Tom, fregant-se els ulls amb la manega, comença de barbotejar quelcom sobre un determini d'escapar-se de la seva malmenada existencia i la manca de simpatia de la llar, i vaguejar per l'ample món, i no tornar mai més; i acaba esperant que Joe no l'oblidaria. | Tom, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world never to return; and ended by hoping that Joe would not forget him. |
Aleshores Joe i Huck van tornar a nedar, pero Tom no volgué arriscar-s'hi, perque descobrí que en dar una guitza a sos pantalons havia engegat l'enfilall de cascavells de serpent que duia a l'anca, i s'estranyava d'haver-se pogut escapar de rampes, per tant de temps, sense la protecció de aquest encís misteriós. | Then Joe and Huck had another swim, but Tom would not venture, because he found that in kicking off his trousers he had kicked his string of rattlesnake rattles off his ankle, and he wondered how he had escaped cramp so long without the protection of this mysterious charm. |
D’aquesta manera, els criminalssospitosos o condemnats que haginfugit a l’estranger per escapar de lajustícia poden ser retornats ràpidament al país on hagin estat (o haginde ser) jutjats. | Suspected or convictedcriminals who have fled abroad toescape justice can thus be swiftlyreturned to the country where theywere (or will be) tried. |
Quan la guerra va esclatar a l'estat de Katxin, els refugiats van fugir cap a la frontera més propera escapar-ne. | When war broke in Kachin State, refugees ran away to the nearest border to escape. |
A més, el 27 d'abril de 2012, la policia s'emportà He Peirong ("Pearl"), la dona que ajudà Chen a escapar a Pekín, de la seua casa a Nanjing. | On the other hand, He Peirong ("Pearl") who helped Chen escape to Beijing has been swept away by police from her home in Nanjing on Friday April 27, 2012. |
No hauria de fugir. Si m’escapo amb un fugitiu em converteixo en còmplice. | I can't run away like this Especially with an escaped man. |
Si m’escapo amb un fugitiu em converteixo en còmplice. | I can't run away like this Especially with an escaped man. |
No hauria de fugir. Si m'escapo amb un fugitiu em converteixo en còmplice. | I can't run away like this Especially with an escaped man. |
Kriminal pren la identitat de l'home que ell mateix ha matat, i s'escapa amb els diamants, mentre nosaltres anem perseguint un cadàver ... | Kriminal takes the identity of the man who he himself has killed doesn't convince me of the diamond robbery and escapes with the diamonds while we give chase to a corpse... |
No, ningú escapa d'un camp de presoners Dàlek. | No. Nobody escapes the Dalek camps. |
Foren eloqüents en llur desastre; pero al cap de poc descobriren que el foc havia rosegat tan amunt de la soca contra la qual havia estat bastit (alla on ella s'encorbava cap en l'aire i es separava de terra), que un pam, si fa no fa, s'havia escapat de la mullena: així, doncs, maldaren pacientment fins que amb vilordes i escorces que arreplegaren de sota els flancs de les soques aixoplugades engaliparen el foc a cremar de bell nou. | They were eloquent in their distress; but they presently discovered that the fire had eaten so far up under the great log it had been built against (where it curved upward and separated itself from the ground), that a handbreadth or so of it had escaped wetting; so they patiently wrought until, with shreds and bark gathered from the under sides of sheltered logs, they coaxed the fire to burn again. |
L'advocat i activista dels drets civils invident Chen Guangcheng, sota arrest domiciliari des que isqué de la presó el 8 de setembre de 2010, ha escapat finalment del municipi de Dongshigu, a la província de Shandong . | Blind civil rights activist Chen Guangcheng who had been under house arrest for 20 months since his release from prison on September 8, 2010 has finally escaped from Dongshigu Village in Shandong province. |
El gir d'esdeveniments en la vida de Morsi, de presoner a president, no se li escapa a Rana Allam, qui es pregunta com a algú que havia escapat de la presó se li va permetre postular la presidència per començar. | The turn of events in Morsi's life from prisoner to president is not lost on Rana Allam, who wonders how someone who had escaped from prison was allowed to run for president in the first place. |
Per aquells que no ho enteneu... segons les imatges, hi havia 3 policies a dins del vehicle, 3 presoners que havien escapat, quan els homes surten de la presó disparant, fereixen a 1 dels policies, també mentre disparaven, un dels homes llença una granada pel costat del conductor, que va ser l'únic en veure la granada, va sortir del cotxe i va córrer a la cantonada mentre l'altre policia atenia el seu company ferit. | For the Ppl who don't understand .... based on the footage , there were 3 officers within the vehicle , 3 escaped prisoners , as the men emerged from the prison gate shooting , 1 of the officers got shot , also as they were shooting 1 of the men threw a grenade on the driver side , who happened to b the only officer that saw the grenade , got out of the vehicle and ran up to the corner while the other officer attended to his wounded colleague. |
Ma mare, qui havia pensat que ens havíem escapat fins a les colines, ens va trobar finalment en el cementiri i va plorar al vore'ns. | My mother, who had thought we had escaped further into the hills, finally found us at the graveyard, and cried as she met us. |
I els líders, Jeff i els altres ... si escapen o abandonen el país darrere meu, no em molestaria en absolut. | And the leaders -Jeff and the rest of ‘em... if they escape, leave the country while my back’s turned, that wouldn’t upset me none. |
Jo els detindré mentres vostés escapen. | Look, you, uh... I'll hold 'em off. You guys escape. |
Comparegueren els recels; esdevingueren contorbats i infeliços; un sospir o dos s'escaparen sense que ells se n'adonessin. | Misgivings came; they grew troubled and unhappy; a sigh or two escaped, unawares. |
Has empalat el cap d'un d'ells i has deixat que l'altre escapi. | You chopped one's head off and let another escape. |
Un paio com aquest, només és qüestió de temps que escapi. | A guy like that, it's only a matter of time before he escapes. |
Presoners escapant, problemes de lleialtat era un embolic. | Prisoners escaping,loyalty issues--it was a mess. |
T'estàs escapant sense mi? | You're escaping without me? |
No estic escapant. | I'm not escaping. |
Un de nosaltres sempre es estava escapant, o mentint- o col·locat. - o alguna cosa. | One of us was always escaping, or lying- or stoned - or something. |