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Perder (to lose) conjugation

150 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to get lost, to waste, miss, to miss, get, waste

Conjugation of perder

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I lose
you lose
he/she/it loses
we lose
you all lose
they lose
Present perfect tense
he perdido
I have lost
has perdido
you have lost
ha perdido
he/she/it has lost
hemos perdido
we have lost
habéis perdido
you all have lost
han perdido
they have lost
Past preterite tense
I lost
you lost
he/she/it lost
we lost
you all lost
they lost
Future tense
I will lose
you will lose
he/she/it will lose
we will lose
you all will lose
they will lose
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would lose
you would lose
he/she/it would lose
we would lose
you all would lose
they would lose
Past imperfect tense
I used to lose
you used to lose
he/she/it used to lose
we used to lose
you all used to lose
they used to lose
Past perfect tense
había perdido
I had lost
habías perdido
you had lost
había perdido
he/she/it had lost
habíamos perdido
we had lost
habíais perdido
you all had lost
habían perdido
they had lost
Future perfect tense
habré perdido
I will have lost
habrás perdido
you will have lost
habrá perdido
he/she/it will have lost
habremos perdido
we will have lost
habréis perdido
you all will have lost
habrán perdido
they will have lost
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I lose
(if/so that) you lose
(if/so that) he/she/it lose
(if/so that) we lose
(if/so that) you all lose
(if/so that) they lose
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya perdido
I have lost
hayas perdido
you have lost
haya perdido
he/she/it has lost
hayamos perdido
we have lost
hayáis perdido
you all have lost
hayan perdido
they have lost
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have lost
(if/so that) you have lost
(if/so that) he/she/it have lost
(if/so that) we have lost
(if/so that) you all have lost
(if/so that) they have lost
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have lost
(if/so that) you have lost
(if/so that) he/she/it have lost
(if/so that) we have lost
(if/so that) you all have lost
(if/so that) they have lost
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera perdido
I had lost
hubieras perdido
you had lost
hubiera perdido
he/she/it had lost
hubiéramos perdido
we had lost
hubierais perdido
you all had lost
hubieran perdido
they had lost
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese perdido
I had lost
hubieses perdido
you had lost
hubiese perdido
he/she/it had lost
hubiésemos perdido
we had lost
hubieseis perdido
you all had lost
hubiesen perdido
they had lost
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have lost
(if/so that) you will have lost
(if/so that) he/she/it will have lost
(if/so that) we will have lost
(if/so that) you all will have lost
(if/so that) they will have lost
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere perdido
I will have lost
hubieres perdido
you will have lost
hubiere perdido
he/she/it will have lost
hubiéremos perdido
we will have lost
hubiereis perdido
you all will have lost
hubieren perdido
they will have lost
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's lose!
Imperative negative mood
no pierdas
do not lose!
no pierda
let him/her/it lose!
no perdamos
let us not lose!
no perdáis
do not lose!
no pierdan
do not lose!

Examples of perder

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Give yourself to me Entrégate a mi Hey, uh, entonces, esa oferta... uh, de perder...! "Give yourself to me. Hey, uh, so, that offer of yours to lose... the big V I'm in.
! He despertado a Georgiana ella debería estar aquí en un minuto, pero no hay tiempo que perder.I've woken Georgiana and she'll be here in a minute, but there's no time to lose.
! No tengo nada que perder!- I've got nothing to lose!
! ¡Vamos, vamos, rápido, no hay tiempo que perder, vamos, vamos!Away, away, soon, there's no time to lose, away, go!
"Carajo, quiero perder mis complejos"?Damn, I want to lose my hang-ups?
"Mato a su amante, ella me odia y la pierdo".If I kill her lover, she hates me, and I still lose her love.
"Padre, ya ve, Yo pierdo mucho si la tomo."Father, you see, I lose a lot if I take her.
"Si gano o pierdo mi corazón.""Whether I win or lose my heart."
"Si pierdo esta oportunidad, nunca podré..."If we let this opportunity escape us, we may lose it forever!
