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Tapa (to lose) conjugation

72 examples

Conjugation of tapa

Present tense
I lose
you lose
he/she/it loses
we lose
you all lose
they lose
Past tense
I lost
you lost
he/she/it lost
we lost
you all lost
they lost
Future tense
mun tapa
I will lose
munt tapa
you will lose
mun tapa
he/she/it will lose
munum tapa
we will lose
munuð tapa
you all will lose
munu tapa
they will lose
Conditional mood
mundi tapa
I would lose
mundir tapa
you would lose
mundi tapa
he/she/it would lose
mundum tapa
we would lose
munduð tapa
you all would lose
mundu tapa
they would lose
Present continuous tense
er að tapa
I am losing
ert að tapa
you are losing
er að tapa
he/she/it is losing
erum að tapa
we are losing
eruð að tapa
you all are losing
eru að tapa
they are losing
Past continuous tense
var að tapa
I was losing
varst að tapa
you were losing
var að tapa
he/she/it was losing
vorum að tapa
we were losing
voruð að tapa
you all were losing
voru að tapa
they were losing
Future continuous tense
mun vera að tapa
I will be losing
munt vera að tapa
you will be losing
mun vera að tapa
he/she/it will be losing
munum vera að tapa
we will be losing
munuð vera að tapa
you all will be losing
munu vera að tapa
they will be losing
Present perfect tense
hef tapað
I have lost
hefur tapað
you have lost
hefur tapað
he/she/it has lost
höfum tapað
we have lost
hafið tapað
you all have lost
hafa tapað
they have lost
Past perfect tense
hafði tapað
I had lost
hafðir tapað
you had lost
hafði tapað
he/she/it had lost
höfðum tapað
we had lost
höfðuð tapað
you all had lost
höfðu tapað
they had lost
Future perf.
mun hafa tapað
I will have lost
munt hafa tapað
you will have lost
mun hafa tapað
he/she/it will have lost
munum hafa tapað
we will have lost
munuð hafa tapað
you all will have lost
munu hafa tapað
they will have lost
Conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa tapað
I would have lost
mundir hafa tapað
you would have lost
mundi hafa tapað
he/she/it would have lost
mundum hafa tapað
we would have lost
munduð hafa tapað
you all would have lost
mundu hafa tapað
they would have lost
Mediopassive present tense
I lose
you lose
he/she/it loses
we lose
you all lose
they lose
Mediopassive past tense
I lost
you lost
he/she/it lost
we lost
you all lost
they lost
Mediopassive future tense
mun tapast
I will lose
munt tapast
you will lose
mun tapast
he/she/it will lose
munum tapast
we will lose
munuð tapast
you all will lose
munu tapast
they will lose
Mediopassive conditional mood
mundir tapast
you would lose
mundi tapast
he/she/it would lose
mundum tapast
we would lose
munduð tapast
you all would lose
mundu tapast
they would lose
Mediopassive present continuous tense
er að tapast
I am losing
ert að tapast
you are losing
er að tapast
he/she/it is losing
erum að tapast
we are losing
eruð að tapast
you all are losing
eru að tapast
they are losing
Mediopassive past continuous tense
var að tapast
I was losing
varst að tapast
you were losing
var að tapast
he/she/it was losing
vorum að tapast
we were losing
voruð að tapast
you all were losing
voru að tapast
they were losing
Mediopassive future continuous tense
mun vera að tapast
I will be losing
munt vera að tapast
you will be losing
mun vera að tapast
he/she/it will be losing
munum vera að tapast
we will be losing
munuð vera að tapast
you all will be losing
munu vera að tapast
they will be losing
Mediopassive present perfect tense
hef tapast
I have lost
hefur tapast
you have lost
hefur tapast
he/she/it has lost
höfum tapast
we have lost
hafið tapast
you all have lost
hafa tapast
they have lost
Mediopassive past perfect tense
hafði tapast
I had lost
hafðir tapast
you had lost
hafði tapast
he/she/it had lost
höfðum tapast
we had lost
höfðuð tapast
you all had lost
höfðu tapast
they had lost
Mediopassive future perfect tense
mun hafa tapast
I will have lost
munt hafa tapast
you will have lost
mun hafa tapast
he/she/it will have lost
munum hafa tapast
we will have lost
munuð hafa tapast
you all will have lost
munu hafa tapast
they will have lost
Mediopassive conditional perfect mood
mundi hafa tapast
I would have lost
mundir hafa tapast
you would have lost
mundi hafa tapast
he/she/it would have lost
mundum hafa tapast
we would have lost
munduð hafa tapast
you all would have lost
mundu hafa tapast
they would have lost
Imperative mood
Mediopassive imperative mood

