdia, la destrucció continuava sota l'eslògan «100 milions de joies destruïdes» (一億玉砕, ichioku gyokusai; la població del Japó era d'uns 100 milions d'habitants en aquell moment).Even as it was obvious that Japan was losing, the destruction continued under the slogan "100 million shattered jewels" (一億玉砕, ichioku gyokusai; Japan's population at the time was about 100 million people).
Ell perdé el bon geni, i digué que sempre li feien fer allo que no volia.He lost his temper and said he was always being made to do everything he didn't want to do.
El sord terrabastall d'una tronada ana udolant i desplomant-se pel cel, i es perdé en botosos braolaments, enlla d'enlla.A deep peal of thunder went rolling and tumbling down the heavens and lost itself in sullen rumblings in the distance.
Becky continua la seva inspecció de imatges amb Alfred; pero, com que els minuts anaven desfilant i Tom no compareixia a sofrir, son triomf comença d'ennuvolar-se i perdé interes.Becky resumed her picture inspections with Alfred, but as the minutes dragged along and no Tom came to suffer, her triumph began to cloud and she lost interest; gravity and absentmindedness followed, and then melancholy; two or three times she pricked up her ear at a footstep, but it was a false hope; no Tom came.
A la fi esdevingué tota desolada, i desitja de no haver portat la cosa tan enlla. Quan, veient el pobre Alfred que estava per perdre-la, i no sabent com era, anava exclamant: -Oh! Aquí n'hi ha una de bonica! Mireu aquesta!- ella perdé la paciencia, a la fi, i digué: -Oh! No em carregueu més!When poor Alfred, seeing that he was losing her, he did not know how, kept exclaiming: "Oh, here's a jolly one! look at this!" she lost patience at last, and said, "Oh, don't bother me!
La cara de Huck perdé son pacífic comportament i prengué un tirat melangiós.Huck's face lost its tranquil content, and took a melancholy cast. He said:
Tan aviat com perdérem el so de llurs peus, vam deixar la caça i devallarem, i avisarem els comissaris de policia.As soon as we lost the sound of their feet we quit chasing, and went down and stirred up the constables.
Sols els que estan sota els enderrocs, les seus famílies i els que perderen les seues cases ploraran avui.Only those beneath the rubble and their families, and those who have lost their homes, will cry today.
"És convenientment extrany que l'Estat perdi una demanda davant d'un únic jutge del Tribunal Superior en un cas complex i amb un alt contingut polític i que no es plantegi apel·lar," va dir West.'It is passing strange that the State loses one application before a single High Court judge in a complex and highly politically charged case and deems it not fit to appeal,' said West.
No es perdi la seva festa.Wouldn't want you to miss your party. Tiësto: ♪ This beat's for all my freaks ♪ ♪ Time to lose my mind ♪ ♪ 'cause I work damn hard ♪ ♪ So I'll play damn hard ♪ ♪ Lost in the night ♪ ♪ 'cause I work damn hard ♪ ♪ So I'll play damn hard ♪ ♪ I, I, I, I work-ork-ork damn har-har-har-hard ♪ ♪ I, I, I, I ♪
No deixis que perdi el meu fill.Don’t let me lose my son.
I sobretot, no perdi les esperances.Above all, don't lose hope.
Escolta, estic per entrar a l'ascensor, es probable que perdi el contacte.Hey, I'm about to get into an elevator, so I'll probably lose you.
Prego cada dia per tal que mai perdis de vista el que et vas comprometre a fer en el nom de l'Issa.I pray every day that you never lose sight of what you committed to do in Issa's name.
No perdis el son amb això.Don't you lose any more sleep over this business.
No perdis el cap.Don't lose your head.
No perdis l'objectivitat.Don't lose your objectivity.
No fugis quan perdis.Don't run when you lose.
Quan el consultor d'IT, escriptor i desenvolupador Isseki Nagae va titular l'11 d'octubre de 2011 un article del seu bloc "Perquè els fabricants japonesos continuen perdent contra Apple, en paraules de Steve Jobs , probablement sabia que rebria moltes crítiques.When IT consultant, author and developer Isseki Nagae titled an October 11, 2011, post on his blog "Why Japanese manufacturers keep losing to Apple, in the words of Steve Jobs" , he probably knew he would draw some flak for it.
“Si la distribució de la renta fos més justa, jo sortiria perdent”, afirma mentre camina cap a plaça Catalunya, sense preses però sense pauses."If the distribution of wealth was more just, I would end up losing," he declared while walking to Catalunya Plaza without hurrying, but also without pausing.
Pot ser que tot això acabi aviat, ja que grups audiovisuals de la Xina i Amèrica del Nord no estan perdent el temps.The window might be closing soon though because media groups from China and North America have seized the opportunity.
Estic perdent la paciència.I'm losing patience.
No la puc localitzar, però estem perdent un 7% de potència per minut.I can't localize it, but... we're losing power at a rate of seven percent per minute.

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