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Pierde (to lose) conjugation

77 examples

Conjugation of pierde

Present tense
I lose
you lose
he/she/it loses
we lose
you all lose
they lose
Present perfect tense
am pierdut
I have lost
ai pierdut
you have lost
a pierdut
he/she/it has lost
am pierdut
we have lost
ați pierdut
you all have lost
au pierdut
they have lost
Past preterite tense
I lost
you lost
he/she/it lost
we lost
you all lost
they lost
Future tense
voi pierde
I will lose
vei pierde
you will lose
va pierde
he/she/it will lose
vom pierde
we will lose
veți pierde
you all will lose
vor pierde
they will lose
Conditional mood
aș pierde
I would lose
ai pierde
you would lose
ar pierde
he/she/it would lose
am pierde
we would lose
ați pierde
you all would lose
ar pierde
they would lose
Subjunctive present tense
să pierd
(so that/if) I lose
să pierzi
(so that/if) you lose
să piardă
(so that/if) he/she/it lose
să pierdem
(so that/if) we lose
să pierdeți
(so that/if) you all lose
să piardă
(so that/if) they lose
Subjunctive past tense
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) I have lost
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) you have lost
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) he/she/it have lost
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) we have lost
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) you all have lost
să fi pierdut
(so that/if) they have lost
Past impf. tense
I was losing
you were losing
he/she/it was losing
we were losing
you all were losing
they were losing
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu pierde
do not lose!
nu pierdeți
do not lose!
Past pluperfect tense
I had lost
you had lost
he/she/it had lost
we had lost
you all had lost
they had lost
Future alternative 1 tense
am să pierd
I am going to lose
ai să pierzi
you are going to lose
are să piardă
he/she/it is going to lose
avem să pierdem
we are going to lose
aveți să pierdeți
you all are going to lose
au să piardă
they are going to lose
Future alternative 2 tense
o să pierd
I am going to lose
o să pierzi
you are going to lose
o să piardă
he/she/it is going to lose
o să pierdem
we are going to lose
o să pierdeți
you all are going to lose
o să piardă
they are going to lose
Future perfect tense
voi fi pierdut
I will have lost
vei fi pierdut
you will have lost
va fi pierdut
he/she/it will have lost
vom fi pierdut
we will have lost
veți fi pierdut
you all will have lost
vor fi pierdut
they will have lost
Future in the past tense
aveam să pierd
I was going to lose
aveai să pierzi
you were going to lose
avea să piardă
he/she/it was going to lose
aveam să pierdem
we were going to lose
aveați să pierdeți
you all were going to lose
aveau să piardă
they were going to lose
Conditional past tense
aș fi pierdut
I would have lost
ai fi pierdut
you would have lost
ar fi pierdut
he/she/it would have lost
am fi pierdut
we would have lost
ați fi pierdut
you all would have lost
ar fi pierdut
they would have lost
Presumptive tense
oi pierde
I might lose
oi pierde
you might lose
o pierde
he/she/it might lose
om pierde
we might lose
oți pierde
you all might lose
or pierde
they might lose
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi pierzând
I might be losing
oi fi pierzând
you might be losing
o fi pierzând
he/she/it might be losing
om fi pierzând
we might be losing
oți fi pierzând
you all might be losing
or fi pierzând
they might be losing
Presumptive past tense
oi fi pierdut
I might have lost
oi fi pierdut
you might have lost
o fi pierdut
he/she/it might have lost
om fi pierdut
we might have lost
oți fi pierdut
you all might have lost
or fi pierdut
they might have lost