" ...es donde pierdes tu corazón.""..is where you lose your heart."
"Cara, yo gano, cruz, tú pierdes."Oh! "Heads you win, tails I lose. "
"Cuando ganas, también pierdes.""When you gain, you also lose."
"Cuando pierdes a alguien que realmente amor , el dolor nunca se va " ."When you lose someone you truly love, the pain never goes away."
"Estaré molesto si pierdes peso" ¿Le dijiste eso?"I'll be upset if you lose weight." You told her so?
".. Y otro pierde.""..and the other one loses."
"... si él gana el mundo entero y aún así pierde su alma?" Mateo, capítulo Ocho..."...if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul?" Matthew, chapter eight...
"Ahora somos pocos, pero aún somos orgullosos, porque si un hombre pierde su orgullo, no es nada"."Now we are few, but we are still proud, "for if a man loses pride in manhood, he is nothing.
"Akiyama no puede pagar 50 millones si se pierde.""Akiyama can't pay back 50 million if he loses."
"Apostemos a ver quién coge por millonésima vez, yo, y/o quién pierde la virginidad por primera vez, tú"."A bet to see who got laid for the millionth time, me, and/or who loses their virginity for the first time, you."
"El dinero que perdemos" dice Borges, "y el dinero que encontramos cinco días después, no es exactamente el mismo.""The money we lose" says Borges, "and the money we find five days later... "are not entirely the same"
"Lo que perdemos nunca desaparece""What we lose never goes away"
"No importa si perdemos, pero ojalá marquemos e impresionemos a la gente.'I don't mind if we lose, but I really hope we make a mark and impress people.
"Nosotros nunca somos tan infelices, como cuando perdemos el amor. ""We are never so helplessly unhappy as when we lose love."
"Pero nosotros perdemos lo poco que tenemosBut we lose the little we've got...
"Si vos perdéis esperanza, abrumándose el día de aflicción vuestra fortaleza será disminuida".If thou lose hope, being weary in the days of distress thy strength shall be diminished.
- No perdéisYou don't lose.
- ¿Cómo es que vosotras nunca perdéis?- How come you never lose?
Ahí me perdéis.Ehh. Oh, that's where you lose me.
Así que, si os enamoráis de alguien, no lo perdéis jamás.So if you're in love with someone, you never have to lose them.
" Al igual que los ríos pierden sus nombres cuando se funden con el océano..."As the rivers lose their names when they merge with the ocean..."
"Algunos ganan, otros pierden, unos sonrien, otros gritan...""Some gain, some lose, some smile, some cry..."
"Algunos pierden toda el alma."Some lose all soul."
"Algunos pierden toda la mente y se convierten en alma"."Some lose all mind and become soul."
"Dicen que los adolescentes pierden la cabeza cuando se enamoran, y si alguna vez habéis estado cerca de Tom y de mi madre, juraríais que nunca pasaron de primero de bachillerato."They say that teenagers lose their minds when they fall in love, "and if you've ever been around Tom and my mom, you'd swear they never got out of 11th grade."
! Lo perdí!I've lost him!
" La perdí, ¿sabes de qué hablo?"l lost it, you know what l'm saying?
" perdí, ami amigo!"Get lost, my friend!
""En cuanto me miraste, perdí mi compostura"""The moment you gazed at me," I lost my composure
"Así que yo perdí a mi mujer y tú perdiste a tu hombre"So I lost my woman, and you lost your man
"Cuando un gran artillero registra tu nombre... él no registrará si ganaste o perdiste, sino cómo jugaste.""When the one great scorer comes to write against your name... He marks not if you won or lost, but how you played the game."
"Pero te perdiste y yo también"But you got lost and so did I.
# Baja a la casa, Me perdiste en la sombra ## Bring down the house, you lost me in shadow #
" Pickens que perdió sus piernas hace cuatro meses en un accidente del tren, se había entrampado subsecuentemente algún día viernes tarde cuando él se robó de su silla de ruedas. "" Pickens, who lost his legs four months ago in a train accident, had been trapped since sometime late Friday when he was robbed of his wheelchair."
