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Tilef (to lose) conjugation

17 examples
Imperative mood
Imperfect tense
Perfect tense

Examples of tilef

Example in MalteseTranslation in English
Huwa biss mill-15 ta’ April 2010, mar-revoka tal-liċenzja bankarja, li BPP tilef kwalunkwe kapaċità li jidħol mill-ġdid fis-suq u biex potenzjalment ifixkel il-kompetizzjoni u jaffettwa l-kummerċ bejn l-Istati Membri.Only from 15 April 2010, with the revocation of the banking licence, did BPP lose any ability to re-enter the market and to potentially distort competition and affect trade between Member States.
Ir-raġel tiegħi kien jaħdem bħala uffiċjal eżekuttiv fl-industrija tal-azzar. Meta għalqet l-impriża, ftaħna razzett self-kejtering bil-kumpens li ħa talli tilef ix-xogħol.My husband worked as a manager in the steel industry.When the company closed down, we opened a guest house with his retirement pay.
Suppliment tad- dieta jew żieda fl- ammont ta ’ ikel jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati jekk il- pazjent ikun qed jitlef il- piż jew ikollu piż baxx waqt li jkun qed jieħu din il - mediċina.A dietary supplement or increased food intake may be considered if the patient is losing weight or is underweight whilst on this medication.
- jekk għandek infezzjoni severa jew deidratat b’ mod serju (tlift ħafna ilma minn ġismek).- if you have a severe infection or are seriously dehydrated (have lost a lot of water from your
50  jekk tlift ħafna fluwidu (deidrazzjoni) minħabba dijarea, rimettar, jew dożi għolja ta ’ pilloli ta ’ l- awrina (dijuretiċi).  l- użu ta ’ Diovan fit- tfal u l- adoloxxenti mhux irrakkomandat (taħt l- età ta ’ 18- il sena).  għandek tgħid it- tabib tiegħek jekk taħseb li inti tqila (jew tista ’ toħroġ tqila).If this applies to you, the use of Diovan is not recommended.  if you have lost a lot of fluid (dehydration) caused by diarrhoea, vomiting, or high doses of water pills (diuretics).  the use of Diovan in children and adolescents is not recommended (below the age of 18 years).  you must tell your doctor if you think you are (or might become) pregnant.
ADROVANCE mhux biss jimpedixxi t- telf ta 'għadam imma fil- fatt jgħin biex l- għadam li int stajt tlift jerġa' jinbena mill - ġdid u jnaqqas ir- riskju li l- għadam tas- sinsla u tal- ġenbejn jinkisser.ADROVANCE not only prevents the loss of bone but actually helps to rebuild bone you may have lost and reduces the risk of bones breaking in the spine and hip.
FOSAVANCE mhux biss jimpedixxi t- telf ta 'għadam imma fil- fatt jgħin biex l- għadam li int stajt tlift jerġa' jinbena mill - ġdid u jnaqqas ir- riskju li l- għadam tas- sinsla u tal- ġenbejn jinkisser.FOSAVANCE not only prevents the loss of bone but actually helps to rebuild bone you may have lost and reduces the risk of bones breaking in the spine and hip.
Barra minn dan, Zheijang Harmonic argumenta li l-Kummissjoni ma setgħetx tiftaħ il-każ mill-ġdid minħabba li din kienet tilfet l-oġġettività u l-imparzjalità ladarba r-Regolament ikkontestat propost mill-Kummissjoni kien revokat parzjalment mill-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja.Furthermore, Zheijang Harmonic argued that the Commission could not reopen the case because it has lost its objectivity and impartiality since the contested Regulation proposed by the Commission was partially annulled by the Court of Justice.
C3E Jekk entità tal-investiment tkun ċediet, jew tilfet il-kontroll ta’ investiment f’sussidjarja qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni inizjali ta’ dan l-IFRS, l-entità tal-investiment mhijiex meħtieġa tagħmel aġġustamenti fil-kontabbiltà preċedenti ta' dik is-sussidjarja.C3E If an investment entity has disposed of, or has lost control of, an investment in a subsidiary before the date of initial application of this IFRS, the investment entity is not required to make adjustments to the previous accounting for that subsidiary.
Dan jindika li minħabba l-importazzjonijiet li huma l-oġġett ta’ dumping l-IK tilfet mill-volumi tal-bejgħ u mill-ishma mis-suq fl-isforzi tagħha biex tevita t-telf.This indicates that the CI, faced with dumped imports, has lost sales volumes and market shares in an effort to eliminate losses.
Għalkemm, mill-2001, l-SNCM tilfet xi ishma fis-suq għall-benefiċċju tas-CTN li minn 44 % saru […] % fl-2004, xorta waħda kien hemm titjib fl-2005 ([…] %).Although SNCM has lost market share to CTN since 2001, going from 44 % to […] % in 2004, an improvement was, however, recorded in 2005 ([…] %).
