Ponas Ošonesis sumoka, kai su juo susitinku ir pranešu orų prognozę. | Well, Mr O'Shaughnessy does as soon as I meet him and give him the weather report. |
Su taryba susitinku po valandos. | I meet the council in an hour. |
Aš tik susitinku su kai kuo. | I'm just meeting someone. |
Aš su ja susitinku dabar, bet klausyk, Santa Rita nėra miestas iš vieno namo. | I'm meeting her right now,but listen, Santa Rita ain't a one-horse town. |
Gerai, bet prieš tai, kol tu išvyksi, aš... aš su kai kuo susitinku ir man reikia vertėjo. | All right, well, before you get out of here, man, I... I'm meeting someone, and I need a translator. |
Ar susitinki dėl ko nors įdomaus? | - Are you meeting on anything interesting? |
1620 NORTH RACINE PRABANGŪS APARTAMENTAI Su kažkuo susitinki? | Are we meeting someone? |
- Tu susitinki su mano bosu. - Taip. | You are meeting with my boss today. |
Tu juos susitinki ir vėl. Visokio amžiaus. | You'll meet them again at every age. |
Maniau, susitinki su McEwenu. | I thought you were meeting with McEwen. |
Mes ir vėl susitinkame, panele. | We meet again, Fraulein. |
Tai šįvakar visi susitinkame žaidime? | Are we all meeting for the game tonight? |
Tai, mes susitinkame vel, Bazai viesmeti, paskutiniam kartui. | So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear, for the last time. |
Rytoj susitinkame su mano broliu. | We're meeting up with my brother tomorrow. |
Nes komisija nori uzduoti mums klausimu, todel ir susitinkame ir as laukiu kol galesiu su jais susitikti ir atsakyti i ju klausimus. | Because the 9/11 Commission wants to ask us questions, that's why we are meeting, and I look forward to meeting with them and answering their questions. |
Tai vadinamieji Afrikos „gatvės vaikai“, panašūs į benamius šunis, su kuriais susitikau Uagadugu mieste. | There were the ‘street children’, as they are called in Africa, the forgotten victims of extreme poverty, whom I went to meet in Ouagadougou. |
Bet aš susitikau su juo. | But I did meet him. |
Nes aš su tavimi susitikau. Ne jis. | Because I'm meeting you, not him. |
Tačiau susitikau su vyru, | But I did get to meet the man himself... |
Su kuo tu susitikai? | Who did you meet? |
Kaip jį susitikai? | So, how'd you meet him? |
Ar susitikai ką nors, ką verta paminėti? | Did you meet anyone worth mentioning? |
Kur susitikai savo vaikiną, Whistlerį? | When'd you meet your boyfriend, Whistler? |
Ačiū, kad susitikai su manimi. | Well, thanks for meeting me here. |
Komisijos atstovai, Belgijos institucijos ir SEL susitiko 2003 m. liepos 9 d. bei spalio 8 d. | On 9 July 2003 and 8 October 2003 meetings between representatives of the Commission, the Belgian authorities and the company took place. |
2004 m. spalio 13 d. susitiko Komisijos ir Vokietijos atstovai bei pateiktos nekilnojamojo turto vertinimo ataskaitos autorius. | A meeting between representatives of the Commission and of Germany and the person who made a property valuation that had been submitted took place on 13 October 2004. |
Komisijos, Vokietijos valdžios ir Herlitz grupės atstovai bei įmonės paskirtas bankroto administratorius susitiko 2004 m. sausio 27 d. | A meeting was held on 27 January 2004 between the representatives of the Commission, the German Government, the Herlitz Group and the administrator in the insolvency proceedings. |
2001 m. sausio 11 d. Vokietijos vyriausybės, Brandenburgo žemės, tiriamos bendrovės ir Komisijos atstovai susitiko aptarti padėtį. | A meeting was held on 11 January 2001 between representatives of the German Government, the Land of Brandenburg, the company involved and the Commission. |
Nyderlandų valdžios institucijų ir Komisijos atstovų susitikimas įvyko 2004 m. rugsėjo 24 d. Susitikimas su De Telegraaf įvyko 2004 m. spalio 27 d. Susitikimas su Broadcast Partners įvyko 2005 m. sausio 5 d. Komisijos susitikimas su RTL įvyko 2005 m. liepos 27 d., o su VESTRA – 2005 m. rugsėjo 23 d. Komisija dar kartą susitiko su Nyderlandų valdžios institucijomis 2006 m. vasario 1 ir 14 d. | A meeting between the Dutch authorities and the Commission took place on 24 September 2004. A meeting with De Telegraaf took place on 27 October 2004. A meeting with Broadcast Partners took place on 5 January 2005. A meeting between RTL and the Commission took place on 27 July 2005 and between VESTRA and the Commission on 23 September 2005. The Commission had another meeting with the Dutch authorities on 1 February and 14 February 2006. |
Pagaliau mes susitikome, karininke Bensonai. | At last we meet, Officer Benson. |
Galų gale mes susitikome. | We finally meet |
Pagaliau mes susitikome. | At last, we finally meet. |
Mm, imperatorius. Pagaliau susitikome. | Ah, the Emperor.We meet at last. |
Džiaugiuosi, kad mes susitikome. | I've been looking forward to meeting you. |
Juokinga, ar ne? Jūs visi susitikote pas Aleną šįryt? | A bit funny, innit, you all meeting round Allen's this morning? |