" que perdió la capacidad de hablar y necesita un sistema. ""who lost the ability to speak and he needs a system. "
""se perdió, se perdió arielito, se perdió, se perdió, no está, no está"""He's lost! Ariel's lost!"
"... mi primogénito, y mi héroe, perdió."...my first-born son and my hero lost.
"...para remplazar el cuchillo que le pidió prestado y que perdió."...to replace the borrowed knife he lost
! Estamos enviando a nuestra gente por la galaxia a buscar algo que perdimos en nuestro propio patio!We're transporting our people across the galaxy... ..to find something we lost in our own back yard!
! los perdimos!We lost them!
! realmente los perdimos!We really lost them!
" Pero, señor, perdimos contacto con el general Borgov.""But sir, we've lost contact with General Borgov."
"Así tal vez, perdimos de vista las grandes verdades."That we've lost sight, perhaps, of the greater truths.
- La perdimos. - ¿que significa que la perdisteis?We lost her. - What do you mean you lost her?
- ¿Le perdisteis?- You lost him?
- ¿Os perdisteis?You lost?
Al hombre que perdisteis.- The man you lost.
Ambos perdisteis a vuestros padres de niños, ¿no?You both lost your parents when you were young. Am I right?
" se perdieron en el amor que anduvieron perdidos en el amor""They got lost in love"
"Casi todas las fortunas se perdieron - unas pocas se encontraron"Most fortunes were lost, "A few, they were found
"El guardia y todos los demás perdieron el juicio...""The warden and all present lost their wits...
"Ellos perdieron su encanto. ¿Qué?It wasn't a big deal. They lost their charm. What?
"La espada de Michael está en la Tierra. Los ángeles la perdieron.""The Michael sword is on earth. the angels lost it."
"Me perderé en ti esta noche.""l will lose myself to you tonight."
"Me perderé en tus brazos"."I will lose myself in your arms."
"No, perderé mi certificación.""No, I will lose my certification."
"debo ir como profesor a Jena, y perderé todo control de mi tiempo"."should I go to Jena as a professor, I will lose all control of my time."
- ! Pero te perderé, Daniel!- But I will lose you, Daniel!
"Envía el dinero ya o lo perderás todo. Nathan"."Send the money now or you will lose a great deal.
"Envía el dinero ya... o lo perderás todo."Send the money now, or you will lose a great deal.
"Pero al final, perderás.""But in the end, you will lose. Upon the right path, initially..."
"Si ganas, entonces perderás"If you win then you will lose
"Si no hay un Dios, entonces, no perderás nada"."If there is no God, then you will lose nothing."
"TGS" tiene que ser en directo o perderá toda la emoción y espontaneidad."TGS" has to be live or it will lose all the excitement and spontaneity.
"Ya que aquél que salve su vida, la perderá."For he that will save his life will lose it.
"la perderá."will lose it.
'Madre, no puedo mentirte, perderemos sin lord Stanley 'y te suplico que lo persuadas para que se declare con nosotros.'Mother, I can't lie to you, we will lose without Lord Stanley 'and I beg you to persuade him to declare for us.
- ¡Vamos, chicos, lo perderemos otra vez!- Come on, guys, we will lose him again!
.. perderemos esta cuenta...we will lose this account.
Ahora no nos iremos y nos perderemos Seligmann.Now let's not get out and we will lose Seligmann.
Alguien tiene que hacerlo, o lo perderemos todo.Someone has to do, or it will lose everything.
Si no cumplís la misión, perderéis el enlace y os tendréis que quedar en el barco.If you can't get it, you will lose the coincidence and you will have to stay on the ship.
Vosotros perderéis todo y nosotros volveremos al absolutismo, a la oscuridad.You will lose everything and we will go back to absolutism, to darkness.
"En la emboscada de la pubertad, las doncellas florecen, ignorantes del peligro que las acecha escuchan la radio, beben té, desprevenidas perderán su libertad.In puberty's ambush, maidens bloom, all unaware of impending doom They listen to the radio, drink tea, unaware they will lose their liberty
"Las grietas de anoche se perderán en ellas mismas.""The grievances of last night will lose itself in it."