Examples of pierde

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
! - Iartă-mă! Acum voi pierde tot!I'm so sorry, and now I'm gonna lose it all... my... my life and... you.
! - Zice că-şi va pierde magazinul.- She says she's going to lose the shop.
! Darcy şi-ar putea pierde reputaţia în acest scandal!Darcy could lose his good name over this scandal!
" Ei au uitat z."" El pierde capul său."They forgot the Z. He'll lose his head.
" Este mai bine sã pierde o parte a corpului decât tot trupul tãu merge în iad ""It is better that you lose one part of your body than that your whole body go into hell."
! Primul motiv e că nu vreau să te pierd.My first reason is that I don't want to lose you.
" Am să mă pierd în seara asta " ; ""l will lose myself to you tonight."
" Pentru că eu nu pot te pierd din nou , Cleveland .'Cause I can't lose you again, Cleveland.
". Eu doar nu vreau să pierd prietenia ta ""I just don't want to lose your friendship."
"...ma face sa-mi doresc sa ma pierd..."... makes me want to lose myself
! Ştiu doar că Domnul înţelege ce înseamnă să-ţi pierzi un copil.I know that God knows what it is to lose a child.
"...iti pierzi inima""..is where you lose your heart."
"A şti să pierzi cu onoare este mai important decât să câştigi.""It's more important to lose with honor than to win"
"Cand ai un plan sclipitor, nu pierzi niciodată"When you've got a brilliant plan you never lose
"Cateodata castigi, cateodata pierzi.""You win some, you lose some."
" pierdem tot la ce ţinem", Tu ai spus asta.We lose everything that we care about. Those are your words. Doug, it's not your fault that Claire dies.
"Aşa că nu ne pierdem inima dacă..."So we do not lose heart.
"Ca urmare a sublicitarii de piese originale de F-14, acest program trebuie să fie considerat o pierdere a conducerii, una în care pierdem bani în timp ce ne extindem într-o nouă zona de achiziţii publice la Pentagon.""Due to the necessity of underbidding the original F-14 manufacturer, this programme must be considered a loss leader, one we lose money on as we expand into a new area of Pentagon procurement."
"Ce daca pierdem"?What if we lose?
"De aceea nu ne pierdem curajul.Do not lose heart.
! - Este un om care si-a pierdut fiica.-He's a man who has lost his daughter.
! Ai pierdut inelul ?Now you lost your ring?
! Am pierdut!I lost!
! Am pierdut-o.I lost her.
! Cu toţii am pierdut pacienţi.We've all lost patients, Detective.
- Să nu pierdeți prea mulți bani.- Don't lose too much money!
Dacã vã pierdeți locul de muncã, ai pierdut acoperirea ta, și noi toți plãti prețul.If you lose your job, you lose your cover, and we all pay the price.
Dacă pierdeți această mână, jur ...If you lose this hand, I swear...
Dacă pierdeți, Aceste lame va sfâșia corpul tinerei prietenului tău.If you lose, these blades will lacerate your young friend's body.
Dacă vă pierdeți cumpătul, care este ceea ce apărare se bazează pe, atunci vor castiga.If you lose your temper, which is what the defense is counting on, then they win.
Şi eu pierdui, c-am fost cam lăsător, vreo două rude.And l, for winking at your discords too, have lost a brace of kinsmen.
"Ea se pierdu itr-o febra de durere si placere. ""She was lost in a fever of pain and pleasure. "
... caleasca unui print se pierdu in padure Si se rasturna intr-o groapa.the carriage of a Prince got lost in the forest and fell inti a ravine.
...caleaşca unui prinţ se pierdu în pădure şi se răsturnă într-o groapă.the carriage of a Prince got lost in the forest and fell inti a ravine.
Aceste cărţi au mare succes succes, ştiu, mi-am pierdu însă toate însemnările, colecţia cu insecte ... în naufragiu.Such books are very successful, I know, but all my detailed notes, all my specimens... all lost in the shipwreck.
Capitanul pierdu tot respectul in ochii lui Anne in ziua aceea.The captain lost all respect in Anne's eyes that day.
A sprijinit ce încercam să fac, însă eram atât de prins în munca mea că nu mi-am dat seama că o pierdeam.She supported what I was trying to do but I got so caught up in my work I didn't notice I was losing her.
Acum 20 de ani ţi se năştea primul copil şi eu îl pierdeam pe al meu.20 years ago you were having your first child and I was losing mine.
Când te-a răpit Tarrlok... îmi pierdeam minţile la gândul că n-o să te mai revăd.When Tarrlok took you I was losing my mind at the thought of never seeing you again.
Faptul că te pierdeam pe tine m-a omorât.It was losing you that killed me.
Ieri, pierdeam şi apoi te-am văzut privind.Yesterday, I was losing, and then I saw you watching.
Acum o lună îţi pierdeai credinţa.Well, a month ago, you were losing your faith.
Ei bine, când tu pierdeai, eu... curăţam dulapurile şi scăpam de lucrurile vechi.Well, when you were losing, I was... cleaning our closets and getting rid of old stuff.