Examples of tapa

Example in IcelandicTranslation in English
- Og engu að tapa með því að reyna.And nothing to lose by trying to make one.
Þú þarft ekki að afsaka þig fyrir að tapa svona keppni."No, never apologize to me to lose that way.
Ef maður stjórnar fólkinu með ofbeldi berst það að lokum á móti því það hefur engu að tapa.Now, if you dominate the people with violence, they will eventually fight back because they have nothing to lose.
Hverju hefurðu að tapa?What have we got to lose?
Tankur, hvernig er að tapa eftir níu sigra?Tank, how's it feel to lose after 9 times...
Ūađ er hægt ađ tapa á svo margan hátt.There's so many ways to lose.
Ég nýt þess að sjá aðra tapa.What's winning without the losers?
Ég ætla ekki ađ tapa ūér.I'm not gonna lose you.
Eng¡nn m¡skunn handa þe¡m sem tapa.No mercy for the losers.
- Og engu að tapa með því að reyna.And nothing to lose by trying to make one.
Og ef það tapar?And if it loses?
Og ef við sjáum einhverja á leiðinni þangað, þá tapar hann yfirmanni sínum.And if we see anybody on the way over there, he's gonna lose his boss.
- Þetta er það sem þú gerir, þjálfari, - þú tapar.Because that's what you do, Coach, you lose!
þú tapar. þú verður að tala hærra.You lose I'm sorry, you got to speak up. I can't hear you
Ef ūú tapar disknum eđa ķhlũđnast skipunum verđur ūú ūegar í stađ færđur til upplausnar.If you lose your disk or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution.
- Við töpum fimm daga siglingu.- We'll lose five days' sailing.
Ūá höfum viđ fjķrar stundir til ađ koma honum upp... og ūá tel ég ekki međ ūann tíma sem viđ töpum hér.That leaves us four hours to try and launch not counting whatever time we lose here.
Hrindu í Olber áđur en viđ töpum lestum ūarna.Call Olber before we lose a coupla trains down there.
En ef viđ töpum bara einu Triple Crown hlaupi ūá fellur verđiđ í ūrjár milljķnir og fer ekki hærra.But if he were to lose just one of the Triple Crown races that value would drop to three million with no way to recover it.
Ef viđ töpum í dag dettum viđ úr keppni aftur.If we lose today we're out of the championships again.
Þið tapið!You"re gonna lose!
Við vinnum og þið tapið.We win, we win! You lose!
Ef þið gerið mig að félaga, tapið þið ekki neinu.If you take me in as a partner, you don't stand to lose anything.
Ef þér tapið voninni eða þreytist á eymd dagsins... þá mun styrkur þinn minnka.If thou lose hope, being weary in the days of distress... ...thy strength shall be diminished.
Ég hirði fasteignina, þið tapið ykkar hlut og skuldið mér tvær milljónir punda.Right, I get the building, you lose your share. . . . . .and I'm still out of pocket two large ones.
Hún tók áhættu og tapaði.She gambled and she lost.
Strákurinn þinn tapaði veðmálinu.Your boy lost his bet.
Fullorðinn maður veðjaði og tapaði.A grown man made a wager. He lost.
Ég tapaði 50 dölum á þeim sem heitir það sama og kötturinn minn!I lost $50 on the one named the same as my cat!
Þegar faðir hans tapaði bý/inu í póker hóf C/ay að /eika á píanó á hóruhúsi í New Or/eans.When his father lost their farm in a poker game... ... Clay started playing piano in a New Orleans cathouse.
Þú tapaðir öllu.You lost it all, Clay.
Þú tapaðir, ekki satt?You lost, didn't you?
Þú tapaðir vinstri fætinum.You've lost your left leg.
Þú tapaðir orrustunni en þú getur unnið stríðið.You lost the battle, but you have a chance to win the war.
Miklir menningargripir tapaðir.A huge piece of culture lost.
Við töpuðum einu sinni.We lost once.
Árið sem við töpuðum hlaut daufdumb stúlka titilinn.The year we lost, the winner was a deaf-mute.
Við töpuðum margra mánaða vinnu og það tekur okkur marga mánuði að lagfæra það.Months of work was lost, and it will take us months to restore it all.
Þeir sögðu ekki hverju við töpuðum .They didn't say what we lost.
Þegar stríðinu lýkur og varaherinn er leystur upp reikna ég hverju við töpuðum og hvað við höfum unnið.With the war ending, and our militia disbanding... ...I take measure of what we have lost... ...and what we have won.