"Muchos perderán sus corazones.""Many will lose their hearts."
"Señor, Ud. Puede conquistar el aire pero los pájaros perderán su encanto y las nubes olerán a gasolina.""Mister, you may conquer the air, but the birds will lose their wonder and the clouds will smell of gasoline. "
"Todos sufriremos las consecuencias, y muchos perderán todo lo que hace su vida deseable bajo un estándar de oro y plata"."Under a gold and silver standard, all will suffer more or less, and very many will lose everything that renders life desirable."
"El Gobierno decidió no exigir advertencias en productos que contengan cafeína, porque si los resultados fueran refutados el gobierno perdería credibilidad."The government chose not to require warnings on products containing caffeine because if the findings were refuted, the government would lose credibility.
"Nunca iré al mar pues vivo en la noche y me perdería" ."I will never go to the sea, for I live in darkness and would lose my way."
"Si la gente decente viese a los criminales tal y como son, pronto perdería el gusto por la chusma.""If good folks saw criminals as they are, they would lose their taste for the riffraff."
*si pudiese elegirme a mí mismo* *estoy intentando decirte que me perdería* *cuando estoy fuera de mí* *tengo que recordarme* *cuando no me siento a mí mismo* *la única forma de curarme*♪ if I could choose myself ♪ ♪ I'm trying to tell you I would lose myself ♪ ♪ when I'm beside myself ♪
- Bueno, resulta que Bryce manejó la fusión así que perdería mi status de accionista mayoritario.- Well, it turns out Bryce engineered the merger so that I would lose my majority stockholder status.
- perderías la cabeza.- you would lose your mind.
Acordamos que perderías, pero ganaste.We agreed that you would lose, but then you win.
Es comprensible que perderías los estribos.It's understandable that you would lose your temper.
Eso es porque los perderías.That's 'cause you would lose it.
El riesgo de realizar las pruebas de esta manera era que si algo fallaba, cualquier parte, perderíamos el vehículo entero.Well, the risk of all-up testing is that if anything failed, any part failed, we would lose the vehicle.
En un instante, perderíamos la Internet, los GPS, la televisión, la radio, los teléfonos, y los sistemas que controlan nuestras redes de energía eléctrica.In a flash, we would lose the Internet, GPS, television, radio, telephones, and the systems that control our power grids.
Eso puede salvar el planeta, pero perderíamos el universo.That might save the planet, but we would lose the universe.
Este país se está muriendo de hambre y si se enteran que tenemos un banquete perderíamos nuestra autoridad moral y, claro, autoridad moral es lo que más necesitamos.Τhis country is starving, and if word got out that we were feasting, we would lose our moral authority, and, of course, moral authority is what we need the most.
Había momentos en que pensé, que perderíamos otros 12 meses.There were times when I thought, would lose another 12 months.
Porque perderíais la guerraBecause you would lose a war.
- Ustedes perderían.- You would lose.
144 en Alemania perderían sus empleos.144 in Germany would lose their jobs.
AIP estaba muy preocupada de que fuera una película pro-drogas y de que como resultado perderían dinero.AIP were really concerned that this was a pro-drug movie and they would lose money because of that.
Amanda, para ser justos, pensaría que muchas personas perderían en una carrera a pie contra JT.Amanda,to be fair,i think a lot of people would lose in a foot raceto j.t. .
! La que pierda deberá irse de Kansas para siempre!The loser must leave Kansas City forever!
""No dejes que nadie pierda la calma""Let none lose his peace
""No dejes que nadie pierda la paz""Let none lose his peace
"Cualquier desafío al fideicomiso por parte del beneficiario, o alguien actuando en su representación, causará que el beneficiario pierda todo beneficio otorgado por dicho fideicomiso"."Any challenge to the trust by a beneficiary" "or someone acting on her behalf causes the beneficiary to lose" "all benefit granted by said trust."
"Confío en que no pierdas la calma, porque eres la única que puede ayudarme.""I'm counting on you not to lose your nerve, for only you can help me."