Huwa importanti li nvidu l-produttività Ewropea u l-adattabilità tan-negozjiu l-haddiema, partikolarment fis-setturi li jinsabu f’diffikultà, u li nirkupraw dakli l-Ewropa tilfet fil-firxa tat-Teknolomiji ta’ l-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni,sabiex insahhu l-vantammkompetittiv u nkabbru l-produttività talhaddiema billinorbtu linvestiment f’dan il-qasam permezz ta’ mivuri li jsahhu l-organizzazzjoniu t-tahrim.It is important to boost European productivity and the adaptability ofbusinesses and workers, particularly in sectors in difficulties, and to make up the ground Europe has lost in the spread of information and communication technologies, so as tohone businesses’ competitive edge and boost worker productivity by underpinninginvestment in this area through measures to enhance organisation and training.
( c ) meta l-karti tal-flus ewro jkunu tilfu l-kulur bl-attivazzjoni ta » strumenti ta » kontra s-serq u jigu ppreżentati minn operaturi professjonali li jahdmu bil-karti tal-flus kif imsemmi fl-Artikolu 6 ( 1 ) tar-Regolament tal-Kunsill ( KE ) Nru 1338 / 2001 tat-28 ta » Gunju , 2001 , li jistabbilixxi l-miżuri mehtiega ghall-protezzjoni ta » l-ewro kontra l-falsifikazzjoni ( 1 ) : l-operaturi professjonali li jahdmu bil-karti tal-flus ghandhom jipprovdu stqarrija bil-miktub dwar il-kawża u nnatura tan-newtralizzazzjoni .Reproduction rules for euro banknotes also apply to euro banknotes that have been withdrawn or have lost their legal tender status under this Decision . ( c ) when the euro banknotes have been discoloured by activated anti-theft devices and they are presented by professional banknote handlers as referred to in Article 6 ( 1 ) of Council Regulation ( EC ) No 1338/2001 of 28 June 2001 laying down measures necessary for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting ( 1 ) : a written statement on the cause and the nature of neutralisation shall be provided by the professional banknote handlers ;
0. — Din l- approprjazzjoni tkopri l- kategoriji sussegwenti ta ’ persuni b’ diżabilità, bħala parti minn politika sabiex jiġu megħjuna l - persuni b’ diżabilità: - personàl rilevanti f’ impjieg attiv; - il- konjuġi ta ’ personàl rilevanti f’ impjieg attiv, provdut illi dawn ma jkollhomx impjieg minn liema jag ħmlu l- flus u ma jkunux qed japprofittaw minn dħul finanzjarju jew pensjoni dovuti għal impjieg anterjuri; - tfal illi għalihom għandha titħallas il- konċessjoni għat- tfal li għadhom dipendenti, skond il- kundizzjonijiet imniżżla fl- Artikolu 2( 2), (3), u (5) ta ’ l- Anness VII tar- Regolamenti tal- Personàl; - tfal li għandhom iżjed minn 26 sena u li m’ għadhomx eliġibbli għall- konċessjoni għat- tfal li għadhom dipendenti msemmija hawn fuq, iżda li għalihom it- taxxi għandhom jiġu ridotti skond ir- Regolament (KEE, Euratom, ECSC) Nru 260/ 68 li jistabbilixxi l- kundizzjonijiet u l- proċeduri ta ’ kif għandhom jiġu applikati t- taxxi għall- benefiċċju tal- Komunitajiet Ewropej; - orfni, li jkunu tilfu ż- żewġ ġenituri u li jirċievu pensjoni għall - orfni skond it- tifsira ta ’ l- Artikolu 21 ta ’ l- Anness VIII tar- Regolam0.— This appropriation covers the following categories of disabled persons, as part of a policy to assist the disabled: - relevant staff in active employment; - spouses of relevant staff in active employment, provided that they are not in gainful employment or receipt of income or pension deriving from an earlier occupation; - children in respect of whom the dependent child allowance is payable under the conditions set out in Article 2(2), (3), and (5) of Annex VII of the Staff Regulations; - children aged over 26 no longer eligible for the dependent child allowance referred to above, but in respect of whom tax is deductible under Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 260/ 68 laying down the conditions and procedure for applying the tax for the benefit of the European Communities; - orphans, who have lost both parents in receipt of an orphan’ s pension within the meaning of Article 21 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations.
B' mod partikolari hu meħtieġ li ż-żidiet fl-ispejjeż tax-xogħol ikunu moderati f' dawk il-pajjiżi li f' dawn l-aħħar snin tilfu l-kompetittività tal-prezzijiet .Moderate labour cost increases are particularly necessary in countries which have lost price competitiveness in recent years .
B' mod partikolari hu meħtieġ li ż-żidiet fl-ispejjeż tax-xogħol ikunu moderati f' dawk il-pajjiżi li f' dawn l-aħħar snin tilfu xi ftit mill-kompetittività tal-prezzijiet .Moderate labour cost increases are particularly necessary in countries which have lost price competitiveness in recent years .
Barra minn hekk, dawn l-importazzjonijiet tilfu mis-sehem mis-suq fil-perjodu meqjus.In addition, these imports have lost market share in the period considered.

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