Þið unnuð á stigum en töpuðuð bardaganum.Some would say that your bot won the decision but lost the fight.
Þið töpuðuð.You lost.
Þau sendu einhvern hingað því þau töpuðu fjarskiptum.They sent someone out here because they lost communications.
Þetta var auðvitað brjálæði og þeir töpuðu fénu, en ef þeir hefðu ekki tapað fénu væru þeir taldir viðskiptajöfrar.In retrospect they were mad and greedy because they lost the money but if they had not lost the money they would just be successful businessmen
- Meðan fjárfestar töpuðu 8%. En fjárfestar töpuðu 8%.- Million dollars... ...while investors lost eight percent? ...while your investors lost eight percent?
Þeir töpuðu peningum i veðmálum.And they lost money on the betting.
Hve margir þeirra töpuðu glórunni?How many of them lost their minds?
Hr. Johnson var umhugað um fjármagnið sem tapaðist vegna lélegrar stjórnunar.Mr Johnson was concerned about the amount of money that was being lost because of careless management.
Stríðið tapaðist.The war was lost.
Markmið okkar var afhending prammans og það er ljóst að sú orrusta tapaðist.Our immediate goal was the delivery of the barge and now it's obvious that we lost that battle.
Einu sinni vantaði nagla, skeifa datt af og orrustan tapaðist.For want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost, and then the whole battle.
En samkvæmt þessari skrá... ...tapaðist meira en það sem var á farmskrá flotans.But according to this list... ...more was lost than the fleet's sailing manifest said was sent.
Enn betra er ađ James pantar lykla ef ūeir tapast.It gets better. Young James there places orders for lost keys to the Mercedes home offîce in Germany.
En málstaður tapast ekki ef einhver vill berjast.But a cause isn't lost if someone's willing to fight.
Meydķmur tapast međ innsetningu.Virginity is lost through penetration.
Sú hefđ hefur tapast á síđustu árum.It's a tradition that's been lost in recent years.
Ég tel meydóminn tapast þegar maður elskast í fyrsta sinn.I think virginity is lost when you make love for the flrst time.
Nægir ekki að ég hef aldrei tapað orrustu?Is it not enough that I have never lost a battle?
Þegar stigin verða talin skiptir ekki máli. . . hvort þú hafir unnið eða tapað. . . heldur hvernig þú spilaðir.When the Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He'll mark. . . . . .not that you won or lost. . . . . .but how you played the game.
Hvað hefurðu tapað oft?And how many have you lost?
Ég hef tapað fé og tíma á þeim. Sjáðu ástand hans!I lost my time and money with this group of idiots and... just look at him!
Nu hef ég tapað áttum.I lost my way.
Daman kann vonandi ađ taka tapi.Any advance on 35. I hope the lady is prepared to be a good loser.
Ūađ er frábært. Og okkar á milli borgar stađurinn ūķtt ég tapi í hlaupi.And between me and you, when I lose, the track, they actually cover the losses.
Ef þú vonar að Frankenstein tapi þá getur allt gerst í fyrsta sinn.And if you're hoping that Frankenstein loses, well, son, I guess there's a first time.
Eina leiðin til að Ölmusa tapi hlaupinu er ef eldingu lýstur niður í hana.The only way Charity loses this race is if she gets struck by lightning.
Ég er virkilega stoltur a öllu sem ég hef gert, og skiptir engu þót ég tapi öllu, eða bankinn taki það, ég mun samt vera stoltur að geta keyrt framhjá og sagt:I am very very proud of what I have been doing no matter, even if I lose it or if the bank takes it
- Ég vil ekki ađ ūú tapir öllu.- I don't want you to lose all our money.
-Þá breytir engu þótt þú tapir!- Well, it don't matter if you lose!
-Ūá breytir engu ūķtt ūú tapir!- Well, it don't matter if you lose!
Ví öllum fyrir bestu a?? ú tapir? Essum leik.So I think it's in everyone's interest if you lose this game.
- Ég vil ekki að þú tapir öllu.- I don't want you to lose all our money.

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