Erai în finală, si pierdeai si a mai rămas un minut, si a venit un set de valuri din senin. Îti amintesti?You were in the finals, and you were losing, right, and there was only a minute left on the clock, and this set came out of nowhere.
Oricum pierdeai.You were losing anyway.
pierdeai.You were losing.
A început să se întrebe dacă nu cumva îşi pierdea minţile.She began to wonder whether she was losing her mind.
Ai profitat de un om care-şi pierdea minţile ca să-ţi alimentezi dependenţa de jocurile de noroc.So you took advantage of a man who was losing his mind in order to feed your gambling habit.
Ajunsese deja în stadiul în care uita şi îşi pierdea controlul asupra corpului.She had gotten to the point... where she was forgetting and she was losing control other body.
Beam când Polonia câştiga şi beam când Polonia pierdea.When Poland was winning and I was drinking when Poland was losing.
Biata fată îşi pierdea tatăl, iar eu n-avem de gând să încerc să-l înlocuiesc.That poor girl was losing her father, and I wasn't about to try and replace him while it was happening.
75% din minele de cărbune britanice pierdeau bani.75% of Britain's coal mines were losing money.
Din contră, când troienii pierdeau, chipul ţi se întrista.On the contrary, your eyes narrowed when the Trojans were losing.
In perioada cand ei pierdeau oxigen, in timp ce isi pierdeau constiinta, au avut niste caracteristici care poarta niste similiaritati experientei aproape de moarte.In the period when they were losing oxygen, as they were losing consciousness, they had some features which bear some similarities to near-death experiences.
La jumătatea traseului şi Kris şi Amy pierdeau timp preţios.At the halfway point, both Kris and Amy were losing precious time.
Mulţi directori executivi de la marile companii şi-au crescut propriile salarii chiar dacă companiile lor pierdeau bani iar angajaţii lor erau trecuţi la coadă şomerilor.Many big corporate executives raised their own salaries even when their companies were losing money and their workers were being put into the unemployment lines.
'Veniţi şi vă bucuraţi cu mine pentru că am găsit bănuţul pe care îl pierdusem'."'Come rejoice with me for I have found the piece which I had lost."'
Am crezut c-o pierdusem.We thought we had lost it.
Am crezut că vă pierdusem pe amândoi.I thought that maybe I had lost both you and your father.
Brusc, te-ai întors din California, iar eu pierdusem totul.And then suddenly you were just back from california And I had lost everything.
Bunătatea lui... mi-a readus un pic din credinţa pe care o pierdusem.His goodness... put back a little of the faith I had lost.
- Apoi, dr Antuna, care-şi pierduse dreptul de practică după venirea în SUA, a primit şansa de a profesa din nou în statul New York, cu condiţia să plece definitiv din Florida.And then Dr Antuna, who had lost his medical status when he fled Cuba to come to the USA, was given a chance to obtain his medical licence in New York State on the condition that he leave Florida and never return.
Am ajutat-o sa gaseasca unul dintre copii care se pierduse in parc.I helped her find a toy rabbit one of the children had lost in the park.
Apoi mi-am dat seama că pierduse atât de mult sânge pentru că...Um, I then realized he had lost so much blood because his...
Baronul pierduse mult sânge.Baron had lost much blood.
Bletchley pierduse accesul la codul Enigma.Bletchley had lost access to the key Enigma code.
Îl pierduserăm pe fiul lui Thomas Longstride.We had lost Thomas Longstride's son.
Aceştia pierduseră aproximativ 500.000 de soldaţi 43 de divizii fuseseră distruse precum şi 2.000 de tancuri.500 a thousand soldiers had lost approximately, 43 divisions had been jammed, as well as two a thousand tanks.
Ce răspunsuri se aflau în documente tocate? 20.000 de angajaţi îşi pierduseră locurile de muncă.20,000 employees had lost their jobs.
Celelalte femei îşi pierduseră toată atracţia.Other woman had lost all appeal.
Cormorani care îsi pierduseră abilitatea de a zbura,... sopârle care se aventurau sub valuri, pentru a paste pe fundul mării.Cormorants that had lost the power of flight. Lizards that swam out through the surf to graze on the bottom of the sea.
Cântecelele şi regulile îşi pierduseră farmecul.The silly little songs and the silly little rules... had lost their magic.
"Progresul, asemeni mersului pe jos se obţine pierzând apoi recâştigând balanţa."Progress, like walking is achieved by losing then regaining one's balance.
# Dacă pierzând în viaţă înseamnă să pierzi totul # # mă regăsesc singur în această cădere ## If losing in life is losing it all, l'm finding myself # # all alone in this fall. #
- Cum, pierzând totul ?- How, by losing everything?
- O să sfârsiti pierzând tot vinul.- You'll end up losing all of it.
-Veti sfârsi pierzând bani multi.-You'll end up losing money.

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