"Hasta que pierdas tus energías,""Until you lose all your energy,"
"Lo haré cuando tú pierdas los kilos del embarazo""I will when you lose the baby weight."
"No lo pierdas, Henry".Uh, "don't lose, Henry. "
" Es importante que vaya allí y hable a los obreros metalúrgicos, para que no perdamos la dirección del movimiento. ""lt 's important that you go there and speak to the metalworkers, so that we don't lose the leadership of the movement."
"No perdamos más tiempo.Let's not lose any more time.
*Yo digo que perdamos el control*♪ I say we lose control ♪
- Así que lo hacemos aunque perdamos.- So we make it even if we lose.
"Armad follón, pero no perdáis el compás# Kick up a rumpus But don't lose the compass #
- No le perdáis.- Don't lose him.
- Vosotros dos, vais en la ambulancia con él y, cuando lleguéis a urgencias, no perdáis a vuestro prisionero.You two, you ride in the bus with him, and when you get to the E.R., don't... do not lose your prisoner.
Ahora al menos estáis vivo, pero si os lanzáis a esta guerra puede que no sólo perdáis vuestro reino, sino vuestra vida.At present you are at least alive, Dauphin, but if you throw yourself into this war you may lose not only your kingdom, but your life.
Antes de que los perdáis para siempre, decidles cómo os sentís.Before you lose them forever, tell them how you feel.
"Ganen o pierdan, dejen su sangre en el hielo"."Win or lose, leave your blood on the ice."
"No he venido a la tierra para que los pecadores se pierdan, ...sino para salvarlos"."I came to earth not to lose sinners, but to save them."
"No pierdan la esperanza nunca."Don't ever lose hope.
"Tienen que estar protegidos y deberemos asegurarnos de que no pierdan el trabajo"."They ought to be protected and we should make sure they don't lose their job, right?"
"¡La única manera de ganar es hacer que los demás pierdan! Arrán... ".- is to make sure everyone else loses!
- No creo que los perdiera.- I don't think I could have lost them.
Puede que perdiera a mi grupo esa noche...I may have lost my group that night...
Puede que yo perdiera un ala, pero ella dio su vida.I may have lost a wing, but she gave her life.
Walker puede que perdiera la cabeza, pero no perdió la puntería.Walker may have lost his mind, but he did not lose his aim.
"Quizás perdieras a Diana en el camino"You may have lost Diana on the highway
O puede que las perdieran las dos.Or you might have lost them both.
Para los que se perdieran Ios episodios anteriores... o hayan perdido el hilo Ia trama... haré un resumen.For those of you who have missed the earlier installments, or have lost your scorecards, I shall present a resume.
Es la opinión general, perded el menú de Freddy, aunque el chico era un buen nueve.That's the consensus, so let's lose the Freddy's menus, although Ang the delivery guy was a solid nine.
Perded vuestra alma o perded vuestra vida.Lose your soul or lose your life.
! - Ha perdido el control.He lost control again
! Le estamos perdiendo!We're losing him!
- Te dormís, perdés.- You snooze, you lose.
! - He perdido el rumbo.- I've lost my way.
! Ahora lo perdido!Now I've lost it!
! Ha perdido su amor!She's lost her love!
! Habéis perdido el juicio!You have lost your mind!
" Sí... sé que estoy perdiendo la cabeza.""Yes... I know that I'm losing my mind"
"Ahora te estoy perdiendo otra vez."'Now I'm losing you all over again.
"Cometí un gran error perdiendo mi corazón. ""I made a big mistake losing my heart to you."
Ahora, cuando vos perdés, tenés que ir con la cabeza gacha, y no tenés que llorar.But when you lose, you have to go with your head down and you can't cry.
Esa cara es la que ponés cuando realmente perdés algo.That's the face you make when you really lose something.
Si dejás que ese odio te destruya, entonces perdés todo, y no podemos... no podemos dejar que eso nos pase.If you let that hate destroy who you are, then you lose everything, and we can't... we cannot let that happen to us.

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