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Verse (to meet) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of verse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me veo
I meet
te ves
you meet
se ve
he/she/it meets
nos vemos
we meet
os veis
you all meet
se ven
they meet
Present perfect tense
me he visto
I have met
te has visto
you have met
se ha visto
he/she/it has met
nos hemos visto
we have met
os habéis visto
you all have met
se han visto
they have met
Past preterite tense
me vi
I met
te viste
you met
se vio
he/she/it met
nos vimos
we met
os visteis
you all met
se vieron
they met
Future tense
me veré
I will meet
te verás
you will meet
se verá
he/she/it will meet
nos veremos
we will meet
os veréis
you all will meet
se verán
they will meet
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me vería
I would meet
te verías
you would meet
se vería
he/she/it would meet
nos veríamos
we would meet
os veríais
you all would meet
se verían
they would meet
Past imperfect tense
me veía
I used to meet
te veías
you used to meet
se veía
he/she/it used to meet
nos veíamos
we used to meet
os veíais
you all used to meet
se veían
they used to meet
Past perfect tense
me había visto
I had met
te habías visto
you had met
se había visto
he/she/it had met
nos habíamos visto
we had met
os habíais visto
you all had met
se habían visto
they had met
Future perfect tense
me habré visto
I will have met
te habrás visto
you will have met
se habrá visto
he/she/it will have met
nos habremos visto
we will have met
os habréis visto
you all will have met
se habrán visto
they will have met
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me vea
(if/so that) I meet
te veas
(if/so that) you meet
se vea
(if/so that) he/she/it meet
nos veamos
(if/so that) we meet
os veáis
(if/so that) you all meet
se vean
(if/so that) they meet
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya visto
I have met
te hayas visto
you have met
se haya visto
he/she/it has met
nos hayamos visto
we have met
os hayáis visto
you all have met
se hayan visto
they have met
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me viera
(if/so that) I have met
te vieras
(if/so that) you have met
se viera
(if/so that) he/she/it have met
nos viéramos
(if/so that) we have met
os vierais
(if/so that) you all have met
se vieran
(if/so that) they have met
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me viese
(if/so that) I have met
te vieses
(if/so that) you have met
se viese
(if/so that) he/she/it have met
nos viésemos
(if/so that) we have met
os vieseis
(if/so that) you all have met
se viesen
(if/so that) they have met
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera visto
I had met
te hubieras visto
you had met
se hubiera visto
he/she/it had met
nos hubiéramos visto
we had met
os hubierais visto
you all had met
se hubieran visto
they had met
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese visto
I had met
te hubieses visto
you had met
se hubiese visto
he/she/it had met
nos hubiésemos visto
we had met
os hubieseis visto
you all had met
se hubiesen visto
they had met
Future subjunctive tense
me viere
(if/so that) I will have met
te vieres
(if/so that) you will have met
se viere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have met
nos viéremos
(if/so that) we will have met
os viereis
(if/so that) you all will have met
se vieren
(if/so that) they will have met
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere visto
I will have met
te hubieres visto
you will have met
se hubiere visto
he/she/it will have met
nos hubiéremos visto
we will have met
os hubiereis visto
you all will have met
se hubieren visto
they will have met
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's meet!
Imperative negative mood
no te veas
do not meet!
no se vea
let him/her/it meet!
no nos veamos
let us not meet!
no os veáis
do not meet!
no se vean
do not meet!

Examples of verse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- La noche del accidente, cuando fue a verse contigo.The night of the accident when she came to meet you.
- Quizá sea para verse con McLeod.- Could be to meet McLeod.
- Según papá, para verse con Cox.-According to Dad, to meet with Cox.
- Sí. Y si alguien pregunta diremos que se fue a un hotel para verse con alguien.And, if anyone asks, we just say that he's gone to a hotel to meet someone.
- Tendrían que volver a verse.- They'd have to meet again.
- Solo vete, te encuentro en casa.- Just go. I'll meet you at home.
Ahora vete a tu casa mete todas tus cosas en una maleta y vuelve aquí después.Now you go on home and pack your things in a bag and meet me back here.
Ahora vete y nos encontraremos en la puerta principal.Now go, and meet me at the front.
Anda, sé bueno, vete.- How did you meet?
Así que mete tus grandes ojos marrones ahí dentro y vete a conocer a tu bebé.So get your big brown eyes back in there and go meet your baby.
- Entonces, veámonos en la entrada.- Then, let's meet by the entrance.
Con el tiempo, se cubrirá el roble, veámonos debajo de este, el mismo día cada año... por el resto de nuestras vidas.In time, this mantled oak, let's meet underneath it the same day every year for the rest of our lives.
Entonces veámonos a puertas cerrada.Then let's meet behind closed doors...
Hey, veámonos en tu casa hoy.Hey, let's meet at your place today.
Llamémonos entonces, y veámonos más seguido. Tal vez podrías venir a cenar.Lets call each other then, and let's meet up more often maybe you could come for dinner.
"1.200.000 cada 10 días"... 1,200,000 liras, ¿dónde se ha visto?"1,200,000 every 10 days"... A million and 200,000 lire, have you seen something alike?
"Ahora he visto tu país, y conocido tu gente."I have seen your country now, and I have met your people.
"Damon y Graham se han visto".He said, "Damon and Graham have met each other."
"En ocasiones he visto ..."Sometimes I've seen...
"Eres la mujer más encantadora, exótica y erótica que he visto y tengo que hacerte el amor ahora mismo"."You're the most lovely, exotic, erotic woman I've ever met and I must make love to you"?
George Sr. había estado viéndose con Lucille cada semana en la casa nueva bajo la pretensión de arreglar su divorcio.George Sr. had been meeting with Lucille on a weekly basis at her new home under the pretense of working on their divorce.
Guardó los recortes y siguió viéndose con ese hombre tan extraño.Yes, he'd saved those clippings, and he kept meeting that odd man.
La oficial Moran y Claudia Joy Holden, esposa del General Holden, viéndose fuera de la comisaría.Officer Moran and Claudia Joy Holden, wife of General Holden, meeting outside police headquarters.
La pillé viéndose con Conrad.I caught her meeting with Conrad.
Lexi ha estado viéndose con un espheni.Lexi has been meeting with an Espheni.

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